Nine Heavens

Chapter 1665 Eight Soul Killing Technique

Chapter 1665 Eight Soul Killing Skills

"Boom! Boom!"

The behavior of the gray-headed blood-faced monster bee and the other eight evil insects was nothing more than trying to show off King Hai Ling. But how could Hailing King be afraid of the other party, and sneered a few more words, then swung the double hammers and smashed them down on the ashen-headed and bloody face.

The hammer rainbow strikes thunder and lightning, and the sword rainbow shoots wildly.



However, the Hailing Double Hammers fired by King Hai Ling did not hit the gray-headed blood-faced monster bee. Just when the Hailing hammer was about to hit the gray-headed blood-faced monster bee's head, the formation of evil insects suddenly swelled and exploded. The poisonous rainbow light waves intertwined with layers of evil colors seem to be rising, but they are actually extremely hard. They just bounced off the double hammers of King Hai Ling, which can destroy the power of mountains, and made a roaring sound.

Afterwards, the gray-headed, blood-faced monster bee slid back strangely, retreated to the root of the spider legs of the large array of evil insects, and kicked away the soul body that had just devoured the spiritual brain with other evil insects, and then beckoned to catch new ones. object of torture.

The eight evil insects looked at King Hailing disdainfully, and under the cover of the large formation of evil insects, they kept laughing and devouring Mingnao cruelly.


Seeing it, King Hailing felt angry and nauseated, because of the reaction force when the double hammers were thrown out, when he retreated, his stomach twitched and he vomited a big mouthful.

"Haha, Brother Hai Ling, let's back off a bit and let the spirit master deal with them! How could brother Hai Ling forget to protect the body and spirit gang when fighting with these bugs? The smell they emit is so foul that the spirit master even drinks Their elegant mood was ruined by them."

At this moment, Liu Qianlang was still sitting on the cloud bed of the waterfall curtain, appearing in the sky above the large array of evil insects with a radius of tens of miles. There was no delay.

"That's right! Brother Liu reminded me, why did the King Ben Ling forget this problem? Fighting with these bedbugs, if you don't take some protection, you will be smoked to death if you don't get tired!"

King Hai Ling saw Liu Qianlang brushing his white hair back, lying on his back on the cloud bed, looking at the sky, with a very indifferent attitude, naturally knowing that he has a way to deal with the eight evil insects below, so when he replied, Then flew more than a hundred miles away.

"Today, the spirit master is in a good mood. I don't want to kill all of you bedbugs with one sword. I want to kill eight of you bug heads one by one, and then the rest of you. Just watch you die and be scared to death. You guys Do you need to discuss it, who will die first?"

Liu Qianlang was smiling, his bright eyes gleaming with admiration, but he didn't look down at the large formation of evil insects, but drank fine wine, admiring the scene of his avatar cultivating on the three cloud platforms in the sky.

"Zhengling boy! What are you so proud of? Do you think that smashing the gates of the Badao Jueyang Linggong is very powerful? Open your eyes and take a good look at us. We are the number one evil god in the heavens. Among the eight soul-capturing generals, now in front of the eight soul-capturing formations, you still dare to talk nonsense, and you don't know how to wake up when you are about to die.

Let's do it, let General West Bee take care of you with a disheartened face, and this general will be annoyed by your virtue. Guard your positions, generals! "

Seeing Liu Qianlang's gesture of not paying attention to the eight soul-capturing formations at all, the gray-headed blood-faced monster bee was instantly enraged, and flew to the spider feet of the eight soul-capturing formations.

A pale gray rainbow shot out from outside his body, and hundreds of ghostly souls surrounded him with steam, roaring towards Liu Qianlang, who was thousands of miles high.

"What is the death of a clock? Is it also a bug? My spirit master always thought that mosquitoes, scorpions and spiders were only found in the mortal realm, but I never thought that there were many in the heavenly realm. Brother Hailing, it seems that being a god in the heavenly realm is actually not easy. Ah, look at those bugs, how annoying they are!"

Liu Qianlang drank by himself, spoke provocatively, and intentionally provoked the ashen-headed and blood-faced monster bee.

The gray-headed, blood-faced monster bee finally couldn't listen anymore, and let out a buzzing sound, and then the pale gray body suddenly burst into color.

The blood-red face flickered red, and then the butt fell off, and the body that was more than ten feet in size was restored, whoosh, the tail shot wildly and made a bee rainbow, attacking Liu Qianlang who was high in the sky.

Seeing this, the other evil insects recovered their bodies one after another, and attacked Liu Qianlang at the same time, using their housekeeping skills.

The black-faced liquid grasshopper, covered in thick black and green, and surrounded by pitch-black smoke, flew to the end of the spider-leg formation of the eight soul-capturing formations, opened its ferocious mouth, and sprayed out a long river of black and strange-smelling venom.

The pitch-black, strange-smelling venom coiled like a river, and quickly circled towards Liu Qianlang.

The purple-faced ice mosquito stared and buzzed, circles of purple poisonous light came out of its mouth, the halo was as big as a lake, and it frequently covered Liu Qianlang.

The green-faced flamefly kept fluttering its wings, shooting out clusters of emerald green and poisonous flames, like fire holes erupting, and flew into the sky one after another.

The yellow-faced wind scorpion kept flicking its tail, creating a vortex of red-yellow poisonous mist and evil smoke.

The red-yellow poisonous flames and evil mist merged to form a tornado, roaring towards Liu Qianlang.

The golden-faced Gu toad has a golden light all over its body, its eyes, and from its huge mouth, golden bubbles the size of a leather ball are constantly sprayed out, inside of which are all extremely poisonous golden poisonous Gu toad eggs. Live, eat your heart and brain.

The silver-faced laughing frog, silver-white all over, looks very cute, laughing non-stop from beginning to end, but the circle of poisonous laughter is full of silver rainbow. Those whose spiritual strength is not strong enough will have their brains cracked and their bodies collapsed upon hearing the sound.

The fishy fish with a colorful face, among the eight Soul Capturers, has the most beautiful appearance. After transforming into a human body, it is a beautiful woman with a phoenix crown and a rosy cape. Her attack and killing skills are: first, she is covered in colorful scales and turns into swords; .

Tianjie is known as the number one beauty in the Heavenly Evil Palace, because there are countless evil gods who were beautified to death when they saw her beauty, so there is a nickname called "Poison Beauty."

Hundreds of millions of insects flew up and down in the eight soul-capturing formations, creating a commotion. The eight soul-capturing people attacked together. In an instant, thunderbolts and lightning, evil rainbow light waves, strange smoke and evil mist, and hurricane sound waves rolled up like clouds and mist. , from above the earth dominates the sky, attacks Liu Qianlang directly.

"Brother Liu, be careful!"

Seeing this, Hailing King couldn't help but turn pale with shock. Although he had fought with some of the eight Soul Capturers before, he knew how powerful they were. But it was the first time to see the shocking situation where the eight soul-capturing formations were mobilized, and the eight soul-capturing people fought together.

Floating on the waves hundreds of miles away, because of fear and worry about Liu Qianlang, he couldn't help shouting to remind Liu Qianlang.

"When I was young, my mother said that all things are very interdependent. For example, very salty things, after adding a lot of honey, will become neither salty nor sweet. There are also extremely poisonous things. Find the right factors that are incompatible with them. Poison will also lose its effect.

Generally speaking, stinky bee stings are easy to deal with. First use the spirit shield to block the bee cone, and then chop off the stinky madman's butt to be safe.

Dealing with Grasshopper is even easier, just give it back his venom, then crush it. Mosquitoes, they are just some poisonous halos, which cannot get close to the body of the spirit master.

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