Nine Heavens

Chapter 1727 Human Evolution

Chapter 1727 Human Race Evolution

Nine Swords is still dressed in bright red fairy robes, with colorful rainbows all over his body, his face is resolute and handsome, and his eyes are as deep as the universe.

Fairy Zixia, she has a beautiful face and a moony appearance, she is shrouded in a faint purple mist, and the fairy dress of Zixia is like a fairy dress, holding Ziyang in her hand and smiling.

At this moment, for the two of them, the rippling and fluctuating fairy rings outside their bodies are already tens of thousands, and their strength has increased to an incredible level.

Compared with Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, there is not much difference.

The two sides looked at each other with infinite emotions and excitement in their eyes. Both of them were speeding in Calais, and soon stopped at a distance of more than a thousand feet, which was inconvenient to continue approaching.

There was a moment of relative silence, only the beating of the heart and tears of joy.

"Mother, Brother Jiujian and Fairy Zixia, sister-in-law of Jiujian, are so pretty!"

The childlike Lian'er, look left and right, no matter how you look at it, Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia think it looks good-looking, heroic, raised her head and said to her mother, Shuangtian Emperor Shuang'er.

"But, Nine Swords is the first physical sword spirit of your father Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and your Nine Swords sister-in-law Fairy Zixia is the palace master of a divine lake in the first human world. How could it not look good?"

Shuang'er, the Emperor of Frost Sky, lowered his head and explained softly to his beloved daughter.

"Brother Jiujian! I knew you wouldn't lie to me. When you leave, tell me how to find you. It will be fine!"

In the sky, Xiaojian stepped on the billions of fairy swords and dragons, and seeing Jiujian and Fairy Zixia finally appear, his already exhausted body suddenly revived and shouted excitedly.

"Haha, Nine Swords is the number one sword spirit of the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. The sword is safe for everyone, and the sword screams for people. Now there is a spirit brother calling, how can it not appear!"

"Jiujian has met the master spirit master, the heavenly wolf sect master, the respected mothers of the sect masters, the guardians of the eight immortal swords, the spirit generals of the miraculous army, and the Jiuying brothers and all the little sisters and younger brothers!"

"Fairy Ziyang has seen all her superiors and brothers and sisters of the same generation!"

Nine Swords and Ziyang Fairy floated in the void, standing on the solid body of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, looking around the hundreds of spirit generals of Langyuan Sect, and saluting one after another.

"Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia, you don't need to be polite. What happened in these five worlds? All the common people have disappeared, and even the five great benevolent venerables of the Hele Xianmen who were sealed by the Spirit Master are gone?"

Liu Qianlang cut to the chase and asked her own questions.


Jiujian and Fairy Zixia looked at each other, and then sighed in amazement.

Then Nine Swordsman said: "It is now 6021 billion years after the five human ages, and the five human races have begun the sixth great evolution.

All the common people and all kinds of spiritual lives in Qingliu and the country that were protected and saved by us back then, as well as hundreds of millions of spiritual lives in other human worlds, have gone through the five human worlds step by step, from low to high evolution, breaking through the fifth human world The highest level has entered the high-dimensional space-time.

The current five human worlds have just begun because the sixth great advance has just begun, and all the spiritual thoughts of spiritual life are still in the stage of gestation in the Niangshan milk sea, so the spiritual venerables cannot see any common people's spiritual life .

If you want to see it, it will take about 30 billion years. "


Liu Qianlang and all the members of Langyuanmen were very surprised when they heard this, and they were all amazed!

"The sixth great evolution? Nine swords, can you explain in detail? This spirit master can't understand it. Could it be that after the five mortals lived forever, they didn't go to the immortal way, but discovered a new high-level place in the mortal world!?"

When Liu Qianlang heard Jiu Jian's words, he was surprised and asked with great interest.

"Yes, after the Spirit Lord led the Langyuan army to conquer seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell, for some reason, the five human worlds were originally at the level of chaotic spiritual energy, but there were continuous changes, and the gods and spirits of various heavens turned out to be It keeps appearing in the five rooms.

In this way, not only the five mortal immortal clans and the five mortal five major sects of Lexian Sect have advanced by leaps and bounds, they quickly broke through the limits of one layer after another, and quickly ascended to the sky of immortal gods.

Even the common people in the five mortal worlds and hundreds of millions of other forms of spiritual life are also evolving at an indescribable speed.

The spiritual life in the first human world evolved into the second human world in just a few decades, and then entered the third human world in just over a hundred years, and then continued to evolve, and soon penetrated into the fifth human world.

At this time, all the spiritual beings in the fifth human world unexpectedly discovered a new latitude spiritual time and space outside the five human worlds, so they created time and space spaceships and flew to the new spiritual time and space one after another.

Then and with their help, all the spiritual beings in the five mortal worlds, except us and the people from Lexianmen, went there.

But before they left, because they were full of nostalgia for the five human worlds they had lived in, especially Niangshan Ruhai, they used powerful human technology to strengthen all the buildings they lived in as much as possible as a souvenir.

In the first hundreds of millions of years they left, they sometimes returned to the five old places on earth to revisit, and sometimes built several buildings of their new civilization as worship to their old places!

But since then, they haven't been seen again! "

Having said this, Jiu Jian stopped and shook his head slightly.

"After that, something terrible must have happened, right?"

Liu Qianlang asked softly, afraid of scaring Jiu Jian who was speaking.

Around, in the darkness, everyone listened quietly.

"I don't know why, one day, the world of the five worlds suddenly turned upside down, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, the sky burst into flames, the ground erupted lava, the clouds shattered and the peaks flew, the rivers, lakes and seas roared... everything in the five worlds was upended and destroyed!

This process of destruction lasted for hundreds of billions of years, and the situation continued to escalate and deteriorate, terrifying to the point of unimaginable.

The last five people fell into a huge burning fireball.

This state lasted for hundreds of billions of years, and then the five burning worlds began to be annihilated slowly, and began to enter another hundreds of billions of years of continuous heavy rain.

Until one day, the five worlds finally returned to peace, the sun began to rise in the east, and the moon began to set in the west.

However, there is no longer any spiritual life in the five worlds, and the five people who left the world have never returned. "

"That you!?"

Behind Liu Qianlang, Pa'er, the former son of Wenyang, asked, shaking his Xinglie cloud fan slightly.

At that time, we firmly believed that one day, your lords will return sooner or later, so we stuck to the five human worlds and did not choose to ascend to the heavens.

Instead, they all entered the time boat of the fairy master Yaya, drifting in the five worlds of fire, sky, rain, and practicing hard until the five worlds returned to peace.

Immortal Lord Yaya tried to get in touch with the five mortals who had no news of her by any means, but she never succeeded.

So Immortal Lord Yaya fell into infinite pain and self-blame, always saying that she had failed the entrustment of the master and the little master to protect the five people in the world, I couldn't sleep, and I had no interest in eating.

Finally one day, Immortal Lord Yaya and Deputy Immortal Master Yun sent all five of us from the human world and Le Xianmen monks to the Dieyuan Spiritual Realm where we are now, and they took the time boat to find the five people from the human world.

So far no audio.

After that, six great evolutions of spiritual initiation and ascension took place in the five worlds.

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