Nine Heavens

Chapter 1761 Flowing Rainbow Flying Bridge

Chapter 1761 Flowing Rainbow Flying Bridge

"Daddy, Uncle Yuanfang, look quickly! Hehe, my Shenlian is so amazing!"

At this time, Lian'er was holding the Nine Colors Divine Lotus in her small hand, surrounded by the Nine Mothers, sisters and playmates, Piao Fei approached Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, and shouted with joy.

"Well, Lian'er's divine lotus is really too mysterious. It can lead the way in the spiritual world of the twenty-eight hells. Now that the Nine Spirits and Immortal Music, the Nine Colors and the Rainbow, and the magical and magical fragrance appear, could it be that the Empress Nuwa is coming to visit her?" Already!"

Cheng Yuanfang looked at his lovely niece, and the nine-color auspicious rainbow flowed into the sky from the nine-color lotus on his little hands, and smiled.

"Hehe, if Empress Nuwa comes here, it will be a lot of luck. However, I heard that Empress Nuwa was also reincarnated in the lower world. Now I don't know whether to combine souls or separate souls in the Nine Directions Universe. It is obviously impossible.

However, Qianlang was very puzzled, how could Lian'er have such a fate with Empress Nuwa, even the Holy God gave her the only source of soul that the Holy God created man to pick Rainbow Soul, God Lotus? "

Liu Qianlang loves Lian'er ten thousand times, but there are many strange things about this daughter that she can't understand.

"What's so strange about this, my husband was ordered by the seven-color fate soul in Tianling River, determined to cultivate in the world, eliminate the pain in the world, and return to heaven to do good deeds.

Speaking of which, the husband can be regarded as the disciple of Empress Nuwa, and it is not difficult to understand that the master cares about the disciple and treats the grandson well! Right, baby? "

Princess Jinling stepped forward, squatted beside Lian Er, stroked Lian Er's pretty face, looked up at everyone and said.

Who is Empress Nuwa? Since it's Daddy's master, then it's my master, Mother Ling, why haven't I seen it before? "

Lian Er flashed her eyes and thought for a moment, then asked Princess Jinling.

"Lian'er, don't worry, one day you will ascend to the Nine Heavens and become a Nine Heavens Immortal God, and you will be able to see her naturally. As for now, don't be too playful in the future, and slip away when you talk about practicing, so you can't see the Holy Goddess Empress Wa."

When Emperor Shuangtian heard his daughter's words, he did not forget to take the opportunity to teach her a few words.

"Forget it then. What's the use of seeing her? It's better to play with the sisters and the little devil turtle. Besides, why do you need to practice kung fu? When daddy ascends, hide in the black jade skull Why don't you fly up with daddy!"

Although Lian'er is small, she has carefully observed Liu Qianlang's ink jade skull many times, and found that this thing is really good. No matter how dangerous it is outside, it will be fine if you drill inside, and don't use caves inside. It is infinitely vast and beautiful. wonderland.

Therefore, the small calculations have been made long ago, come out when it is fun outside, and go in when it is not fun outside, what kind of practice, those who practice, whoever likes it, go.


Shuang Tianda was speechless for a while when he heard the words, and looked around at the eight sisters.

"Hey! Who told this child to be the second generation of the emperor? The mother is the first emperor of all kingdoms in the world. She is an all-powerful hero in the world, so she gave birth to a daughter. The daughter doesn't have to do anything, just sit back and enjoy her achievements.

Especially with a father who knows how to protect children! "

Seeing this, Pa'er took the opportunity to amuse Emperor Shuangtian.

"Heck... Sister Pa'er is praising Lian'er, or is she criticizing Lian'er. If you criticize Lian'er, then you have no right to speak, and most of Lian'er's laziness is due to your pampering.

Mother, think of ways to let your daughter practice kung fu, but you have nothing to do to find a reason and always take the seven sisters to learn some aesthetics. "

Everyone laughed when they heard Pa'er's words, Dong Luo waved a peach blossom fan, looked at Pa'er with beautiful eyes, and smiled.



Lian'er has long been accustomed to the fights of her elders and is not interested, but suddenly she saw the Nine Colors God Lotus suddenly flying to a position several feet above her head.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver, the nine colors are more intense, and the brilliance is constantly becoming stronger. Nine lotus petals burst into rainbows and auspicious clouds in all directions, covering all the spaces with a radius of thousands of miles.

The nine-color lotus continued to fly high, and soon stopped at a position about 10,000 zhang high above the shuttle, like a nine-color phoenix in the sky, and the nine-color raging fire Xiafei.


Lian'er raised her head and looked at it proudly. Only she had such a dazzling and magical fetish, so she looked at the envious eyes of everyone around her and kept smiling contentedly.


"Sister Tianling, are the nine rainbow bridges shot out by the Nine Colors Divine Lotus to pick up the parents?"

Standing next to Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang, Danrou and Liusha were so excited that their eyes were filled with tears when they confirmed from the mouths of the two elders that their parents had really returned. They couldn't bear to look into the vast depths of Dieyuan .

Suddenly, I saw nine nine-color lotus stamens in my sister's nine-color lotus, like nine villains, staggering upwards and standing up, and then shot out nine nine-color rainbow bridges, non-stop towards the vast sea of ​​mysterious flames in the depths of Dieyuan. The depths extended, so Liusha shouted in surprise.

"Ha ha……"

"Dan Rou, Liu Sha, be more patient, Uncle Chaos Eyes in the distance can already see your parents, Shenlian Hongqiao will take over, and within ten billion years, your parents will be here!"

Cheng Yuanfang saw the Nine-Color God Lotus pick him up, although he didn't know what the Nine-Color God Lotus would do, but it was a good thing after all, the Chaos God's eyes were sparkling, and he laughed.

"Oh my god! It's been so long. It's too slow, good master, good uncle! Why don't you control the time-traveling shuttle and accompany us to bring back parents, teachers and aunts, okay? We miss them so much!"

When Danrou and Liusha heard that it would take ten billion years to see her parents, she frowned and smiled bitterly, and then acted coquettishly. Beg two elders.

"Hey! Sister Rou'er, Sister Liusha! Why are you begging Daddy and Uncle Yuanfang.

You have forgotten that the speed of the shuttle flying through the twenty-eight prisons and the spiritual world cannot be escaped instantly, but it is my rainbow silk..."

At this time, Lian'er took Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, and flew above the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus on the rainbow damask. Bathed in the nine-colored rays, she shouted proudly.


When Danrou and Liusha heard it, she suddenly came to her senses, and both of them turned their eyes to Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang.

Liu Qianlang and Cheng Yuanfang didn't speak, but they both smiled and nodded.

"Good sister, good sister, yes! Why are we so confused and forgot the most powerful sister Lian'er and Nine-color Shenlian in the Langyuan Sect? Damn it!

It turns out that Nine Colors God Lotus and Rainbow Ling can bring their parents back as soon as possible, please help our two sisters, please? "

Danrou and Liusha got nods from the two elders, and quickly complimented Lianer with sweet words.

"Cut! You two sisters are so shameless, there are so many people who praise me, don't think that I will faint after a few compliments!

Let me tell you, Lian Er, I am a person with dignity and principles. It is not impossible for me to help you. You need to promise me three conditions! "

Danrou and Liusha thought that her younger sister, Lian'er, liked to be complimented, and the two sisters would definitely "touch" each other after a good compliment.

I didn't want this little guy, not only didn't agree immediately like before, but he also spoke in a serious manner like Uncle Cuigan Shenlong, with a sacred and inviolable look on his face.

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