Nine Heavens

Chapter 1660 Mysterious Immortal God

Chapter 1660 Mysterious Immortal God

After listening to Xiao Jian's words, Liu Qianlang thought for a long time, and said: "Some things, I finally figured it out, the first evil god in the heavens, the thirteen distractions of the primordial spirit, and the nine wisps of hateful souls, are obsessed with each other.

The reason why the lower realm entered the sudden cold and coldness, and even the dark spirit world outside the chaotic universe, was all for the revenge of the ancient immortals and gods in the heaven realm.

The thirteen primordial spirits are distracted, the age of illness and the age of death. According to Xue Zhan, they have never descended to the realm at all. Shadow Death has now returned to the heavens. The main god Aoyu Luodi is in the world of dark spirits. Nine distractions may be in the next forty-three hells.

The Nine Wisps of Hateful Soul has actually been seen by the spirit master before. If the spirit master guessed correctly, the dark primordial spirit is the main soul of the Nine Wisps of Hate Soul. The sign is just that the spirit master is not yet clear for the time being. "

When Liu Qianlang said this, he thought of a person whom he had met twice, that was Thunderbolt Xuanmo. Back then, when his mentor Jietong Zhenren taught him the merits of the cliff, he chased and killed his mentor desperately. Later, he took his brother Cheng Yuanfang who was turned into three wild waves and besieged himself on a strange island.

Could it be that Zhong Shi's obsession is him? Liu Qianlang has always been unable to figure out the reason why Thunderbolt Xuanmo has been chasing and killing his mentor and trying his best to deal with him. Now thinking about it, it seems to have something to do with Zhong Sheng.

But there is one thing that Liu Qianlang can't explain. The real mentor Jietong is only because he is implicated, and it should have nothing to do with the heavens. Real person, so it seems a bit far-fetched if the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon is Zhong's obsession.

Therefore, Liu Qianlang said thoughtfully.

"Hearing Brother Liu's words, could it be that Brother Liu has already come into contact with Zhong Zhi's obsession?"

"I'm not sure yet, let me deliberate slowly. By the way, Brother Hai Ling, the spirit master never knew that the number one evil god in the heaven world Zhong died in the battle of the heaven world, and by whom did he die in the end? His number one mortal enemy in the heaven world Who is it? I don't know if Brother Hai Ling knew?"

In Liu Qianlang's words, he thought of Xue Zhan saying that he was just a pawn of the righteous spirits and gods in the heavens. He faintly felt that he was being used, and he couldn't help feeling disgusted again, and asked.

"Hey! Brother Liu asked about the confusion of this Lingwang. I was also puzzled by what Brother Liu asked. Let alone me, even the number one evil god in the heaven who died under the other party's hands, Zhong Shi, didn't know about it. In the end, I died under the hands of a righteous fairy god in the heaven.


Liu Qianlang sighed in surprise. :

"I just heard that on the ancient light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, the number one evil god in the heavenly world, Zhong Sheng, went to the appointment three times to fight an invisible righteous fairy god. The first two battles were 300 million years and 600 million years respectively. For the third time, Zhong Sheng went to the appointment, and just as he climbed the Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, he was slaughtered by the opponent's inexplicable artifact, a long rainbow.

And the 100,000 yuan lost in blood is distracted, millions of souls, ten obsessions. He was wiped out in an instant, leaving only the thirteen gods distracted, nine strands of soul and one obsession to escape.

As soon as Zhong Xing died, the evil gods of the heavens had no leader, and their power quickly went downhill, and they were gradually suppressed by the righteous spirits and gods of the heavens.

However, the overlord of the universe who died in the clock, how could he be willing to die in such a muddleheaded way, so the thirteen souls, nine wisps of hatred, one obsessive, vowed to be reduced to no matter how cold and cruel the Nine Directions universe is, no matter how many reincarnations they have suffered Suffering, but also to find ways to find the righteous spirit who slaughtered him back then, to avenge the killing of Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountain!

At the same time, fight against the gods and gods of the fairy world again, not only to dominate the chaotic universe, but also to become the master of the nine-party universe. "

King Hailing shook his head and sighed when he heard the words, and said so.

"It seems that the original righteous fairy god was by no means incapable of killing all the souls and obsessions of Zhong Sheng's primordial spirit back then. It was probably a moment of kindness that left such a catastrophe in the nine directions of the universe!

But why is that fairy god like this? Since he shot three times, why didn't he completely kill him! Is there any connection between them? "

Liu Qianlang was deeply moved and guessed.

"The specific situation, no one knows except for the mysterious celestial god, and that celestial god is probably no longer in the celestial realm."

King Hai Ling then said.

"You mean"

Liu Qianlang didn't dare to tell the result of his guess.

"Brother Liu's guess is right. After the obsession of the soul of the remaining Yuanshen left in Zhong Xing, the mysterious primitive fairy god also destroyed his own body, shattering the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness, and then his soul obsession disappeared."

"Why is that?"

"My spirit master speculates that the mysterious primordial righteous fairy god seems to not want Zhong Zhi to take revenge, so he self-destructed!"

"Since this is the case, why should Zhong Shi go down to seek revenge? The enemy is already dead!"

"Brother Liu doesn't know about this. Zhong Sheng and his teacher Du Mo are disciples of the same master. They are born vicious and vengeful, and do all kinds of evil. After being expelled from the sect by master Yuan Jun, they joined Tianxie Palace and soon He became the Emperor of the Heavenly Evil Palace, and was called the number one evil god by the heavens.

Since then, he has become even more vicious, instigating wars between good and evil in the heavens, buying and bewitching the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa, and triggering wars between chaos gods and gods again and again. "

"Oh! The number one evil god in the heavens, Zhong Zhan, is actually the senior brother of Sword Patriarch Du Demon!?"

Liu Qianlang was taken aback when he heard this. Liu Qianlang really didn't expect such a situation, so he interjected and sighed.

"Some things are really unbelievable. Speaking of which, Zhong Xing is still my uncle, but such an uncle is fine. It stands to reason that if someone else knows that the mysterious righteous immortal has lost his body and soul, he should give up.

But with Zhong Sheng's character, he would never let it go like this. Even if the mysterious righteous spirit and immortal god had vented his soul to the lower realm, he would still pursue it to the end. Destroying all thoughts one by one will never stop. So there is the current situation. "

King Hai Ling helplessly said what he had been unwilling to say in his heart.

Liu Qianlang was silent for a moment, and asked, "Brother Hai Ling, have you guessed who that mysterious fairy god is?"

Hearing this, King Hailing just shook his head and frowned, not wanting to continue this topic.

"Hey! Your ancestor Yuan Jun is also true. You don't even open your eyes to see clearly when you accept apprentices. Why do you accept all kinds of apprentices. If your master doesn't teach him all the skills, maybe you won't be number one in the heavens. The evil god! There is no such thing as today we are so uncomfortable destroying seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell."

Xiaojian savored the words of Liu Qianlang and King Hailing, and said very dissatisfied. Yin Hong's eyes were full of anger, as if everything was the fault of Liu Qianlang and King Hai Ling.

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