Nine Heavens

Chapter 1846 Interstellar Constellation

Chapter 1846 Cosmic Constellation

"Sister Juan—"

"Brother in the distance—"

"Aunt Juan—"

After a long, long time, the mourning seven birds disappeared, and the earth-cloud-empty region was emptied of the bright sun, and became a beautiful cosmic region that resembled both the earth universe and the cloud universe, and both.

The boat of time, like a light moon, floats among the white clouds in the sky. Two slim figures stand on it, looking at the faint phantom in the sky and shouting.

Those phantoms formed two constellations, which the Houdi Zhou Lingxian called Queen Qixiang and Siriusbao.

Two figures, one looks like a beautiful woman in her twenties, wearing a white orchid skirt, with blue eyes and fluttering blue hair.

Beside her, lay a giant white-faced tiger obediently.

Standing on one side of her was a girl who looked younger, wearing a light blue dress, her whole body was slightly shrouded in white mist, and she had the same pair of barking eyes, but with a layer of mist.

Behind this young girl, mooed a magic bull with red horns and a blue body.

These two people are none other than the ones who successfully completed the mission entrusted by Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan, Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng and Yaya. At this moment, they were rescued because the two True Monarchs lost their spirits and got together together. .

Because the sky was clear and the sky was clear, they saw traces of stars and stars in the sky appearing in the eastern universe in the sky and clouds, and there were imprints of stars and stars in the sky, and they shouted.

I saw Liu Juan, the real king of strange fragrance, with light green hair fluttering, like Chang'e flying to the moon, holding the red jade seal of Nine Dragons fireworks in her hand, stepping on the ancient handkerchief of refining incense as white as clouds, and three gorgeous butterflies and phoenixes on her head. accompanying.

Not far away, Master Sirius and the two brothers were majestic, seeming to be chatting and laughing, standing firmly on the wall of the dark wolf castle.

Countless demon lions and three-eyed wild wolves stood proudly on the walls of the controlled pitch-black wolf castle, and at the same time, the sky above the pitch-black wolf castle was covered with magic eagles.

In addition, the two swords of Tears, Blood and Hearts turned into two emerald dragons behind them to protect Piaochi.

Although all these are ghost images, they are equally shocking!

"Woooo—Aunt Shifeng, will we never see Aunt Qixiang and Uncle Yuanfang again?"

Yaya, who had once become a hundred thousand strong, shouted hoarsely, shed tears of grief, and sobbed and looked at her aunt Cheng Shifeng with fluttering blue hair.

"No! It won't be like this. You and I, Aunt Qixiang, Uncle Yuanfang, and Master Dijun, have agreed since we were young that we will never be separated!

They will never die, they must have killed the seven mourning birds for us and went to a better universe to wait for us. "

Cheng Shifeng's face was almost always smiling, but for the first time it became pale and dignified. The blue eyes, the long blue hair, and the gleaming blue crescent moon on his forehead are all becoming infinitely deeper and thicker.

It makes people feel very lonely and sad when they see it.

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng was in extreme pain, two brothers and one sister, no matter who left him, it would make him miserable, and now he lost both of them at once.

Cheng Shifeng knew very well that his brother Yuanfang and sister Juan had really left this time and would never come back again.

On the pale face, tears fell down, and each tear was a hot heart and soul.

Cheng Shifeng wanted to immediately collapse his body and separate his soul, let his five essences drift with the wind, and pursue his beloved brother and sister.

However, whenever I have such thoughts and see Yaya who is also in grief beside me, I will find that death is not so easy.

Now that the life of my five elves does not belong to me completely, if I live alone, Yaya will have more courage to face everything that will come next. If I live alone, the talents of the ancient spirit nine kingdoms in my blue crescent moon may have a future.

So facing Ya's sad question, Cheng Shifeng gritted his teeth and said the reason that even he couldn't be convinced.

"Hmm! It must be, Aunt Qixiang and Uncle Yuanfang are both so powerful, how can something happen!"

Yaya listened to Cheng Shifeng's words, and suddenly bigger tears fell in Wang's eyes, and she knew in her heart that Aunt Shifeng was just trying to comfort herself.

The painful experience made Yaya unacceptable, and at the same time realized that she should not be sad by herself, making the sad person in front of her even more sad.

So she said against her will that she couldn't lie to herself, and she nodded heavily.

"Yaya, you have really grown up. Aunt Shifeng knows the pain in your heart. If you want to cry loudly, then cry. Aunt Shifeng is with you!"

Cheng Shifeng originally thought that Yaya would immediately deny his words, but unexpectedly, Yaya not only did not, but also helped him to cover up the pain. He sighed in his heart that Yaya was sensible and more mature, so he took Yaya Hugged in his arms and said.

"Yaya don't cry, no matter how bitter Yaya feels in her heart, she won't feel as sad as Aunt Shifeng. Yaya knows how deep the brother-sister bond between Aunt Shifeng and Master, Aunt Qixiang, and Uncle Yuanfang is.

If any one of you has an accident, the others will be heartbroken. This feeling is like when Yaya lost her grandparents back then!

But Yaya reassures Aunt Shifeng that no matter how difficult it is, one day Yaya will definitely find the five spirits gathered in Aunt Juan and Uncle Yuanfang in Sanzhou, so that they can live with us again!

The master said, no matter what happens, no matter how much we go through, in the end we must be together forever, no one is missing, no one is allowed to perish!

Even if the heavens are not blessed, even if there are catastrophes everywhere, even if we are against the universe, we must do the same!

Master's words, Yaya will always be engraved in my heart! Yaya never doubted Master's words, he did what he said, and grandpa and grandma were really resurrected because of Master's persistence!

I also want to be like the great master. The master resurrected the grandparents, and I also want to let Aunt Juan and Uncle Yuanfang come back to us! "

Yaya said she wouldn't cry, but she supported Cheng Shifeng's shoulders, thinking about the past and the present, and infinite sadness hit her heart, but the more she talked, the more she cried, choked up and sobbed, so tormented.

But at the end, he suddenly raised his eyes to wipe away his tears, looked at Cheng Shifeng and said.

"Okay! You are indeed a good disciple of Brother Di Zhou, and a good daughter of Brother Zhen! Aunt Shifeng believes in you, and we wept bitterly because of her. Why don't we go to find Yunzhou Yunfeng immediately, and rush into Yunzhou to find your master.

No matter what the future holds, we cannot let down your Aunt Juan and Uncle Yuanfang's wish to save us. The reason why they gave their lives to save us is firstly to let us live well, and secondly, they still need us to help them fulfill many of their unfulfilled wishes. "

Seeing Yaya's teary-eyed face, the white mist unique to the children of the Shui tribe suddenly turned into a blue sky witch fire like Shui'er's sister-in-law, and nodded slightly.

"This is me?"

Yaya suddenly realized the changes in her body, looked around at the blue flames all over her body, was startled, and asked in surprise.

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