Nine Heavens

Chapter 1830

Chapter 1830 Human Relations and Fairy Love

"Actually, sister didn't intend to kill Xiaobai at all, did she?"

Regarding Liu Juan's abnormal behavior, Miao Yan and Emperor Shuangtian suddenly realized, looked at Miao Yan and looked at Liu Juan, and asked.

"How could the death cloud bird hatched by the Nine-color God Lotus still have the evil spirit of death.

The divine bird raised by Lian Er, not only is no longer a threat to our Lang Yuan Sect, but it is also a godsend opportunity for us to completely wipe out the mourning seven birds in the future.

From her, we will definitely find a way to kill the mourning seven birds. Let her accompany Lian'er to practice together!

I didn't do that just now, I was worried that Lian'er would be playful and didn't want to go to Wu Zhenghai, so when I saw that she brought Xiao Bai, I just used this reason to send her there. "

Liu Juan regained her calm look, nodded and said.

"However, why did Sister Juan let Mengmeng go with Lianer? It's not just to let her accompany Lianer."

At this time, the people around all gathered around, Pa'er stepped forward, waving the Fan of Floating Stars and Splitting Clouds, and asked with frowning eyes.

"You smart ghost, let me tell you, if there is anyone in Langyuanmen who is the most protective and capable of protecting Mengmeng, no one is more suitable except Lian'er.

Everyone should have discovered that in the siege and massacre by the mourning seven birds tens of millions of years ago, their target was not only us, but they also cared a lot about a new spirit of the universe. Compared with us, they seemed to want to Kill Mengmeng first! "

Liu Juan glanced at Pa'er who was wearing Shu Lang's clean white fairy robe, and said angrily.

"That's right! I've always felt that Mengmeng is not simple. When the new universe was vast, if a spirit person was born, why was she born first? Until the new universe became chaotic again, there was no second new spiritual life born.

This is enough to show that Mengmeng is not just a collection of infinite spiritual energy of the new universe, there must be inexplicable five essences entering the body, and Mengmeng will sprout. It's just that Pa'er has limited knowledge, and she still can't think of which party these inexplicable five spirits should be!

However, tens of millions of years ago, the mourning seven birds besieged the four-color star palace of our earth universe, but it gave me some understanding in my heart, that is, the cute five essences must come from the second universe of Yuntian, and these inexplicable five essences He must be very familiar with all the immortals and gods in Yuntian Erzhou. "

Pa'er shook the Floating Star and Cracking Cloud Fan slightly, habitually calling out a pure white pear blossom, placed it on the fan, admired it attentively, and said.

"More than that, Lian'er, Mengmeng and Xiaobai, who was transformed from this death cloud bird, must have some connections that we don't know about!"

Liu Juan nodded, agreeing with Pa'er's words.


Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then sighed with puzzled expressions.

"Why did Sister Juan say that? My sisters would like to hear about it."

Liao Yan, the flame poisonous witch, was most interested in such unbelievable things, with a mysterious brilliance shining around him, he saluted and asked Liu Juan.

"I'm not sure what the connection is at the moment, but don't you think it's strange that they are all compatible with Lian'er's Nine-color God Lotus and Colorful Ling?

The six Tianling sisters are very close to Lian'er, but among the six sisters, none of them can control the Nine-color God Lotus and the Colorful Ling, let alone us.

But Mengmeng and Xiaobai, as you can see, they can do whatever they want, doesn't this just show that the relationship between them is extraordinary. "

Liu Juan looked at the Seven Tianling Sisters who were slowly disappearing from sight, and Jiuying, Xiaomei, Lin'er, Little Demon Turtle, Three-color Fire Baby, Red Immortal, and Five-color Ginseng Spirit who were chasing after them to see them off. The figure of Xue'er, Meng'er, Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia's elf Yang'er and Yue'er, etc., were speaking mysteriously.

"Sister Juan, I really don't want Lian Er to come out anymore, so what should we do when we miss her? If I don't see Lian Er for a few days, I won't be able to live!"

Cheng Shifeng asked after holding back his words for a long time.

"Of course not, she is naturally restless, if you bother her, how can he cultivate with peace of mind, and Wu Zhenghai can offend him at will!

If you miss Lian'er yourself, you have no choice but to endure it, and you don't need to worry about her well-being, she will be lonely wherever she goes.

Brother Zhen said that she is born to recruit spirits to be seen, loves her in every life, and does not like her in all spirits, and she likes to keep all kinds of spirit pets.

Maybe, not with us, life will be happier soon! "

Liu Juan said confidently.

"Oh! It's just like Sister Juan said. How could Lian'er go to Wuzhenghai to practice? Sending her to Wuzheng Island is sending her to a paradise. How can she have the heart to practice!"

Cheng Shifeng said with a wry smile when he heard Liu Juan's words.

"You don't have to worry about that. On Wuzheng Island, Qianlang and brother Zhen have already arranged everything. If Lianer wants to practice, she probably doesn't want to!"

When Liu Juan said this, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, she smiled all over the city, and then she smiled all over the country, making Miao Yan, Emperor Shuangtian and other people present were puzzled.

"Sister Juan is so biased, why only give Shuang'er's sister-in-law the way to visit Lian'er, but not us?"

After Liu Juan finished speaking, she was about to leave, but Cheng Shifeng said suddenly.

"What, Shifeng, do you really mean what you say?"

Princess Jinling didn't care about the future of Langyuanmen, she only knew that she liked Lian'er very much and didn't want Lian'er to go to Wu Zhenghai.

Sister Leng, who had no choice but to disobey her husband before, was overjoyed when she heard that Emperor Shuangtian had a way to visit Lian'er, and swirled in front of Emperor Shuangtian like the wind, looking at Cheng Shifeng and Emperor Shuangtian to ask.

"Of course, I heard the words that Sister Juan sent to Shuang'er's sister-in-law just now!"

Cheng Shifeng was not afraid of Liu Juan's blame, so he said proudly.

"You girl, when did I betray you? Don't I know that you can sense the different body Xuanyin? You are both mothers who care about Lian'er. If I tell Shuang'er, it's the same as telling you all!

This won't work, judging by your posture, I'm afraid Lian Er will find it difficult to be quiet even if she wants to! I might as well give you the Famen Soul Mirror. If you want to see Lian Er, you can see it anytime within the Famen Soul Realm.

However, no matter what happened to Lian Er, any of you are not allowed to help, otherwise you will be punished! "

Seeing the sudden joy of all the sisters, Liu Juan waved her sleeves away the dharma door implanted in Emperor Shuangtian's mind to go to Wu Zhenghai, and then a faintly discernible white thin mirror flew out of the Nine Dragons Fireworks Seal, and she held it in her hand, Said.


When all the sisters saw that Sister Leng's face became serious again, they were silent for a long time before speaking one after another.


"There is nothing wrong with loving Lian'er, but if our relationship is to last forever, it is not the time to do whatever we want. Lian'er needs a period of meditation. I hope you can understand!"

Leaving behind these sincere words, Liu Juan suddenly pushed the Famen Soul Mirror in her hand to Miao Yan, then turned around and left in a hurry.

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