Nine Heavens

Chapter 1684

Chapter 1684 Resolute Lan Sheng

When the blood rainbow in Northwest Tianyu disappeared completely, the four Liu Qianlang also flashed and disappeared without a trace.

The time and space of the dark spirit universe, at this moment, Emperor Aoyouluo is extremely proud, lying on the throne of Emperor Lansheng in the seven-color universe, time and space, and seven-color Shenyu Palace, looking at the dead emperor, Emperor Lansheng, who is standing under his highness, with a look on his face. ridicule and disdain.

"Oh! Emperor Lansheng, do you have anything to say now? If you fight against this emperor, you will die sooner or later! No one can help you, Siling Boy, Xingchendao and Tianwu Kingdom!

Now that you're dying, where are they all? oh! I remembered, when my 800,000,000 heavenly troops, stars, soldiers, and generals attacked the seven-color universe time and space together, it seemed that they hadn't had time to enter Lansheng's palace, and we bloodbathed the five-color universe time-space in a blitz in just a few hours, and then Your Lansheng royal family has become the emperor's prisoner.

well! Don't blame this emperor for being cruel. Now all the dark spirits outside the palace of your five-color universe have been exterminated, and the millions of lives of the Lansheng clan in the palace are also being slaughtered incessantly.

Listen, which of your princes and grandchildren are wailing outside the palace? This voice is really nice. This Emperor likes to hear the wailing of the defeated when they are slaughtered! Also, look at the beauties in the hall who are playing songs and dances for the emperor.

Do you still recognize them? They are all your royal concubines and concubines. I told them that if anyone behaves well, the emperor may let one of them stay to serve the emperor when he is happy.

Look at how well they dance and work hard. Do you like watching them too? Hahaha"

Emperor Aoyou Luo did not know when he became eccentric in his speech, his tone of voice was sometimes male and sometimes female, and his once stern face was filled with a lot of evil pink color. He suddenly sat up, frowned and asked His Highness Lan about the thousands of steps. Emperor Sheng.

In the seven-color pupils of the Lansheng Emperor, there was a spirit full of anger and grief. Hearing the sound of his tribe being slaughtered and seeing the abuse, his lips trembled. The rainbow enveloped the control, unable to move, powerless.

Only weeping and indignant in my heart, my teeth were broken and my lips were shaking, and I cursed: "Zhong Zhan, you are too vicious! Today's dark spirit universe is in trouble, and it is all because of countless years ago, our five-color universe time-space, seven-color universe time-space and nine-color universe The first emperor of space and time of the universe is too kind.

Knowing that you are the evil god Yuanshen who broke into the dark spirit world from the Mingling world, you actually acquiesced in your surviving outside the Five-Color Universe Time-Space Five-color Shenyu Cave, so that the royal family of the Five-color Universe time-space changed hands. Doom!

However, you don't need to be complacent, you can only be complacent for a while, my emperor's today is also your tomorrow! Now the three boys, Xingchen Dao Xingchen Xingdou Lingtian War God General, Tianwu God Kingdom, and your former anti generals of the five-color universe, such as Daji, have all deployed troops around the time and space of the five-color universe. I believe that, They will eventually destroy you!

You evil god bastard full of evil, gods and men are all angry, you still don't stop, let my people go, you come at me with any evil tricks, torture and kill my people, what a skill! "

"Hmph! Crack! Crack!"

Hearing this, Emperor Aoyouluo was furious, and with a sneer, he suddenly flew in front of his highness, Emperor Lansheng, and grabbed two princesses of the Lansheng clan with his left and right hands, and tore them apart in front of Emperor Lansheng. Then he slapped Emperor Lansheng several times left and right, and then suddenly returned to the throne, staring at Emperor Lansheng coldly.

Shouting loudly: "Kneel down to this emperor!"


Emperor Lansheng, with disheveled hair, staring eyes and blood, seeing his clansmen being tortured and laughing sadly, how could he give in, let thousands of five-color cosmic stars Dou Lingtian hack Xiehong, just stand proudly and not kneel!

"Damn Emperor Aoyuluo, take your life!"

At this time, suddenly, one of the seven-color universe time-space Lansheng royal women on the stage who had been singing and dancing for Emperor Aoyouluo suddenly issued a shrill order. Then about hundreds of women from the royal clan of the Lansheng clan all of a sudden showed off the snow-bright dark spirit ice blades they had prepared long ago, and rushed towards Emperor Aoyouluo roaring.

However, what kind of cultivation is Emperor Aoyuluo at the moment, he didn't pay attention to the ice blade attack of hundreds of dark spirit women at all, lying on the throne of Lansheng's emperor, without even lifting his eyelids, he shot out with a snap of his fingers A burst of blood cut the throats of hundreds of women in an instant, and fell to the feet of His Royal Highness, Emperor Lan Sheng.

"Uncle Emperor!"

"Emperor Shi. I. We didn't embarrass the time and space of the five-color universe. Let's go first!"

These women, after falling down, were covered in blood, but they all gritted their teeth and knelt down, smiling, and saluted Lan Sheng's Emperor one by one to say goodbye.

"Go! Children, you did not embarrass our great seven-color universe time and space, our lives will be gone, but our royal family of the Lansheng clan will always be the pride of seven-color universe time and space. Please don't worry about the future, my emperor I'll be here to accompany you in a while!"

The Emperor Lansheng's eyes were full of tears, and he saw hundreds of young women of the Lansheng Emperor, one after another, automatically turned their bodies away, burst into a blood mist, and suddenly roared, the soul of the primordial spirit shattered in an instant, turning into an extremely sharp and huge spirit The sword suddenly shot at Emperor Aoyuluo.

"Be careful, Luo Di!"

The sudden action of Emperor Lansheng stunned thousands of star generals in the five-color universe time and space. They never dreamed that with the cultivation of Emperor Lansheng, if they wanted to, it would be no problem to wait for an opportunity to escape. However, instead of fleeing, the opponent chose to collapse and die to attack Emperor Aoyuluo.

After a moment of astonishment, thousands of Star Dou Lingtian Generals of the five-color universe time and space shouted almost at the same time.

However, Emperor Lansheng's actions were too unexpected, even Emperor Aoyouluo did not expect that the majestic Emperor Lansheng would take the initiative to explode his body to seek revenge! Because in the dark spirit universe, life is not as precious as spirit bodies compared to spirit bodies.

The souls of the Yuanshen are scattered, and there may be a day when they will gather together. However, the spirit body collapsed, and because of the demise of the seven-color jade cave, there was no chance to recast it again. Even if the soul of the primordial spirit reunited, it would only be a lonely soul wandering away.


Emperor Aoyouluo was stabbed in the chest by the spiritual sword transformed by the soul of Lansheng Emperor Yuanshen without any accident. Emperor Aoyouluo was pushed thousands of miles away. After a long time, Emperor Aoyouluo Only then stared blankly at the buildings and peaks of the Lansheng Clan's palace that had been destroyed by his own body, and stopped.

Then, Emperor Aoyouluo was furious, and the demonic power in his body competed, and he just stared at the huge sword of the soul and spirit of Lansheng's Huangyuanshen piercing his chest, and returned to the Lansheng's palace.

However, the desperate blow of Emperor Lansheng just now not only severely damaged Emperor Aoyouluo, but also destroyed the throne of Emperor Lansheng for countless years.

"Cough cough."

Emperor Aoyuluo was suddenly attacked. Although he was protected by the evil spirit heart mirror, he did not die, but the evil spirit meridians in his body kept turning upside down, making his life worse than death. with blood.


Emperor Aoyouluo spat out these two words with difficulty, and then immediately sat down cross-legged, not caring about other things, and immediately began to perform exercises to heal his injuries, and instantly entered the realm of evil spirit cultivation.

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