Nine Heavens

Chapter 1686

Chapter 1686: Mysterious Heart of the Three Universes

"Forgive me for being stupid and not daring to speculate wildly, and I ask the emperor to speak up!"

Liu Juan's body was covered with soul clothes of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine magical and spiritual treasures. Because of the slight movement of her figure, the light shimmered and the stars shone instantly. She probably guessed the person Jilong said in her heart. , but said modestly.

"The evil god Yuanshen distracted is Emperor Aoyuluo, and the souls of the other righteous immortals are Zhansheng today, as well as the Dongyuan fire witch Zhansha girl who sprouted with you, and the source water witch Shuijing Demon Lan Ji.

The water spirit Lan Ji should still be alive now, but since Zhan Shanv's soul, that is, Zhan Sheng's two fairy wives are here, it means that Zhan Shanv is no longer in time and space.

Because, without the transboundary spirit left behind when she was destroyed, to find and enter the bodies of the two fairy wives of Zhansheng, it is impossible for the two fairy wives of Zhansheng to step into the world of dark spirits in the state of chaotic human race cultivation. Moreover, this emperor can see that Zhansheng's two fairy wives are the souls of Zhansha girl's obsession with love, so it is possible for the three of you, husband and wife, to be here together. "

"Oh! Since the three three-color cosmic emperors clearly know that Emperor Aoyuluo is the evil god of the chaotic universe, and they should have discovered that he is ambitious, why didn't they slaughter him early, so as to cause today's troubles?"

Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes flickered, his long blue hair slightly moved, and he sighed.

"That's right! Boy Lan Ling is right. The three ancestors actually wanted to get rid of this evil god's distraction more than once, but they couldn't do it every time.

Zhan Sheng should remember, back then, when you, Emperor Aoyoruo, Zhan Sha Nv, and Water Fairy Lan Ji were born together, how handsome and beautiful the four talented women were. You are innocent, pure and innocent, and you don't know your chaotic life experience and memory at all.

Not only in the time-space of the five-color universe, but also in the time-space of the seven-color universe and the time-space of the nine-color universe, you four genius boys are the darlings of all the dark spirits. Moreover, she is born with divine wisdom, and can divine the world, and has done countless good deeds for countless people with dark spirits.

Tell me, how did the three ancestors manage to kill such four handsome young and talented women, and killed Emperor Aoyuluo among them! ?

In this way, seeing them grow up day by day, and seeing them become more lovely day by day, I simply thought that the four of you would never awaken the memory of the chaotic universe again, and would always be the darlings of the dark spirit world.

As a result, the Aoyou family of the five-color universe space-time royal family later included the current Emperor Aoyou into the royal family, gave him the surname Aoyou, and later became the prince Aoyou.

From then on, Prince Aoyou revealed his deeply hidden essence, and began to weaken the power of the Aoyou royal family by all means, and sat on the throne of the Aoyou royal family step by step, and then completely started his campaign against the chaotic universe. The wild revenge plan of the righteous gods and the strategy of dominating the nine-party universe.

Emperor Aoyuluo is also a master of divination, and the city is unfathomable. Even though he sat on the throne of Emperor Aoyuluo and realized his evil plan step by step, the three-color universe of the dark spirit universe was still kept in the dark. Holy shit, wasn't Zhansha girl and water spirit Lanji also deceived by him?

However, his ambition and unfathomable city were finally discovered by the three ancestors. However, it was too late to kill him. If he were to be slaughtered, it would definitely cause chaos in the three universes of the dark spirit, and the result was unimaginable.

After thinking for a long time, the three ancestors always thought that Zhao'an was the best, so the three ancestors secretly sent a letter to Emperor Aoyou Luo, inviting him to the Sanzhou Xuanxin of the Tricolor Universe to resolve the future peace of the Tricolor Universe.

Emperor Aoyouluo agreed with all his mouth, and to show his sincerity, he controlled a round of flying disk to attend the appointment.

In order to ensure the success of the negotiation, the three ancestors had already arranged in advance the Sanzhou Xuanxin, five-color, seven-color, nine-color divine power to flood the soul, and joined Emperor Aoyouluo's disobedience, and immediately used these three divine power formations to cleanse Emperor Aoyouluo. All the memories of his life, thus completely transforming Emperor Aoyuluo into a person of dark spirits.

Of course, this is a choice of last resort, because doing so will also cause an uproar in the three-color universe. Although the goal can be achieved, the transformed Emperor Aoyuluo will be a different person. In the future, although he will not rebel against the dark spirit The world is gone, and I will forget to return to the world of Mingling to seek revenge, but the former wise and powerful may be wiped out, and even become a puppet idiot.

After the three emperors saw the appearance of Emperor Aoyouluo, after greeting each other, the three emperors got straight to the point and made three grand promises: First, Emperor Aoyouluo must never step out of the world of dark spirits. Second, the three-color universe will always live in peace and will not violate it. Third, Emperor Aoyuluo loves the subjects of the five-color universe forever.

Emperor Aoyuluo heard the words, without saying a word, immediately saluted the three ancestors, then knelt down and brushed his heart, made a statement to the sky, and promised various things, just like the emperor of the universe, impeccable.

Seeing this, the three ancestors burst out laughing and were infinitely gratified, and they all supported Emperor Aoyouluo.

However, I, Nine-Colored Ancestor, said that when the three of them stretched out their hands and bent over to support Emperor Aoyuluo. Aoyouluo Emperor Body Sea suddenly shot out the five-color divine jade sword, piercing three hearts with one sword, and piercing the hearts of the three ancestors' dark spirits in an instant.

Then, Emperor Aoyouluo kept on doing nothing, flying to chase back the five-color divine jade sword worn by the hearts of the three ancestors, turning around and slashing wildly at the three ancestors.

The poor five-color ancestor emperor and seven-color ancestor emperor were smashed into powder and blood mist in the blink of an eye. However, when they were about to die, the two ancestors insisted on protecting me with the blood mist of the nine-color universe time-space ancestor, and entrusted me to send it out of the Xuanxin area of ​​the three universes.

Although the Nine Colors Ancestral Emperor was pushed out of the land of death, he was also disappointed, his body was covered with bruises, and his life was not long. So the Nine-color Ancestral Emperor came to the Nine-color Jade Cave with his last strength, jumped in, quickly took out the Nine-color Jade Nine Golden Lotus, flew blood all the way, flew to the light and dark world, and took the Nine-color Jade without hesitation. The nine-color golden lotus was thrown into the time and space of the chaotic universe of Mingling World.

Then I left a warning, and I was also wiped out.

What he warned the ancestors at that time was: Beware of the evil god Aoyou stealing the seven-color jade! The dark universe is about to perish, and the light will come again, when the nine-color jade reappears!

It's all my fault that the emperor was so focused on talking to you about the method of saving Lansheng's time and space, but ignored the possibility of Emperor Aoyuluo's massive attack! "

Emperor Aoyu Luo's face was dark, and after saying this, he was full of regrets.

"The matter has come to this point, it is definitely not what we wanted. The emperor does not need to blame himself, please face everything calmly. Emperor Aoyuluo, since he has captured the time and space of the seven-color universe, his current strength is unimaginable. Then, the time and space of the nine-color universe will not be safe anymore, we still need to think about it in the long run."

Liu Juan's emerald long hair gleamed, her complexion was condensed, and the corners of her mouth showed a trace of arrogance and disdain, as she comforted the Emperor Jilong.

"Yes! Sister Juan is right. If you guessed right, the investigative forces around the time and space of the Nine Color Universe have already been replaced by the investigative forces of Emperor Aoyouluo. The situation is really dangerous. If Emperor Aoyouluo did not Stop, and attack here after a little repair, it is estimated that it will be absolutely difficult for us to retreat at this moment.

However, he, Emperor Aoyouluo, was not always so lucky. Just now, my astrological ruler, Qishangquan and Chaoshuang Luoxiang Wujipan hexagrams all showed signs of a sudden decline in the fierceness. This shows that when Emperor Aoyouluo was proud, he was also hit hard by an accident.

We might as well fly to the south to take a look at the universe, take the opportunity to reorganize the defenses of the universe, and take a look at the current situation of the seven-color universe time and space. "

Zhankongzi Song Zhen looked at the gleaming astrological ruler in his hand from left to right, the Qishang Spring filled with seven-colored mist, and the Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Pan flying around him, and said solemnly.

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