Nine Heavens

Chapter 1815

Chapter 1815: The Man of Hate

"Oh ha ha..."

"It turned out that the chaotic goshawk of the past returned to the world, but today's Yun Tianzhou is no longer what it used to be. Since you are already in the lower world, the heavenly position is no longer there, and the gods can descend. You are just a little fairy. It is you who changed. No matter how big it is, it's just a small one in front of me!

The red-faced and ferocious ax general at the west gate of Yunzhou has never heard the decree from above. Recently, any spirits from the lower realms have been proclaimed by Lord Yun. Go back quickly, otherwise Benyun will take your lives! "

The guard of the west gate of Yunzhou looked up at Qiqi who had changed dramatically above his head, he was still a little small compared to his body that could rise from the sky at any time, he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang came to answer the call with the decree of Lord Yun. He didn't want to lead the way for two or two days. When the bird was reborn in bulk, it floated away, causing us to get lost and come here.

This is the decree of Lord Yun, and we are absolutely not lying, deliberately offending the dignity of the red-faced and ferocious general Ximen Yunzhou! "

Seeing this, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, quickly spread out the decree of Lord Yun with both hands, and loudly explained his doubts, hoping to resolve the embarrassment.

"Hmph! This general doesn't know the immortal writings of Yunzhou. Who knows whether the decree of Lord Yun in your hands is true or not. I don't care about this, General Ximen. Since the two-day cloud bird who led us has already floated away, it shows that your Yunyu's decree is true or not. Xing has become the burial of the universe, don't you all know that!"

The red-faced and ferocious gatekeeper of Yunzhou Ximen didn't even look at the Emperor Yun's decree in the hands of Emperor Zhou Liu Qianlang, and snorted coldly.

"Dare to ask the general of Yunzhou Ximen to speak clearly, why did our trip to Yunzhou become Yunzhou's burial?"

Standing beside Liu Qianlang, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen secretly watched Zhanzhan's red face for a long time, and saw that in his two sea-like eyes, there was a strange taste in the turbulent waves, and he held back his anger and saluted. road.

"Huh? Looking at the light on your soul's forehead, you should be the God of Sword Occupation in the heavens thousands of trillions of years ago. No matter how Tianhui is deaf, you shouldn't forget the fairy mourning cloud bird in Zhou Yunzhou under the universe.

In the past two days, Yunniao'er has been the guide of the decree of Lord Yun in the living world, and also the demon god of death in the dead world!

They have the characteristic of being reborn every two days. If the person guided by them offends them, they can be reborn in advance at any time. The living world leads the way and turns into the dead world.

After your fairy gods expand extremely in Yunzhou, they will soon attract the attention of Yunzhou Yunmastiff, and then they will smell you, rush to you, and devour your body. As for your five essences, They will drive you into the realm of the demon gods in the realm of death. "

The guard of Yunzhou Ximen's red face stopped laughing and bowed for a long time, the god of sword Zhan Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, his eyes showed a little awe.

However, when he saw that Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the god of swords, was greatly damaged, his eyes immediately showed disdain, and he said reluctantly.

"Unexpectedly, there is the theory of the living world and the dead world in the universe, and it seems that the universe is not the realm of eternal happiness. There are three realms of death in the chaotic book "Theory of the Dead Universe", and the same is true for the dead body. It seems to be true.

According to the description in "On the Lost Universe", from the mortal world to the fairyland, there are four universes of death realms, namely the physical body realm of the earth universe, the spirit body realm of the earth universe, the cloud fairyland of the cloud universe, and the heavenly heaven fairyland of the universe.

In the physical body of the universe, death will go to the ghost world of the underworld, that is, the outer prison of the underworld. In the realm of the spirit body of the universe, death will go to the ghost realm of the earth, that is, the seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell.

In Yunzhou Yunxianland, the place of death is the place where Yun Mastiff howls the sky and demons. In the Eternal Heaven Wonderland, the destination of death is the Eternal Eagle Eternal Peck Demon Realm.

The death caller in the universe is a ghost, a ghost, an evil spirit in the universe, and a madman in the sky!

There is no death in the Taoist fairy world, and eternal life is free and easy! It seems that these are just rumors! "

When Emperor Di Zhou Liu Qianlang heard the words, he suddenly thought of a volume of chaos god book "Theory of the Lost Universe" that he had read and sighed.

"Hmm! You little wave is very knowledgeable, what you said is right, death, as long as there is spirit and flesh, it will exist forever.

The immortality rumored in the lower realms, and the belief that the body is immortal, is just a misunderstanding. The so-called Taoism of Immortals, after the completion of cultivation, only the five essences of spiritual life are eternal.

As for the physical body, as long as it can maintain its youth forever and replace it with new and old ones, it means that the so-called soul and body are immortal!

Speaking of which, you Zhengling boy are really people who hate you because of your misbehavior. This divine power of the Yuntian Realm has been penetrated by you, and it has been used on mortals in the Mortal Realm.

It is extremely abominable to cause chaos in the universe, the universe, and the universe..."

The red-faced hideous man had already noticed the real body of Emperor Di Zhou Liu Qianlang, but he praised him a few words, and then said indignantly.

"Why do you have so many things, a stinky janitor, aren't you illiterate, how do you know so much!

Father Langer, Uncle Song! Let's stop talking nonsense with it, let's kill him and break into the universe! "


Qiqi had already grown impatient at the high altitude of Yunzhou. Before the red-faced man could finish speaking, he neighed and shook, and opened his mouth to spit out fiery red balls of thunder, fire and electricity towards the red-faced man.

Thunder, fire and electric balls smashed into the Western Universe Gate and exploded one after another. In an instant, there were lightning flashes and thunder, and the light, rainbow and lightning shot wildly towards the Western Universe Gate.


After chopping wildly, Qiqi actually knocked down a pillar of the Heavenly Gate.

The pillar of the Tianmen fell down with a bang, making a loud roar, shaking and hitting the clouds.

"Damn! Ugly, your gate is so weak, tell you that this Condor has not only recovered all the divine powers of the heavens, but also cultivated many original divine powers.

Today you provoke the Chaos Condor, I am very unhappy, then I will do the same thing, smash your Western Universe Gate, and see what you can do to me, you low-minded guy! watch out! "

The red-faced hideous never thought that the other party would make a move in Yunzhou, and it was just a Skyhawk that returned to the realm that was beyond imagination.

How did the other party do it? He came from the lower realms, but he actually possessed Yun Zhou, or even Yun Zhou's cultivation base. How could this be possible?

The red face was hideous and shy, and he was stunned on the spot for a moment, and when he regained his composure and swung the spirit-splitting axe, the entire Xizhou Gate was already under the attack of Qi Qi's swollen figure dozens of times.

At this moment, under the attack of Qiqi's lightning and fireball explosion, the formerly blue Xizhou Gate was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Ding kuang! Ding kuang..."

Next, the red-faced ferocious and Qiqi forehead fought in one place.

"Third brother, are we?"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was not worried about Qiqi's ability, but he always felt bad to make trouble when he first arrived in Yunzhou, so he looked at his brother Liu Qianlang and asked with his black and white eyebrows.

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