Nine Heavens

Chapter 1880 Sister Jiuwanjuan

Chapter 1880 Sister Ninety Thousand Juan

The actions of the Taiyi Divine Rooster awakened the sword Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's idleness in going in and out of the fairy gate in Guzhou.

But at this time, where did the two of them have the time to get angry, before Taiyi Shenji's voice stopped, the two of them had already split their bodies and rushed to the sky, no matter which universe she was, they picked it when they saw it, Because there is no time to think about which of the five essences is what you need.

This time it was very lively, the sixteen people who were looking for the five-fine apples suddenly found sixteen ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight five-fine apples.

The Wujing apple tree is just like what Taiyi Shenji said, after the high-altitude flickering appeared, the flowers bloomed and matured in just a second, and then the tree fell apart, and only all the Wujing apples were destroyed by countless earth universes. The emperor is supreme and evil, and countless swords are held in the hands of Zhanxuanzi with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Hey! Two heavenly immortals, didn't you hear what I just said? There are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine five-spirited apples on each five-spirited apple tree, and only one belongs to you. Friends, others are not, why are you all sealed!?"

The Taiyi Divine Rooster croaked for a while below.

"Of course I can hear clearly, but in a hurry, how can we distinguish the difference between them, so we have to seal all of them first!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi quickly divided all the five essence apples into sixteen spirit groups according to their respective characteristics, and then sealed them firmly, each took their avatars, and looked at the sixteen huge ones in front of them. Said the five-spirited apples of various colors dancing in the light bubble seal.

The whole avatar, fruit grabbing, body closing, fruit splitting, and sealing process were completed in one go, and it took only a moment to complete it. If in the eyes of ordinary immortals, they would not be able to see clearly what happened just now.

Of course, this process was nothing to Taiyi God corns.

"Oh! As I told you, there are your summoning spells. As long as you keep shouting the summoning spells, the five-spirited apples you need will naturally stay, and the five-spirited apples from other universes will naturally return to their parallel universes. !"

Taiyi Shenji stared at the bright red eyes with great interest, looked at the sixteen gorgeous five-fine apple seal bubbles on his head, touched his head with golden hands, suddenly thought of something, and said.

"Qianlang, brother Zhen, but what about you, am I going back to the universe?"

As soon as Taiyi Shenji said this, he almost flew away the black and white eyebrows of Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, and saw that his face was sullen, and the black and white eyebrows twisted into flowers, and he was about to scold.

No matter how evil the Earth Emperor is, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

But before the two brothers could say anything, something exciting happened. After a short period of calm, sixteen huge five-fine apple seal bubbles suddenly floated towards the emperor of Zhou, Supreme Zaixe, and God of Jianzhan, Zhanxuanzi. Inside one of the seal bubbles, the voice of Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan asked.

"Qianlang, brother Zhen, but what about you, am I going back to the universe?"

As soon as the voice stopped, thousands of the same voices were heard immediately.

"Who are you, why do you imitate the words of the True Monarch!?"

Hearing that tens of thousands of people learned to speak by themselves, and sealed the five essence apples containing Liu Juan in the bubble, he was very annoyed, and immediately questioned.

"I am you, who do you say I am?"

"Yes, I am you, don't you even know yourself?"

"It's so funny, there are people I don't even know."


Empress Qixiang's reprimand immediately attracted thousands of laughter and rebuttals.

"Sister Juan, don't shout like them. Can you turn into a phantom of the five spirits, dragging the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal in your hand, and the little red dot? If I can't, they will still be like you?"

Outside the seal bubble, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi heard a quarrel inside, because the voices were all exactly the same, and it was impossible to tell that the five-spirited apple was the sister Juan he was looking for, because he was worried. There are changes over time, and I am very anxious.

In anxiety, Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi suddenly had an idea and immediately shouted to remind Liu Juan, the real Qi Xiang Zhen Jun in the sealed bubble.

"Well, not bad, thank you brother Zhen for reminding me!"

There are sixteen sealing bubbles that are less than ten thousand feet away in front of the two of them, and the sealing bubble on the far right, following the real Liu Juan's response, suddenly flashed ten thousand emerald green rays from within, and suddenly appeared a The whole body is emerald green, a beautiful woman in a fairy dress covered with crystals, diamonds, gems, and fairy dress. The cactus holds a bright red and shining Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal, and a bright red bird squats on her shoulder, which is the little red dot.

I saw her with a proud, graceful and beautiful face, a smile that captivated the city, and then a smile that captivated the country, with a hint of cold arrogance and disdain at the corners of her mouth!

"He is Sister Juan, she is Sister Juan!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi shouted excitedly when he saw this, and then he was so excited that his black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and he looked at his brother Zhou Dijun, who is supreme and evil.

However, Emperor Zhou looked at his brother's excited expression again, and just shook his head slightly, without being affected at all, and his eyes did not leave the sealing bubble because his brother looked at him.


The brothers were so uncooperative that Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He followed the evil gaze of the third brother's Emperor Zhoudijun and then looked at the sealed Paoshi just now, and was immediately dumbfounded.

Because, in the seal bubble, with just a turn around, all the five essence apples in it have turned into emerald green long hair, holding the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal in hand, squatting on the shoulders with little red dots, and the strange fragrance of Adachi's pure white incense ancient handkerchief Zhenjun Liujuan.

"What is your intention, why do you learn everything I do?"

For the second time, Seal Paomei heard Queen Qixiang's questioning voice.

"What is your intention, why do you learn everything I do?"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan's words were copied intact, and all Liujuan who looked exactly like her were speaking her words, and their appearance and charm were also the same.

"Huh? Mother Queen, when did you conjure up so many of us? Are we real or are they real? Am I dreaming?"

Not only the Earth Emperor Wushang Zaixie and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi outside the sealing bubble were at a loss, the little red dot inside the sealing bubble was also very confused, and it was hard to tell whether it was reality or illusion.

It is estimated that the words just now were the words of the real little red dots, but their words were immediately copied by all the little red dots.

"Of course it's not a dream. We are all real, but we were not in one universe before, but existed in many other universes in parallel. Now, I don't know what happened, but we all came together.

Don't be surprised, we are together, in fact, only the existence of this universe can be an entity, not ourselves in this universe, which can only be a phantom here! "

"That's right, why did I forget the principles of the spirit body of the parallel universe!"

"Hmm! It's true!"


The little red dot's words caused all the little red dots in the sealing bubble to discuss.

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