Nine Heavens

Chapter 1669 Evil Miasma Cave

Chapter 1669 Evil Miasma Giant Cave


"As I said, you will regret it if you ignore my beauty! Since you want to kill me so much, then do it, but even the dead are not my opponents, I'm afraid of you

Look at how beautiful I am, how emotional I am, more beautiful than the four gods of beauty in the heavens combined, why are you so stubborn, can't you and the Jiufang universe be happy side by side? "

Liu Qianlang's words didn't anger Du Mei, on the contrary, it aroused the excitement of Du Mei and her countless avatars, Lingwu's movements became faster and more crazy.

In the dance room, the poisonous beauty's fiery gaze, with tenderness, greed and viciousness, shot at Liu Qianlang from time to time.

Every time his eyes meet each other, Liu Qianlang's heart is filled with horror, and it is also the first time that he feels that a woman's gaze can be so cold and frightening!

Liu Qianlang flew wildly with white hair, a terrifying hurricane suddenly rolled up around her body, and a blazing red Guanghao flashed under her feet. She stepped on the Shenlong Tiandial and swooped down. The sword cut downwards.


"Husband! Why are you angry? It's because Du Mei's dance is not good-looking, or the fairy music is not pleasant to listen to. What do you say, why do you want to kill Du Mei?"

Seeing Liu Qianlang slashing down with the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword directly in the sky, Dao Dao Dao Dao's light curtains roared into the sky with tens of thousands of roaring dragons. The poisonous beauty didn't stop dancing, and even infinitely charmingly called Liu Qianlang her husband.

"Damn! King Hai Ling, how can there be such a shameless person who can't be killed, nor can he be angry at being scolded, it's really unreasonable to open his mouth and call him a husband!"

At this time, Xiaojian had already woken up from the shock, and stared at Lingwu with her head down for a while. When she heard Du Mei's words, she felt goosebumps all over her body and her scalp went numb! He glanced sideways at King Hai Ling in the shuttle, and said angrily.

"Don't care about her shamelessness, don't do it yet! Seeing her makes me sick! Wow!"

With a roar from the mouth of Hailing King, he also called out sea waves, and swung the Hailing double hammers and rushed downward.

Xiaojian saw that the master personally controlled the spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, and it was better to return the body of his spirit sword to the sword, so he also drew a bright red and shot it into his own sword world time and space, and the master's thoughts Heyi, intends to concentrate on dealing with the shameless poisonous beauty.



Liu Qianlang drank wildly and flew swords, accumulating almost 12% of the chaotic divine power. After a few sword strikes, the sky of Jueyang Linggong was filled with a rainbow of swords.

Tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spirit Sword Stegosaurus, opened their teeth and danced their claws, tearing and devouring, devouring and tearing up large numbers of spirit dancers.

"Hmph! Zhengling boy, you are so ignorant! Du Mei treats you like this, but you are still so stubborn. Du Mei still said the same thing, disobeying the god of beauty, you will regret it!

Beauty Death Concubine Palace, let's go! "


After Liu Qianlang sacrificed the spirit sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, he stood firmly on the Shenlong Tiandial in the center of the shimmering Jueyang Linggong, his eyes were extremely cold, his left hand was holding the wine, and the middle finger of his right hand did not move. Keep injecting nine strands of chaotic divine power into the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword.

The purpose of Liu Qianlang's move is obvious, that is, to put the stack to death.

However, when most of the head-on-headed spirit dancers were slaughtered and devoured, the poisonous beauty floating on the top of a palace in Jueyang Linggong suddenly smiled sadly, then suddenly stopped dancing, turned her wrists and grabbed her body. The palace turned into a seven or eight-year-old girl who looked like a maid in an instant, and suddenly flew to her side.

Those dancers who never died then turned into countless evil-colored stars and got into the little girl's body, then Du Mei snorted coldly, dropped the words behind, took the little girl's hand, and didn't care about the wild Stegosaurus at all Jianhong, piercing through barriers like air.

Liu Qianlang and the Hailing King who floated over looked at Dumei and the little girl who was transformed into the beauty of the dead concubine palace and disappeared into the sky, and felt a burst of horror in their hearts.

Silence, long silence.

After the shimmering Palace of Beauty and Death disappeared, the real Absolute Sun Palace is a huge black hole with a radius of tens of thousands of miles below. Inside the black hole is a horrible green and evil rainbow, and all kinds of poisonous miasma and evil fog are churning endlessly, among which there are countless The broken arms and corpses of evil spirits surged inside.

The two of them looked closely, and they could faintly see the dilapidated castle in the dark brain-eating hell that was deeper.

"She turned out to be a distracted soul of Zhong Sheng Yuanshen now, which is really terrible. We actually met two of Zhong Sheng's Yuanshen distracted minds here!?"

After a long silence, Hailing King recalled what he had just experienced, and said with fear in his football-sized eyes.

"This is just her side story, it is not credible. She is the daughter of the evil god Xiemei in the heavens. Don't you also know that she lived with the number one evil god in the heavens, Zhong Death, and was later one of Zhong Death's hundred thousand evil generals. How could it be that Zhong Xing Yuanshen was distracted?

If Zhong Xing's primordial spirit was distracted, at least it should have appeared after Zhong Xing's light and dark Hunyuan Mountain Immortal War, but the Chaos Divine Book before that Immortal War already had records about Poison Beauty.

In particular, didn't she say that she wanted to destroy the brain-eating hell Jueyang Linggong, if she was also a distracted soul of Zhong Xing, even if she didn't get along, she wouldn't kill each other."

Liu Qianlang calmed down and thought about it carefully, denying the theory that Zhong Xingyuan was distracted after Du Mei left, and listed a lot of reasons.

"Brother Liu said the same thing. You can't tell the truth from this dirty woman's words. You don't need to believe it. Why don't we go down and check the situation of Absolute Yang Linggong, everything will be clear at a glance."

King Hai Ling thought about it for a while, and felt that Du Mei's words were indeed unreasonable, so he reminded Liu Qianlang.

"Well! This spirit master has exactly this intention. If she really destroys the brain-eating hell Jueyang Linggong, it should prove that she will not be another distracted spirit of Zhongsheng."

Liu Qianlang nodded and agreed, and for the sake of safety, the two took the Shenlong Tiandial and Hailanghua respectively, and shot them into the shuttle again.

Then he manipulated the shuttle, and slowly landed in the depths of the tens of thousands of miles of huge black hole, and the evil smoke billowed in it.

"Hey! You guys have to think about it, the child was so weird just now, it was obviously a big palace but turned into a little girl, just as annoying as the old child with broken trees and leaves. If we go on like this, will we have another child? Did you follow the advice of the dancing woman with her head up?

Maybe, we are landing in someone's belly. I'm still young, I don't want to die! You see, I can feel the pain now, and my incorporeal body has been enriched a lot! "

Behind Liu Qianlang and King Hai Ling, the body of the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Fate Sword turned into a small sword, and the small sword finally jumped into the huge hole, stepping on the Nine Heavens Fate Sword Spirit Spirit Sword, while speeding down, chasing the two , shouting while looking at the chaotic and misty space in the evil hole.

"Haha, what's the matter? Are we obviously trying to get into Du Mei's belly? Otherwise, how can we kill her? The owner of the sedan chair saw her head off, and she can still dance, so we have no choice but to deal with her like this up.

well! This is a no-way solution, either she dies, or we are finished! "

Hailing King laughed out loud when he heard the words, and said pretending to be helpless.

"Ah! My god! You didn't say it earlier!"


Hearing the words, Xiaojian turned over like a conditioned reflex, stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword, and pierced through the huge hole with a whistling sound.

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