Nine Heavens

Chapter 1771 Ancient Spirit Universe Map

Chapter 1771 Ancient Spirit Universe Map

"This sect master only knows the three major spiritual jades of the dark spirit universe, and has seen five-color divine jade and seven-color divine jade. As for the others, the emperor laughed. This sect master is ignorant, has never seen it, and does not know what it is appearance."

Liu Qianlang looked down at his black jade skeleton for a while, not quite understanding what the other party meant, and said.

"In addition to the three sacred jades of our dark spirit three universes, the nine spiritual jades of the Nine Directions Universe, the other six are called the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain, the Celestial Demon Meteor, the Soul Controlling Vine, the Blue Crescent Moon, the Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Gu Yue!

Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Guyue didn't know their whereabouts, but the fetishes on the four spirit masters of Langyuanmen are exactly four of them! "

Emperor Jilong's words were excited, and his voice was a little trembling.

"This is really unexpected. The spirit master once thought that Xiangfang should try to find out the whereabouts of the six divine jades. Unexpectedly, they are all in the Langyuanmen!"

Hearing what Emperor Jilong said, Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Lvhong Fengshou and Emperor Xun An were all very surprised!

In astonishment, the head of the Langyuan Sect, Sirius Zongling, said to Yuanfang, with black hair fluttering, dark red forehead with chaotic eyes, and celestial demons shining in all colors and phenomena on his chest.


"The Spirit Master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect is saying that Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Guyue are also at the Langyuan Gate!?

Lvhongfeng frowned and thought about Cheng Yuanfang's words, and asked with even more surprise!

"Ha ha……"

"That's right, the six spiritual gems mentioned by Emperor Jilong are all in the Langyuan Gate, among which the Shenlong Tiandial and Youlan Guyue are in the forehead sea of ​​the sect's head.

This is really great news, but the head of the sect doesn't understand how the two nobles, Emperor Jilong and Luhong Fengshou, know that the six gods of Langyuanmen are the six who disappeared after the explosion of the spiritual heart image element of the Jiufang universe. A piece of divine jade? "

When Liu Qianlang heard the news, he laughed excitedly, but asked very puzzled.

"Sect Leader Langyuan asked, in fact, Luhong Fengshou and I only solved the mystery not long ago when we came here.

Lvhongfeng and I have a damaged Gu Lingzhou map in the capital, which has been handed down since Zhousheng to the present.

All of them have the same miraculous seal: the three remnants converge, and the spiritual galaxy.

However, we have not known the meaning of the seal for countless years. It was not until on the way here that we happened to see the marks of the soul-controlling tree and the blue crescent moon on the foreheads of the palace master Qixiang and the hall master of Lingyao Tiandi hall, and we suddenly realized it.

Then, the Emperor Ben came to the seven-color Shenzhou, and put together the remnant map of the ancient spirit universe and the part of the girl with the green rainbow phoenix head in his hand, and suddenly found that the dark ancient spirit universe suddenly became white, transparent and glowing .

At the same time, the three jades of the dark spirit universe, the three jades of the chaotic universe and the three jades of the Mingling universe flashed out, and they were marked with your name.

But at that time, because on the three major Shenzhou, there were only five-color jade, seven-color jade, soul-controlling tree vine, and blue crescent moon, so they were the only ones on the map of the ancient spirit universe that were flashing their divine splendor.

At that time, we finally knew the appearance of the six lost divine jades of the spiritual life and spiritual heart, and we were very excited, but we didn't dare to say anything, because we were traveling in the spiritual world of the bright spirit, and we were afraid of being taken away by inexplicable forces!

After a short period of joy, the emperor and the girl of Luhong Fengshou quickly put away the map of the ancient spirit universe, and continued to move forward with the three great Shenzhous pretending to be nothing.

And secretly informed the two spirit masters and Jianzhan Shenjun about this matter! And guess where in the chaotic universe the ancient spirit map of the three universes of chaos will be! "

The Emperor Jilong is mighty and tall, with the nine-color imperial robe shining brilliantly around him, white hair fluttering, and long beard swaying, within the eyes of the nine-color god, there is a vast spiritual wave, Cang said.

"Emperor Jilong's words are correct. At that time, the ancient spirit world map suddenly glowed with white light, and then four divine lights shot into the air, which surprised everyone on the three major Shenzhous.

But in an instant, the two venerables, Emperor Jilong and Luhong Fengshou, sealed the occlusion. After that, they explained the reason to us and told us to protect our respective gods! "

Cheng Yuanfang recalled what happened at that time, nodded and said.

"The map of the ancient spirit world? I don't have any impression of the comparison. Until now, this is the first time I have heard of its existence!"

Liu Qianlang quickly searched his memory in his soul, and found no record of the Ancient Spiritual Map in all the Chaos Divine Books he had collected, so he had no choice but to say.

"Oh! I don't know if it's this thing?"

Just as Liu Qianlang looked confused, the dark-seeking emperor on the five-colored Shenzhou took out a dark object from his arms, raised it in front of his chest, and asked Liu Qianlang in front of the three major Shenzhous, Cheng Yuanfang, who is far away from him? The Emperor Jilong and the head of the Lvhong Phoenix.

"Yes! Yes! That's the part of the ancient spirit world map of the chaotic universe. Haha... Unexpected, really unexpected, how did you get the remnant map of the ancient spirit world map of the chaotic universe?"

Emperor Jilong trembled all over, nodded and said with a big laugh.

"Really? Thank you Nuwa Clan God for your blessing! It was an inexplicable accident for this junior to get this piece of ancient spirit world map.

At that time, Emperor Aoyou Luo detonated the sky explosion in the light and dark world, wanting to completely wipe out the five clans of the heavenly witches in the mother country of God and Darkness. Escape outside the world of light and darkness.

I don't want the power of the sky explosion to be huge. At that time, there was only a flying disc of the gods and dark to lead the tribe to escape. At that time, I was still in the spiritual bag, and I and the wisdom Tianhuo clan among the five clans of the sky witch fled at the forefront because of the weakest force. .

And the other eight bright and dark flying disks are all star soldiers and generals from the kingdom of dark energy, guarding behind them.

However, in front of the horrifying 100,000 explosions in the world of light and darkness, no matter how powerful the stars are, the heavenly soldiers and generals are just a drop in the bucket, small and weak!

However, after a few blasts of sky and turbulent cosmic fire, half of the eight light and dark flying disks at the back were swallowed up, and then the remaining light and dark flying disks desperately protected us at the front from escaping, and it didn't take long before they turned into nothingness.

At that time, although I didn't escape from the spiritual life bag, I clearly felt that the last clansman behind me was about to face the fate of death.

However, just when our bright and dark flying disk was about to be swallowed by the fire of the sky explosion, I suddenly sensed the statue of Nuwa Empress, the holy ancestor of our dark energy kingdom, suddenly appearing above the vast sea of ​​fire.

She seemed to be crying, and waved her sleeves to throw a black cloud, quickly enveloping our light and dark flying disk, and then I fell into a long sleep as soon as my consciousness faded. I don't know what happened afterwards.

Later, I was picked up by a wizard in the chaotic universe, and carried into a dark cave where he raised corpses and raised ghosts. At that time, I was wrapped in this dark black cloth. Although it looked ugly, it was Nuwa after all. The life-saving thing given by Niangniang Renzu, so it has been put into the body sea and has been treasured since then.

Later, when I met Brother Liu, I never took it out because I didn't know what it was, but I just took it out after hearing what the two senior officials said, and suddenly remembered it. "

The five-color Heavenly Witch Divine Fire outside Emperor Xun'an's body flashed and swayed alternately, with deep eyes, recalling the unbearable past, he said.

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