Nine Heavens

Chapter 1790 The God of War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1790 Three Worlds God of War

"From the tone of your voice, it seems that you have already guessed that the person who beheaded you was my brother!

But you really do a lot of evil. Not only did you do evil yourself, but you also instigated the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa to disrupt the heavens. If Brother Wei doesn’t act again, I’m afraid you will really upset the heavens!

You are also a very proud disciple of your mentor, and the three of us, brothers and sisters, are the God of War in the Three Realms.

I guard the peace of the Tianyun Realm, you protect the peace of the Mortal Realm, and Junior Sister Peixian is responsible for the peace of the three realms of spirits, demons and monsters.

If you hadn't betrayed your duty and embarked on the path of defying the world and dominating the sky, now we would all be enviable side-by-side gods in the seven realms of heaven, earth, human spirits, demons, gods, gods, isn't that bad? "

Du Mojian Zu saw that Zhong Sheng was obsessed with not the slightest remorse, and out of his old fellowship, he was still lucky enough to persuade him.

"Back then, I really regretted that when I killed the old guy, I didn't find a chance to kill you too!

Damn the old guy, I didn't expect him to be wary of me for a long time, and secretly taught you the sword-refining immortal furnace, and also taught you the magic-killing sword formula.

Back then, when I was killed by you when I was beaten by the demon, I never knew who killed me, and what kind of sword technique I was under, because I always thought that you would go out of hiding in Dumojian Mountain, so the old man naturally didn't know. What magical skills will I teach you.

But I was wrong, the old guy not only taught you what you have learned all your life, but also taught you the supreme magic skill of saving demons, the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Jue Ye!

You have been retreating in Dumojian Mountain, but you have been practicing today's Demon Slaying Sword Art.

Until the day of Dacheng, I invited me to a duel in the arena of the heavenly demon. One is to prevent the heavens from continuing the battle between immortals and gods, and the other is to kill me to avenge the old man!

But this, these are all figured out in the process of chasing your souls from all walks of life after my souls descended to the lower realm.

Ben Zhong's obsession was wrong because he underestimated you back then, thinking that you, a sword idiot, were nothing more than a sword idiot.

I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. Although you didn't go to the Demon Sword Mountain, you knew me so well that you easily died under your sword!

Do you know why I joined the Celestial Evil Palace! It's because I'm not convinced.

Why, the three of us are the gods of war in the heavenly realm. You are a heavenly warrior and a general, and you are a spirit demon conquest general. In the heavenly realm, you are all arrogant, and even the heavenly monarch thinks highly of you.

But I am responsible for protecting those weak and incompetent common people in the world. Every time I fight, I just deal with some little demons in the world. Even if I kill thousands of millions of them, no one takes it seriously! "

Zhong Shi gritted his teeth in obsession with hatred.

"Zhong Sheng, you are wrong! Back then, my mentor did not pass on the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art to me. On the contrary, my mentor passed it on to you!

You should remember that I met you in the Heavenly Demon Arena not once, but three times. The first two times I didn't have the ability to kill you, but the third time, I just killed you with one move. That is to say, I didn't learn the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art until our third duel! "

Demon Sword Ancestor shook his head slightly, thinking of the benevolent teacher back then, his eyes were moist, he sighed, and then said:

"Do you know that when you were on the wrong path back then, your mentor was reluctant to give you an order to kill the immortals and clean up your family.

He also told me many times that in the future, if you come to a time when people and gods are all angry, you can only be imprisoned and enlightened, and you don't want to die.

The mentor said that you are the most enlightened immortal god he has ever seen in his life, and you are only eager for quick success. If you wear down your energy for a long time and return to Taixu and peace, you will definitely become an outstanding wizard who breaks through the limit of the nine-dimensional universe.

At that time, only you will be able to comprehend the magic of throwing the entire Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, and then lead the Nine Directions Universe to a new cosmic magic!

However, you don't have the slightest patience, you have never understood the painstaking efforts of your mentor, and you still blindly think that your master is unfair to you, you always disobey your mentor, dominate the mountain gate, and finally join the evil palace of heaven! well! "

Ancestor Du Mojian stood in the chaos, shaking his head and lamenting.

"Stop talking nonsense, if my teacher taught me the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, how could I not know about it!?"

No matter how obsessed Zhong Shi could believe, he immediately snarled and refuted.

If the sword ancestor Yi Zhong died obsessively, he had no choice but to continue to explain:

"Back then, when you laid a poisonous hand on your mentor, the last mana spelled by your mentor was not to protect yourself, but to seal the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art in your forehead.

It uses the mantra of abandoning evil and promoting good. As long as one day, you repent and walk on the road of good fate, the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art will be unsealed immediately, and then the cultivation method will enter your soul gate, and you can practice at any time.

It's just a pity for the master's painstaking efforts, you would rather die than give up your expectations for you, but instead of giving up your evil obsessions, you have embarked on the path of crusade against the status of Zhengling Tianjun in the universe!

Because of this, my junior sister Xian'er and I also embarked on the road of abandoning the teachings of our teacher. We patiently observed again and again, and after completely losing hope for you to abandon evil and pursue good, we decided to challenge you to a duel, and wanted to die with you, so as to ensure the peace of the heavens.

So there were three subsequent battles against you in the demon arena. I was the one who went to the first battle, but we broke up without a score, and I was seriously injured.

I believe that you were also injured at the time, so in order not to give you a chance to breathe, Xian'er asked you to fight in the Demon Arena again, but Xian'er still failed to defeat you!

However, during the battle, Xian'er discovered the curse of abandoning evil and following good left by your master Erhai.

You know, our little junior sister is best at breaking spells and breaking seals, so when she left with you regardless of the outcome, she completely copied the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer Sword Art method within your forehead to her own. In the forehead sea.

Then she returned to my Demon Duling Sword Mountain. After we checked it out, we found out that it was the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art! Therefore, we know how much our teacher expects of you. Next, whether to continue to kill you or not made us fall into a painful choice.

During that period of time, you still did not stop launching the Celestial Immortal God War, offending the Celestial Monarch Shrine again and again.

So much so that Tianjun issued the final death order to our two gods of war, asking us to completely destroy your evil forces in the heavenly realm, and destroy your body and spirit!

Later, we did so, and in order to ensure success, both Xian'er and I practiced part of the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, and you all know about the duel later.

After I destroyed your physical body, Xian'er and I knew that your obsession with the primordial spirit would not let it go.

Because of our mentor's expectations for you and our brotherhood, Xian'er and I discussed it in advance, and we also took the initiative to collapse our bodies and separate our souls into the lower realms.

I hope that we will reincarnate together in the lower realms, go through countless calamities, and when we return to the heavens, the righteous spirit will cleanse the evil, and the dead brother can change his mind and become a god again! "

"Hmph! Haha..."

"You guys really know how to make up stories. When I went to kill the old man, he reprimanded and insulted him like that, but he actually repayed his grievances with kindness and taught me meritorious deeds! Even a three-year-old child in Mortal Realm wouldn't believe such a thing!

After all, you are just looking for an excuse to kill me in the demon ring.

In fact, why bother, everything has been done, what's the use of explaining, besides, Ben Zhong's obsession never wants to hear such nonsense.

And you don't need to have any sweet dreams, Ben Zhong's obsession will never be with you again, not in the past, not in the future! "

Zhong Zhinian heard it, and replied coldly.

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