Nine Heavens

Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667 Fengling Controlling House

"Hehe, brother Liu is not fascinated by her beauty, is he reluctant to kill her?"

In order to ease the somewhat depressing atmosphere, King Hailing joked.

"Cut! Needless to say, King Hailing, you have only met your master for a short time, and you don't know him well. I am not a sword spirit. I have known his character since I was born.

You don't know, the master is a pervert, and every pretty woman he sees is lecherous. The poisonous beauty just now is so good-looking, it's no wonder the master doesn't fall in love with her!

You wait, when I see the master's wife, it will be strange not to tell him, hum!"

At this time, the sword spirit sword in the spirit sword of Jiutianxianyuanjian flew out of the sword body, and sat on the spirit sword of Jiutianxianyuanjian that flew back.

Looking at the two with their hands on their cheeks, their eyes flickered with light, remembering that Liu Qianlang once held hands with Princess Xuekuva Hebojie Longgong Yunyu, and saw the scene of his master enjoying the dance just now, so he was very annoyed Said.


Liu Qianlang was inexplicably upset when he heard the words, but when he heard Xiao Jian's words, he sighed slightly, then couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and then said:

"Well, Xiaojian's independent consciousness is getting stronger and stronger, but can you be more polite to your master, is this master so unbearable?"

"Why not, you don't distinguish between occasions, you always hold a broken wine jar, drink and drink like crazy, you look so ugly!

That poisonous beauty really knows how to flatter, what is Linglong, with a shocking face, smiling in the clouds, it's all nonsense, aren't you actually a drunkard? It's ridiculous and boring to let the brothers in the dark spirit world not help, and still want to pretend to be chic here. "

Xiaojian was not polite at all, and he didn't know why he was so angry today, and he scolded Liu Qianlang vigorously.


Xiaojian was still chattering, and Liu Qianlang was carrying a wine jar to drink, which made him a little embarrassed, and looked at King Hailing dumbfounded.

"Owner of the sedan chair! Are you talking too much? Brother Liu has traveled all the way. Without his protection and planning, how could we have destroyed the six layers of hell in just a few months!"

With King Hailing's cultivation and status, the reason why he is willing to call Xiaojian the sedan chair is entirely out of love for him. Hearing his irrelevant and heartless words at this moment, King Hai Ling responded to Liu Qianlang's embarrassed look, and then said to seek justice for Liu Qianlang.

"Shut up, you, Sea Spirit King, is not a good thing, others don't know, don't I know.

Back then when you drove the eight soul-capturing souls away from Xilinghai, it was because you couldn't eat grapes and said grapes were sour. I clearly remember that the first time you saw Du Mei turned into a beauty, your saliva was drooling, it was so disgusting! "

King Hailing failed to persuade him, but Xiaojian scolded him for a while, and Si Lanju's face was cloudy and ugly, which was extremely ugly. This time it was his turn to look at Liu Qianlang with a bitter face.

"Hehe, is that so, it turns out that King Hai Ling was also infatuated with Poison Beauty, so it's no wonder that now the spirit master understands why King Sea Ling hates Poison Beauty so much, and he insists on killing his primordial spirit.

It turned out that I was afraid that I would not get the beauty, let others get it! But this? Small sword! "

Liu Qianlang suddenly changed teams inexplicably, and even sang with Xiaojian, and turned to satirize King Hailing.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Aww! Brother Liu! Why are you talking so nonsense!"

Hailing King was furious, Hailing's hammer and sword clashed non-stop, roaring and roaring.


"Oh! King Hailing is angry! Heck, that's right, the more guilty the person, the more like this, there is no ghost in his heart, why bother to get angry!"

The more Xiao Jian said, the more outrageous he became, he turned around suddenly, stood upright, with his arms blowing in the wind, and a series of young woman's laughter came out of his mouth.

"Hai Ling King! Don't be so arrogant, you dare to threaten my sword spirit, can't you beat me!"

Liu Qianlang saw that Hailing King was angry, not only did not help Hailing King, but instead drank a sip of fairy wine, glared at Hailing King, waved his hand, and took the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spirit Sword in his hand, his eyes were icy cold , shouting at King Hailing angrily.

"Bah! Such a filthy sword spirit and a foolish master are all unbearable people, even if I, King Hailing, have no eyesight, I have followed you for so long!

So farewell, from now on we will be strangers, see each other but not know each other, and we will be ruthless when we meet each other! "

The King of Hailing was completely enraged. He stepped on the blue sea waves, swayed his several feet high body, shook his pair of Hailing hammers and swords until he buzzed, and turned to leave.

"Hmph! The sword spirit who bullied me still wants to leave! Courting death!"


The spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword trembled and groaned, and made a cosmic roar in Liu Qianlang's hands. The bright red sword and rainbow burst out, and the seven-star sword array of Tiangang above it was also a golden wave, floating and shining on the sword body.

Following Liu Qianlang's cold snort, Liu Qianlang pointed two fingers towards Hailing King, and at that moment, the spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword brought Zhou Tian's violent cloud hurricane, and shot towards Hailing King whistling.


"You guys are so ruthless and ungrateful. If that's the case, we'll fight to the death today. Don't leave if you have the guts. Either you die or I die!"


Hearing the Shaking Yu sword roar, Hailing King couldn't help turning around suddenly, his ball-sized eyes shot out bloodshot streaks of hatred, and the Hailing Hammer sword instantly spread the Hailing Hammer Sword Art, which was by no means weak, flying thousands of miles high, and then also Like electric shooting, he swung his double hammers and rushed straight down.


"Hit hard, hit to the death, this sword spirit likes to watch fights the most, be careful not to hit the head, it would be a pity to smash the head!"

Xiaojian jumped onto the clouds, his figure became more than half taller at some point, he covered his mouth, laughed loudly, and shouted to encourage Liu Qianlang to fight with King Hailing.


The spirit sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and the double hammers of Hailing King roared and collided amidst the laughter of the little sword, and there was a roaring sound on the Guanghao interface where they were confronting each other. The spiritual sword Yanhong Sword Curtain and Hailing Hammer Sword erupted in the surging blue light.


"Let go of me, I am the master's sword spirit! Why are you arresting me!"

"Bah! Open your eyes and see, I am the master's sword spirit. Since I dare to pretend to be the owner of the sedan chair, and deceive the master and the Sea Dragon King!"

"Crack! Crack!"

"If I don't slap you to death with my little sword today, I am not born by my parents!"

"Hehe, sedan chair owner, you were not born by your parents, you are a spirit body."

"Go! The owner of the sedan chair is here to interrogate the ghost. It's not the turn of the subordinate to interrupt. What kind of magic did the ghost use just now? Why am I confused? I can clearly hear what you are saying, but I can't move my body!"

"This is called Fengling Control She. It's just this ghost that got into your spirit body, sealed your primordial soul, and used your own primordial soul to control your body. If Hai Ling and I hadn't discovered it long ago Well, deliberately scolding and fighting, at this time, you may still be scolding us!"

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