Nine Heavens

Chapter 1763 Three Great Shenzhous

Chapter 1763 Three Great Shenzhous

On the left side of this person is a beautiful woman with long blue hair fluttering and wearing a white orchid fairy dress. On her beautiful face, there are two beautiful blue eyes, like two bright sapphires, crystal clear and sparkling.

She held an extremely long golden magic whip in her hand, above which, stars were shining.

There was a blue crescent moon shining on the forehead of this beautiful woman, and a mighty white-faced giant tiger crouched under her body.

On the right side of the green-haired person are a man and two women.

The man was tall and muscular, wearing a star-studded gown, and holding a star-studded giant sword in his hand.

This man's face is rough and wild, the most obvious thing is the black and white eyebrows on top of the mysterious and deep five-colored eyes.

There is a magical frisbee around him, flying around him non-stop.

The women all have delicate and beautiful figures, but each has its own unique beauty. One is dignified and beautiful, and the other has a bold and pungent look.

Behind the five people, there are countless strange people with nine-color eyes flying every now and then, and there seems to be a mist of nine-color light rising around each of these people, like fog and fire.

This is the figure on the Nine Colors Shenzhou.

On the head of the five-color Shenzhou on the left side of the nine-color Shenzhou, there are two emperors and empresses who are equally graceful and luxurious.

Behind them is a mysterious person dancing in four colors of blue, green, yellow and purple.

On the right side of the Nine-color Shenzhou, there are also two figures standing around the head of the Seven-color Shenzhou. One is an old man with nine-color eyes that is more than two feet tall, and the other is a pretty woman in a green fairy robe.

There are also countless figures in the Shenzhou behind them, but all of them are young women wearing green phoenix crowns and Xiapei.

When the three sisters Lian'er saw them, it was obvious that the other party also saw the three sisters Lian'er.

"Hee hee! Uncle Song——"

"Aunt Feng——Aunt Juan—"

Lian'er recognized the three figures on the central nine-color Shenzhou at a glance, and also forgot her identity as a "big guy" and shouted happily.

Daddy! mother! "

Lian'er yelled, Danrou and Liusha were elated when they saw their parents, so naturally they also yelled.

Danrou and Liusha wept with joy, her shouts were choked with excitement, her affection was much deeper than that of Lianer.

The three of them yelled and kept approaching the three huge crossing Shenzhou.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

For some reason, Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, also looked at the dancing of the three giant boats, and turned somersaults in excitement.

A moment later, the three crossing Shenzhou ships came to the position hundreds of miles away from the Lian'er three sisters, and then the people on the three Shenzhou ships looked at the Lian'er three sisters and the little golden monkey Xiaoliu with joy.

"Our Rou'er, Liu Sha, is it you, you've all grown up!?"

After Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang looked at the three Lian Er sisters for a long time, they quickly confirmed the identities of the two beloved daughters from their wide eyes and their unchanging attire. road.

"Both mothers, father, we are Dan Rou and Liu Sha!"

Danrou and Liusha held hands and danced happily, because they were so happy that they forgot Lianer, holding hands they were about to flap their wings and fly towards their parents.

Lian Er saw it, how could this work, there was someone who "robbed the show", immediately became unhappy, and suddenly shouted:


Danrou was startled by Liusha's question, and the figure that had already flown down obediently.

"My sister and sister didn't give orders, so why are you messing around! We Langyuanmen have just experienced 28 hell world catastrophes, and we have penetrated into the inexplicable and mysterious light world, so we must be careful in everything!

You don't look carefully ahead, but those are three crossing Shenzhou ships of unknown origin.

Do you all know the people above? Even if there are a few people who have seen it on the Shenzhou in the middle, have you carefully analyzed the truth and falsehood?

If they are all the primordial spirits, souls, and obsessions of Zhongshan, the number one evil god in the heavens, wouldn't we be wolfed into the mouth of a tiger and sent to our own death? "

Lian'er held the nine-colored lotus in her hand, and flew steadily to the front of the two sisters on the seven-color silk, looked left and right for a lot of three ships passing through the Shenzhou, and said sonorously.

Danrou and Liusha were momentarily alerted by this little sister's dragging words, suppressed her longing for relatives, and released her spiritual sense to her parents to analyze them.


Seeing the two beautiful and beautiful eldest daughters being overwhelmed by a little girl, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang looked down at Lian'er for a while, bursting into tears and laughing.

"Husband, could this be the naughty little daughter Lian'er that you said was the master Hun Zun?"

Ye Xiang wiped her tears and asked in surprise.

"Haha... Exactly. Because you have been inside the Moyu skeleton of the third brother and have not seen her.

Lian'er,'ve grown taller, why don't you know Uncle Song? "

Song Zhenhei's eyebrows twitched frequently, and he gave the two beloved daughters a familiar look in the past, and then smiled and shouted at Lian'er.

"Hee hee! Uncle Song, Lian'er misses you so much!"

Hearing Song Zhen's yell, Lian'er, who had a serious face just now, changed her expression instantly, and immediately yelled sweetly with peach blossoms on her face, and then walked away to Song Zhenfei on the colorful silk.

After a while, she was already cuddling in Song Zhen's arms and acting like a baby.

"My God! Liusha, what she said just now, does she know what she is talking about?"

Dan Rou was a little confused by Lian Er's ever-changing behavior, and asked her sister with a sideways look.

"I don't know, she told us to be careful, but she? Is that our parents?"

Liusha was also taken aback, and said such a stupid sentence.

"Heck... silly daughter, if you don't come here, let my mother take a good look at you!"

Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang glanced at the troublemaker in her husband's arms, and then greeted their daughters Dan Rou and Liu Sha on the Jiudao Hong Bridge in the distance.


"Come on, mother—"

Dan Rou and Liu Sha heard the familiar gentle call of the two mothers, and then they were completely awake, and they flew towards the Nine Colors Shenzhou with laughter.

"Hehe, Liusha, Danrou, I really can't believe that you have grown up so much. I remember when we left with your father, you were only eleven years old, and now you are all grown up!"

Ye Xiang circled around the two daughters, smiling.

"Our daughters are so beautiful, they have all ascended to the spirit world!"

Lan Shuang sighed happily when she saw the two beloved daughters, including the little one in her husband's arms, who were full of aura.

"Needless to say, it doesn't matter whose daughters they are, how can a beautiful daughter like me, Yexiang, not be beautiful?"

Ye Xiang took a daughter by the hand and smiled.

"Xiang'er Niang is eccentric, praise Sister Sha'er, not me."

Danrou smiled angrily.

"Hehe... my darling, your mother is as beautiful as a fairy, she was so fascinated by your father back then, standing here, wouldn't her daughter be beautiful?"

Ye Xiang looked at her sister Lan Shuang and her husband Song Zhen with wicked eyes.

"You madman, no matter how old or young you are, you still talk nonsense in front of such a big child."

Lan Shuang blushed and smiled.

"Hehe, you mother and daughter will be intimate later, let the children meet all the nobles first!"

Liu Qianlang saw that the two beloved daughters were so lovely, he secretly thanked the third elder brother Liu Qianlang, and said with a smile.

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