Nine Heavens

Chapter 1889 Hailian Xinlei

Chapter 1889: Hailian Xinlei

"Hehe, when the five essences return, the earth will raise Lingshan, and it will be as happy as a family, loving and loving. I just want to look at it, and I don't want to return my body. The blessings are so sympathetic, and the emerald sea is full of frontiers."

True Monarch of Strange Fragrance, Liu Juan, she rarely smiles again, she smiles all over the city, and then she smiles all over the country.

Her demeanor of the five essences is still the same, but she can actually smile happily, just because she has returned to Langyuan Xianmen, and can see her brothers, sisters, and parents again.

The five-spirited phantom of Qixiang Zhenjun Liu is in front, and the five-spirited phantom of the fifteen Langyuan Gaozun behind, plus the little red dot, slowly floats into the Yangling Palace, smiling and looking back frequently.

Laughter is also happy, and music is also excited.

All the people who came to the fairy gate looked at them with mixed emotions in their hearts, and they felt that the warm home was finally more complete.

The return of the sixteen high-ranking members of Langyuan Xianmen makes the future of Langyuan Xianmen like a rainbow day in the sky, with brighter colors and more confidence.

The crowd of Langyuan Xianmen shouted to welcome the return of the sixteen high-ranking people. The people on the mountain of Dongyang, such as Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun, did not say a word from the beginning to the end.

Everyone just watched with deep meaning, tears in their eyes, and infinite joy in their hearts. The rainbow in their eyes was like the colorful sun in the sky, glowing with warmth, caring for the returnees, and once again wandering the joy of reunion after the catastrophe.

They entered the Palace of Health Preservation, and sixteen phantoms of five essences were temporarily submerged in the emerald ocean of the Palace of Nourishment.

At this moment, the Yangling Palace was full of excitement and noise.

The nine-color sun in the sky and the magic rainbow, with it as the center, more auspicious clouds and happy clouds are flying over the vast Yangling Sea.

Auspicious clouds are like blankets, leisurely like boats, happy clouds are like cotton, fluffy and clean.

Numerous heavenly birds, golden phoenixes and silver phoenixes, singing in emerald green like music, fly intertwined and danced in the sky of Yangling Sea, performing various celebratory beautiful dances.

The bursts of emerald sounds are the most joyful Guiren Lile. The music is intoxicating, and people are even more intoxicated.

The sixteen phantoms of the five spirits, who hadn't been seen for a while, and the cheerful little red dots, Miaomiao appeared among those floating auspicious clouds, surrounded by countless golden phoenixes, silver phoenixes, celestial birds and auspicious birds whirling and dancing.

"Haha... the sixteen relatives of Langyuan, our little red dot, is not coming out yet, and the spirit is raised on the sea of ​​nourishing spirits, so don't hesitate to merge with each other! Return my Langyuan family back, the heaven-defying and crazy fairy master of the universe! "

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi stared at the changes in Yanglinghai for a long time, and saw the phantoms of Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and others disappearing from the sea, floating among the auspicious clouds and auspicious birds in the sky of Yanglinghai, and shouted the last sentence Summon the language of their flesh.

"Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the words of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi fell, the sixteen nine-color sea lotus flowers on the surface of Yangling Sea made a clear and crisp crackling sound one after another, and then saw the sixteen sea lotus flowers that had already bloomed suddenly turned over. Petals, and a fresh flower bud grows from the inside out.

Each flower bud is a rainbow of nine colors, or pure white or light pink or golden.

"Hee hee, hee hee... is that us?"

"Ha ha……"

"Lianhong, you are such a clingy person, squatting on the shoulders of your empress mother all day long, I think you don't want to grow up?"

"Then what's the matter, I just like the Queen's mother, it doesn't matter how old you are, brother Yuanfang uncle, you seem to be younger, you seem to be only in your twenties in the world!"

"Okay, you're the one who talks a lot, and just felt a little bit of the five spirits, and you haven't fit yet, so you're just so active."

There are sixteen sea lotus flowers, petals blooming one by one, and as soon as the new buds in the center emerge, bursts of chatter and laughter can be heard from inside.

Together with this laughter, the auspicious and auspicious birds singing in the sky above the Yangling Sea reached a climax in an instant. They sang together excitedly, jumped and danced happily, and looked at the sixteen high-ranking immortals from the Longyuan Sect and the five spirits below them. Among the sixteen sea lotus flowers, excitement is floating.

The auspicious bird calls for newcomers, and the spirit flower waits for the soul. The five-essence phantoms on the sea of ​​nourishing spirits need the physical bodies in the sea lotus flowers, and the flesh bodies in the buds of the sixteen sea lotus flowers also call for the infusion of the spiritual power of their respective five essences.

This is the most critical step for the cosmic instant instrument to realize its dream. At this time, all the people who have been in love with the fairy gate held their breath, staring intently at every minute and every second of the changes in the Yangling Palace.

They were infinitely looking forward to the blooming of the heart buds of the sixteen sea lotus flowers, and then saw an even more exciting scene.

However, Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, because he knows what he is most worried about at this most critical moment.

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme doesn't want to make the whole Langyuan Xianmen worry about themselves because of his own worries, so that the resurrection festive atmosphere of the sixteen Langyuan Xianmen's high-ranking officials will be discounted.

So the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, looking around with infinite satisfaction at the beautiful scenery of the universe of Dongyang Mountain and Xiyue Mountain on the opposite side, and then left behind a trace of the phantasm of the soul, and the main body was in front of everyone when they were not paying attention. , turned into a faint cloud trace and flew away.

When Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie quietly left Dongyang Mountain, he used a technique called holding breath to seal the universe, urging the power of the traversing shuttle to escape to the place outside the Di Zhou at the fastest speed. In the boundary area between Yun and Universe, when he appeared outside the Earth Universe, he had already completed the art of sealing the Universe.

In this way, I can neither see nor hear all the beautiful situations in the universe at this moment. I can only copy the phantom memory after I go back.

However, Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie is very pleased in his heart, because at any time, it is his original intention and eternal persistence to protect all Taoist friends and relatives of Langyuan Xianmen with his own ability.

The safety and happiness of his relatives and immortal friends of Langyuan Xianmen is his greatest belief and happiness.

The emperor of the earth and universe is supreme and can't watch the resurrection of the sixteen relatives of Langyuan, but he has to face the ubiquitous cloud calamity and evil around the junction of the earth, the cloud and the universe!

When he was still in front of the Nine Human Mirrors, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie understood his worries from his brother Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi's five-color eyes, and soon realized that the disaster of Di Zhou had already begun up.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, the evil god of the heavens, Zhong Zhan, even sent Taiyi, the clock attendant of the Eastern Time and Space, to surrender. Not only did he bring back the sixteen high-ranking and five spirits of the wandering immortal sect that he had been unable to find, but he also made himself sure of his fate. Yun Zhou Yunjun's actions.

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zai Xie, took the risk of completing the creation of the universe instant instrument in the shortest possible time.

This is actually not his original plan. According to the supreme and evil plan of the emperor of the universe, he hopes to experience at least tens of thousands of mental simulations in his heart to ensure that everything is safe before he dares to create the universe instant instrument.

The reason why he is so cautious is very simple, because the resurrection of the sixteen high-ranking priests of the Langyuan Xianmen is really important to him, even more important than his own life.

It's not because of the abilities of the sixteen high-ranking nobles of the Langyuan Xianmen, but because they are relatives!

At this moment, the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, with white hair flying wildly, wearing a sky brocade silk robe and silver clothes, holding a heart-to-heart black jade skull in his hand, and stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword.

Looking at the dark cloud rolling Yun Zhou, Di Zhou Dijun felt calm in his heart, with a smile on his face, he didn't even feel the slightest fear.

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