Nine Heavens

Chapter 1671 Seven Emperors War Letter

Chapter 1671 Seven Emperors War Book

"No! Brother Hai Ling, don't do this, just sit firmly in the shuttle and practice, and remember, no matter what happens before I come back, don't leave the shuttle."

Liu Qianlang shook his head slightly, and reminded King Hai Ling, although he didn't look around, but King Hai Ling clearly felt Liu Qianlang's very vigilant expression.

Guessing that Liu Qianlang must have felt something, so he stopped insisting, and simply said: "That's fine."

Liu Qianlang didn't say any more, the wine jar in his hand suddenly disappeared, replaced by holding the Lingshan in his hand, and then, protected by the spirit of the Nine Heavens Fate Sword, the spirit sword trembled on his head, and steadily ascended to the high place by stepping on the Shenlong Tiandial.

Just as Liu Qianlang was drifting away, he swung his sword and chopped out seven clusters of divine light, and turned them into seven fake shuttles, so that they lined up in a row, lying below the sea spirit king for more than ten thousand miles.

And the area around the real shuttle where King Hailing was located was covered with a miraculous invisibility technique, Liu Qianlang's expression eased a little, and he felt relieved.

Watching Liu Qianlang's white hair fluttering around, and the silvery figure outside him gradually getting taller, King Hailing was very grateful for Liu Qianlang's care for him, and his eyes were full of relief.

Because he didn't know how to control the shuttle, he sat cross-legged in the shuttle. First, he closed the curtain and adjusted his breath for a few hours. Then, when he was refreshed, he continued to study the Sea Spirit Hammer Sword Art.



At this time, King Hailing heard loud thunderous noises and Liu Qianlang's hearty laughter from outside the entrance of the huge cave tens of thousands of miles high. Knowing that Liu Qianlang's righteous spirit must be going very smoothly, he couldn't help but feel more confident, and completely devoted himself to the cultivation.

King Hai Ling didn't have the ability to separate himself and refine the realm like Liu Qianlang, so he had no choice but to study and practice Hai Ling Hammer and Sword Art steadily.

"The spirit rises all over the world, the stars fly, follow my heart, the wishful spirit hammer. The nine-fang Yuhua, the infinite return hammer shines in the three realms, and the sword occupies the nine realms."

Hailing King muttered words, and waved the blue double hammers in the shuttle, gradually entering the realm of self-forgetfulness. He only knows that he is flying around in the shuttle, and has no idea what happened outside the shuttle.

While King Hailing was cultivating intoxicatedly, at least three changes occurred outside the shuttle.

The first change is naturally all kinds of thick and strange evil smoke and strange dances in the giant cave. With Liu Qianlang's righteous spirit, everything becomes clearer. The huge cave tens of thousands of miles high also roared along with Liu Qianlang's sword whistle, the cave walls shattered, and everything was reborn.

The shuttle and the seven fake shuttles, which were originally located under the bottom of the huge cave tens of thousands of miles away, floated on the ground of the human world after the righteous spirit as the cave was destroyed.

The second kind of change, in all directions, between heaven and earth, nine directions of inexplicable origin, directly shooting nine rainbows of various colors.

Inside Changhong, the divine light was vast and surging, and at a speed of 100,000, it couldn't stop pouring into the shuttle where King Hai Ling was.

The third change is that at the beginning of Hailing King's training, there are no people around, or even any ghosts and spirits.

But at this moment, on the seven fake, gorgeous and shining shuttles below, seven strange figures appeared strangely at some time.

There are seven strange figures, one is blue all over, and the cold smoke is swaying. It looks like it was frozen from chaotic ice. He is standing in the middle of the seven fake shuttles.

There are three people on the left and right, and three people on the left. One is full of blazing fire bodies of various colors, and the other is gleaming with oil, which turns out to be inexplicable oily bodies. The third is the body of a myriad of swords.

The third person on the right, one is a body created by a hurricane vortex, the other is an object made of strange rocks, and the last one is an evil object made of thunder and lightning.

The seven strange figures not only had strange postures, but also had strangely shaped faces, extremely ferocious, sharp, cold and sinister eyes, all frowning, fixedly staring at the intersection of the nine long rainbows.

"Hmph! The one who is causing trouble in the universe rainbow of the seven directions and nine directions must be the righteous spirit boy that Luo Di said. Unexpectedly, he has also mastered the magical power of stars and stars in the nine directions universe, so he can control the spiritual source of the nine directions universe at will. Used to practice magic.

Among the seven strange figures, the azure blue ice object in the middle stared at the intersection area where the nine rainbows converged for a long time, but the intersection area he saw was just an inexplicable state of nothingness and blankness. The infinite mighty trend of the nine rainbows, It comes to an abrupt end at its edge.

The seven strange figures all had amazed expressions in their eyes. After staring indifferently for a long time, Zhanlan Bingwu made a sound like an iceberg bursting, and said eeriely.

The azure blue ice object opened its mouth, and immediately spewed out a torrent of azure blue frost and hailstones from its mouth, making the surrounding space suddenly feel a gust of wind and cold.

"It's not surprising, he and Zhan Kongzi used to be brothers and sisters among the five people in this chaotic universe for more than ten years. According to Luo Di, it seems that they are far away from each other now, and they have not stopped communicating.

As for Xing Chen Dao Xing Dou Ling Zhan Zhou Tian Zhan Zhan Zhan, it is the Zhou Neng force controlled by Zhan Kongzi. As his brother, it is nothing if he has a little superficial control. "

As for the azure blue ice thing, the fire thing sprayed with various colors of fire, said indifferently, while speaking, the seven orifices spewed fire, which made people feel horrified.

"Why do you bother talking nonsense, since Emperor Oyoruo has ordered us to punish this evil human race together, we will kill him immediately!

I, the Prison Emperor of the Oil Pool, have no time to waste time for a kid in the world. I will succeed in cultivating the Oil Demon Cthulhu in hundreds of millions of years. Now is a good time to practice, but I can't afford to waste time. Whether to do it or not, I, the Prison Emperor of Youtan, can leave! "

These seven strange figures are none other than Liu Qianlang, Hai Ling, and the Prison Emperor of the Seventh Level of Hell in the Second Punishment Evil Thought Prison that Xiaojian is about to destroy.

The seven levels of hell are Mibing Hell, Demon Fire Hell, Oil Pool Hell, Sword Tomb Hell, Vortex Hell, Prismatic Rock Hell and Thunder Abyss Hell.

The corresponding prison emperors are the seven above. Among the seven Prison Emperors, each one was abnormally manic, and the Prison Emperor Youtan was even more prominent.

Just before he finished speaking, he shook his arms, and his body swayed in an instant, rising thousands of miles. Then he leaned over and opened his mouth to aim at the location where the nine long rainbows converged, spewing wildly.

All of a sudden, all kinds of fiery boiling high-temperature oil, like an oil waterfall of lava from hell, poured down from its mouth.

Seeing that Prison Emperor Youtan made a move, apart from Prison Emperor Mi Bing, the other Prison Emperors also raised their bodies one after another, roaring like shaking the sky, and were about to join the battle to kill Liu Qianlang.

"Prison Emperors! The Prison Emperor of Youtan is still not stopping. Emperor Luo ordered me to wait this time to challenge him in turn. The one who strictly ordered us to kill him still has something we want.

If you wait like this, he will be incinerated and refined in an instant. I don't know where he put all the treasures on his body. If he dies like this, the treasures will be lost. It's no wonder that Luo Di didn't want my life ! "


"Wow! It's disgusting!"

Hearing the words, the Prison Emperor of the Oil Pond was covered in waves of oil, and had no choice but to scream strangely and stop spitting out the waterfall of oil.


Prison Emperor Mi Bing waited until all the Prison Emperors calmed down, looked around, and then raised his arm first and threw an ice cone into the shuttle where King Hailing was.

Afterwards, the other prison emperors also threw out their own challenges, which were a fire bowl, a drop of burning oil, a sword blade, a wind vortex, a sharp ten thousand-edge rock, and an electric thunder.

The seven challenge books pierced the air and made ear-piercing whistling sounds, shooting towards the center where the Changhong gathered. Then, the seven prison emperors planned to disappear in smoke.

However, they suddenly felt a 100,000 huge righteous spirit coming from the sky, and their bodies that were about to move did not move, and then they all raised their heads and stared at the sky tens of thousands of miles high.

"Ha ha."

"You are so stupid to punish the seven prison emperors of the evil thought prison. You can't even find out who it is in the afternoon, and how can you fight with the spirit master!"

High in the sky, Liu Qianlang's white hair is fluttering, outside her body is a brocade cicada robe, a Tunlun cloak, and the wind is blowing, and she is stepping on the bright red dragon sundial that looks like a sky plate, landing steadily.

The seven prison emperors looked up at the Shenlong Tiandial and Liu Qianlang on it, as if seeing the red sun descending on hell, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Especially hearing Liu Qianlang's hearty laughter trembling clouds and mountains, the hearts and souls of the seven prison emperors couldn't help feeling a little bit tormented and uncomfortable.

The person in the Nine Paths Divine Rainbow is not a righteous boy, so it would be! ?

The reason why the seven prison emperors felt inexplicably tormented and depressed was because they suddenly realized that they had really underestimated each other. Since the person in the intersection area of ​​the nine long rainbows is not Liu Qianlang, it must be his sword spirit or the sea spirit king.

No matter who it is, they can prove one thing, that is, although Zhengling Boy is alone and lonely, his strength has really reached the level beyond the Netherworld.

Needless to say Liu Qianlang, only his sword spirit or followers have the ability to shake the divine energy of the nine universes. How could such strength prevent the nine prison emperors from trembling!

The figure of the Youtan prison emperor, who was more than a thousand miles high, retracted to its original shape in an instant, and the other prison emperors did the same.

"Oh my God!"

Prison Emperor Youtan was secretly afraid in his heart, thankful that he stopped in time just now, otherwise it would be no wonder that the Zhengling boy who flew back from above would have killed him with a sword.

Among the seven Prison Emperors, Prison Emperor Mi Bing was the most calm, although he was also overwhelmed by Liu Qianlang's aggressive righteous aura. However, it was only for a while, and then suddenly burst into laughter.

"Such a trivial matter in the afternoon, do you Zhengling Boy think that we will come because of it? If it is for the afternoon, I can just send a ghost messenger. Why come in person.

When I come here in person, the only thing I am curious about is to see how long the human monks who dare to venture into the seventy-nine layers of hell alone, destroy the first vertical seven layers of hell, and drive away the two primordial spirits of blood death and beauty death What does it look like. I didn't see your real Lushan face just now, so it's strange that I didn't recognize you.

But you, feel free to leave boldly and leave your subordinates here to practice magic arts, aren't you afraid that I'll kill him just now? "

Prison Emperor Mi Bing's words suppressed Liu Qianlang's words of humiliating the Prison Emperors, and then sarcastically.

"Hehe! Is that so? I seem to be hundreds of thousands of miles away, and I saw that stupid Prisoner of Youtan attacking my brother, but did you get a bargain?"

Liu Qianlang poured wine and said with a smile, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword on his head, the Spiritual Sword, understood the master's mind very well, slipped into Liu Qianlang's hands, and the sword Hong pointed directly at the prison emperor in Youtan.

"Wow! You are courting death!"

When the Prison Emperor of Youtan heard it, Liu Qianlang, who had fallen less than a thousand miles above his head, was insulting him with his sword, and suddenly roared like thunder, shook his shoulders, jumped up, and was about to strike again.

"Hmph! Zhengling boy, don't be quick with your tongue. If you have the ability to lead the way, come here as promised. Prison emperors, let's go!"

At the critical moment, Prison Emperor Mi Bing let out a loud roar and forcibly held Prison Emperor Youtan back.

In the next second, on the seven fake shuttles, the seven prison emperors turned into a puff of smoke at the same time, and then disappeared.

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