Nine Heavens

Chapter 1828 Lian'er was punished

Chapter 1828 Lian Er was punished

Because he has always been thinking about the frustrating Seven Birds, that is, the situation in which his dark force in the Yuntian Erverse Zhusheng Qijian went to the Earth Universe to slaughter the Langyuanmen.

According to the calculation of the period when the Seven Swords of Zhusheng slaughtered other universes in the past, Lord Tongyun of Yunzhoujie guessed that the Seven Swords of Zhusheng should be back soon, and his face was full of triumphant expressions of planning.


Tong Yunjun of the Yunzhou Realm secretly laughed happily in his heart, thinking, you three idiots, do you think you are very powerful, if there is no secret help from me, Mr. Yun, you are nothing.

Especially Jiutian and Zhanxuanzi, you two, those spirit flowers and grasses, dragons and phoenixes, dragon balls and phoenix pills, fairy swords and arrows, ninety-nine and eighty-one waiters, are just tools for your master to help you return to Yuntianzhou.

I didn't expect you to be obsessed with inferior human feelings in the mortal world. This is not what my teacher likes. Don't blame my teacher. In order to make you more sincere to me, my teacher had to kill them, lest you be restless!


Yun Zhou Yunjun thought of Liu Qianlang, the celestial wave flower that he once dreamed of looking for the lower realm for a Taoist in the world, and felt that everything he had experienced was true and false, and he had performed it so far. He really admired his great plan and couldn't help laughing out loud.

This laughter spread to the ears of the Southern Buddha Emperor Nanzhou Emperor, the Northern Desert Shaman Beizhou and other hundreds of millions of Yunxians. They just thought that Yun Jun was happy to be baptized by the three disciples, so naturally they didn't think too much about it.

And they don't know that Yunzhou secretly feeds the evil spirits of Yuntian Erzhou, the mourning seven birds!

Time is passing slowly, but it is very long, and after a long time, thousands of years have passed.


After waiting for a long time, Lord Tongyun of the Yunzhou Realm has not sensed the news of the return of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, so he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

I wondered in my heart, could it be that something unfavorable happened to the Seven Swords of Zhusheng and Slaughtering Langyuanmen?


Yun Zhou Yunjun shook his head to himself, thinking that it was absolutely impossible, even if there were three boys and spirits in the Di Zhou Lang Yuan Sect, they could not be opponents of the Seven Swords of Zhu Sheng.

Needless to say the Seven Swords Formation, even the division of death is irresistible to the entire universe, not to mention them among them!

But why the Seven Swords of Zhusheng did not return for a long time, Yunjun Yunjun couldn't help but have a little doubt in his heart.

More than 90,000 years later in the universe.

The space between heaven and earth gradually became clear. Although the vitality of the past is gone, new vitality has appeared again. The new sun is still hanging high in the sky, and the blue sky and white clouds are still beautiful.

In the combined four-color star palace, the nobles of the Langyuan sect floating in the clouds and mist of the star palace are all graceful, beautiful and sassy.

"Thanks to the power of the four-color star palace and the star array, we finally scared away the mourning seven birds! Now we are safe!"

Miao Yan stepped on the soul-refining hot ice phoenix, looked around at the sky outside the four-color star palace, her eyes were obviously full of expectation, and said.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's Yan'er's sister-in-law who is looking forward to Brother Qianlang's return soon!"

Cheng Shifeng stepped on the white-faced Tiger King, Miaoyan was beside her, her eyes were shining, her long blue hair was fluttering, and she said with a funny smile.

"It's funny, sister-in-law, big or small, don't you want you to lead Brother Lang and Brother Zhen, and Qiqi?"

Liu Juan stood floating on the pure white ancient handkerchief made of incense, holding the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in her hand, her long emerald hair flowed rainbow, her forehead was gleaming emerald green, she looked at Cheng Shifeng and said with a smile.

"Of course I want to, but I also don't want some people to be in the fog all day long and keep looking around. It's really unbearable!"

Cheng Shifeng laughed when he heard the words, and glanced at the nine sister-in-laws, Lan Shuang and Yexiang around him.

"Damn girl, why don't you and Xiannan Qingqing me and me, we are old husbands and wives, think about it, my husband wants you to joke, and see how I deal with you!"

Princess Jinling has a straightforward and lively personality. When she heard the poem, she started to amuse herself and her sisters again. With a soft hum, she chased after her.

Then the aunt and sister-in-law chased each other under the blue sky and white clouds in the star palace, laughing and cursing, very lively.

When everyone saw it, it was rare to see such a happy scene in tens of thousands of years, and they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Crack! Crack!"

When everyone was happy, they suddenly heard the cry of a death cloud bird that made everyone's heart tremble.

"Not good! Be careful everyone, they are coming again!"

Hearing the cry of the death cloud bird, Liu Juan immediately became alert and shouted loudly.

"Hee hee, Aunt Qixiang, what are you doing? It's just a cloud bird I raised, so I'll leave you like this!"

Just when everyone's expressions suddenly changed, they suddenly heard bursts of laughter coming from the southeast of the Xinggong, and then saw the seven sisters of Tianling surrounding Lian'er who was riding on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus in their hands, and holding the lotus on their backs. Lian Er flew over with a hand and a smile on her face.

The cry of the death cloud bird just now came from the mouth of a pure white cloud bird squatting on her head.

That cloud bird is about the size of a fist, with a white body and black eyes. It looks very beautiful, but its sound is really hateful.

"Hmm! Where did Lian'er come from?"

Liu Juan examined it again and again, and when she saw that the white cloud bird flying over her nephew's head was definitely a death cloud bird, she asked in a strict voice.

"Of course, when you fought those cloud birds tens of thousands of years ago, I secretly caught a cloud egg outside the star palace, and it hatched not long ago.

If sister Tianling and the others hadn't found out, I wouldn't have taken it out, it's so much fun! "

Lian Er was not at all afraid of her aunt Liu Juan's scolding, she puffed out her small chest and said it very proudly.

"Aunt Qixiang calm down, she blamed Yaya for not caring enough for Lian'er to make such a big mistake, for her fun-loving sake, execute Death Yunniao'er, please spare her once!"

Seeing that Aunt Qixiang was really angry, the seven sisters of Tianling held their breath and did not dare to speak out. Tianling looked at the most prestigious Yaya among her peers with eyes full of help.

Yaya understood, stepped on the red horned bull king and floated in front of Liu Juan, quickly saluted and comforted her, and then said.

"This child is so naughty, he ignored the threat of the mourning seven birds to our Langyuanmen, and stole the evil death cloud eggs to hatch spiritual pets!

If this evil spirit thing grows up within my four-color star palace, wouldn’t it be self-inflicted, Yaya needless to say, immediately kill the death cloud bird, and imprison Lianer ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine In the year of Wu Zhengya, he thought about his mistakes, but if he could not cultivate the nine-color lotus and nine-color fate soul, he would never be able to realize Zhengya Island! "

Liu Juan's complexion was frosty, and she said mercilessly.

"But, but! My lord, Aunt Qixiang, this punishment is too severe, Wu Zhengya is just thinking about it.

But the Nine Colors Fate Soul Divine Art that appeared in the Nine Colors Divine Lotus is the absolute divine art of heaven, no immortal can know it, no god can master it, let Lian'er practice it, how can it be successful! ? "

For such a punishment, everyone present felt that it was a bit too harsh, and they couldn't help talking about it in an instant.

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