Nine Heavens

Chapter 1809 The Virgin Returns the Treasure

Chapter 1809 The Virgin Returns the Treasure

"Hehe, that's fine, you're complaining, don't hurry up and calm down, I still have something to say to Dijun."

Song Zhen, the God of Sword Zhanxuan, Zhanxuan, also laughed.

"Okay, then you guys have agreed, I'm going to play chess with the Blue Horn Demon Bull King, let's go!"

Hearing the words, Xue Qilin left a sentence, stomped all four hooves, paused and raised his figure, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Ha ha……"

"This is all your favourite. You don't ride a spiritual horse once in ten thousand years. Today, I feel a whim, and I can't get used to it!"

Liu Qianlang looked at the red and red fire rainbows left behind by the blood unicorn, and said with a smile.

"Yes! But I still feel sorry for it. Since Shaer's death, the memory of the kindergarten teacher in its heart has been deeply affected. It often screams in dreams and keeps calling Shaer.

Every time at that time, I feel so guilty in my heart, I have to indulge it as much as possible, and Jiufang will make up for his regret. "

Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the God of Jian Zhan, looked sad when he mentioned the blood unicorn.

"I think you are not only distressed by the blood unicorn, but you are also nostalgic for Zhansha girl. It's a pity that what was lost is lost forever, and we have no chance to call back.

So it is meaningless for us to linger in the past, it is better to cherish the people in front of us with all our hearts.

Aren't Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang her soulmates? The two of them will always be infatuated with you, just like Shaer's obsession with you.

So the fourth brother should take it easy and treat the two younger brothers and sisters better. I believe that no matter where Zhan Sha's thoughts go, I believe this is also the expectation. "

Liu Qianlang comforted Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhendao.

"Well, the third brother doesn't need to worry about the fourth brother. These fourth brothers know in their hearts, and I will have already figured it out. With Shuang'er, Xiang'er, and the children's company, Sha'er will always live in our hearts."

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen couldn't help but nodded gratefully because the third brother Liu Qianlang was still caring about him at this moment, and said.

"That's good. We have experienced countless pains in the past, but after all, we have a close companion, and the pain is worth it! I hope that in our future, we can still live and die together!"

Liu Qianlang stands on the spiritual sword of Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, with white hair fluttering, sky brocade silk robe, round cape, rainbow waves swaying, looking up at the sky and sighing.

"Yes, no matter what, we have walked together all the way, we will definitely go on together, no matter Yunzhou or Tianzhou, we will have no fear!"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's five-colored eyes flashed with deep and mysterious eyes, twisted his black and white eyebrows, and spoke sonorously.

"Fearless! The fourth brother said well, as long as all of us in the Langyuan Sect work together, we will be invincible!"

Liu Qianlang turned his back to Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Sword Zhan, took a few deep breaths, then turned his head and smiled.

"Third brother, is he afraid of meeting Lord Jie Tongyun?"

Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the God of Jian Zhan, tentatively mentioned the question he asked when he first came here.

"Not only afraid, but also very regretful! I have been thinking, how good it would be if my mentor and I never met!"

Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang did not hide his true inner feelings in front of his brothers, and said frankly.

"In fact, we don't need to go to Yunzhou. If the third brother can't see him, maybe we can miss each other forever."

Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhan Zhanxuan, reminded Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, the fourth younger brother is Jianzhan Shenjun, and he knows better than me that I met my mentor, you and I met, and even the gathering of all the disciples of our Langyuan Sect.

All of this is fate, it is the ancient arrangement of the teacher and the empress Nuwa, and our existence is because of their design.

The encounter of all of us is an inevitable ending, which cannot be changed by you and me. "

When Emperor Di Zhou Liu Qianlang said this, another layer of melancholy appeared on his calm face.

"Since your encounter is unavoidable, then we have no choice but to face it. I hope the third brother is prepared first, otherwise..."

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Sword Zhan, finished his words and couldn't bear to continue.

"Let the fourth brother worry, and the fourth brother can rest assured. The third brother has already figured out how to face that moment. The teacher will never forget it, but the original intention will never change. Everything is difficult, and the only way is to accept hundreds of millions of pain!"

Emperor Di Zhou pondered for a long time, and had already made up his mind on how to deal with his mentor in Yun Zhou, so he said this.

"Don't forget, no matter what, we are brothers, don't carry it yourself, we will get through this hurdle!"

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen said.

"Thank you fourth brother, I will! Third brother would like to ask, if one day the third brother did something to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, would the fourth brother still recognize me as the third brother?"

Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang felt uneasy, and asked for a long time to ask about the sword Zhan Xuanzi Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen.

"The third brother will always be Song Zhen's third brother, not to mention that the third brother did it helplessly, even if the third brother really fell into the devil, the fourth brother will follow the third brother.

How happy are people, what about spirits, what about immortals and gods, ghosts and monsters don't matter, the fourth brother can ignore everything, only brothers and parents, wives and children don't give up! "

"Sure enough, brotherly love is deep, and the righteousness is so thin. Our Lady of Linhe did not misunderstand the person. It was really lucky to let Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle follow you.

You can go to Yunzhou to meet that person boldly, that person must be your mentor Jietong Daoist Wuwu.

Our Lady of Linhe, after thinking about it again and again, only he can do everything you have experienced, and only he who is the second generation of the ancient spirit can do all this!

This black jade skull and all the ancient spiritual jades are no longer what they used to be. They are nostalgic for the past, and they even recognize you as masters.

Therefore, Our Lady of Benlin River has returned the other eight ancient spirits to their fateful masters. Naturally, Our Lady of Benlin River has come to return this black jade skull to you.

Hehe, Dijun! Presumably you have no light and dark Hunyuan Mountain during this time, so your heart is empty! In fact, the same is true for the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain and the other eight ancient spirits.

When Our Lady of Linhe injected all the ancient spirits and gods of Linhe Yao Palace into them, they were still very unhappy.

They didn't agree until I promised them that they would come back to you after absorbing the ancient spiritual power of the entire Linhe Yao Palace!

It took nine days for the Holy Mother of Linhe to finally complete their absorption of the spiritual power of the ancient spirits. Today's Bright and Dark Hunyuan Mountain can be said to have absorbed almost all the divine powers of the ancient spirits.

No matter how much catastrophe or tribulation you experience in the future, as long as the emperor is not dead, all the people you want to protect can stay in it safely.

Hang it around your neck again, let him accompany you to fulfill all your dreams from now on! "

The two brothers, Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Jianzhan, and Liu Qianlang, the Emperor of the Earth, cherished each other's intimate words in the sky, and they happened to be heard by the flying Virgin of Linhe.

The Holy Mother of Linhe was very moved by the brotherhood of the two, so she smiled and waved her arms at the same time, and the pitch-black black jade skull cheered and shot at Liu Qianlang.

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