Nine Heavens

Chapter 1899 Ghost Island Lord

Chapter 1899 Ghost Island Lord

"Where is this demon world smoke book? Xiaobai!"

True Monarch Cheng Shi was overjoyed when he heard about it, and hurriedly asked.

"In Dijun's bright and dark Hunyuan Mountain, that is, in the Black Jade Skeleton Mysterious Realm. The smoke books in the devil world are so strange. Whenever the moon is full and the moon is full at midnight, it will inevitably release an hour of evil smoke and strange fog. , is what the world calls poisonous miasma.

When the old master gave it to me, he had already sealed it, so it has been safe and sound in my body for countless years.

But just after we stabilized the fairy gate in the fairyland of the immortals in the Eternal Sky Realm, one day for some reason, I suddenly mutated into a devil tiger covered in evil smoke, running wildly everywhere!

Just happened to be seen by the emperor, and he subdued me immediately, and then found out that it was caused by the demon world smoke book in my body.

The ancient seal of the ghost island owner of the smoke book in the demon world has expired, and it was automatically unsealed, and began to release infinite poisonous miasma in the body. Because of the poison of poisonous miasma, I fell into a demon phenomenon.

But luckily, I was discovered by the emperor as soon as I fell into the devil, and without further ado, he took out the magic book from my body, and immediately exorcised the poison and righteous spirit for me. After several years, my five essences recovered.

The master should remember that 90,000 years ago, there was another sudden disappearance. Later, I came back and said that I practiced in a foreign land. At that time, I was afraid that the master would be worried, so I lied to the master. Afraid of hurting the master, he left behind his back.

Later, I suffered endlessly, and I could no longer suppress my self-control. I tried my best to hide in an area far away from the emperor's palace.

At the same time that I was righteous, the emperor also re-sealed the smoke book of the demon world, and put it in his Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm Light and Darkness Heaven. Then he asked me about the source of the Demon World Smoke Book and asked me to go back to the master, and asked me not to mention the Demon World Smoke Book to the master. "

As soon as the white-faced tiger king heard that his master called him Xiaobai, the name sounded very handsome, he was immediately elated, and quickly said everything he knew.

"Hmph! In that case, the owner of Gloomy Soul Island is by no means a good person. How can a person who owns the smoke book of the demon world be a righteous person!"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng thought about what the white-faced tiger king said, and said angrily.

"No! Master, the old master is definitely not a villain. As for the old master, I have known him since the era of the chaotic universe in ancient times. He was one of the countless victims of the second batch of people created by Empress Nuwa, and later took me to flee everywhere. , are helpless things.

He is kind-hearted, and has terrifying skills, but he never kills any spirits, envelops evil spirits and demons. Even if you have no choice but to fight them, it is always just a seal or a uniform, never destroying their physical body and five essences! "

When the white-faced tiger king heard that the young master was slandering the old master, he was a little unhappy, and he forgot the name, so he immediately refuted.

"Cut! Big head! You said your old master was a good man, and that righteous man owns the Demon World Smoke Book and can manipulate it. How do you explain it?"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng's blue eyes gleamed with glints of blue light, he stared at the eyes of the white-faced Tiger King looking up at him, and asked.

"this and that……"

When the white-faced tiger king heard this question, he murmured for a long time, but he was at a loss for words, with disbelief and pain in his eyes.

"The owner of Gloomy Soul Island is definitely a righteous person, there is no need for Fengmei to doubt that. From Xiaobai's words just now, we can be sure of this point.

Furthermore, the owner of Gloomy Soul Island is the uncle of Emperor Xunyan, who sacrificed everything for the ancient kingdom of Xunya God. If he was a member of the Demon Realm, how could he be like this.

As for the Demon World Smoke Book in his hands, there are many possibilities. For example, by chance in a certain area of ​​the universe, Suo Zhao uniform was obtained by chance, or obtained from a monster he defeated, and so on.

As for him being able to seal the smoke book of the demon world, it is not surprising that the emperor can seal it, so why not him. Sealing the Demon World Smoke Book does not mean that it will be activated by it! "

Cheng Yuanfang, the Sirius True Lord who was flying in front of Cheng Shifeng, the Spirit Demon Lord, and Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, had been listening carefully to the conversation between the White-faced Tiger King and his younger sister, Cheng Shifeng, the Spirit Demon Lord.

"Sir Sirius is right, sister Feng, don't doubt the spirituality of the old master Xiaobai. Your words made me suddenly think of a question.

I don’t know if you still remember, when we entered the five essences of the emperor, the emperor mentioned that he said that his black jade skull was a gift from Yunzhou Yunjun back then? "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked the three nobles of the Langyuan Xianmen as if thinking of some happy event.

"Jianlang is lying, his black jade skeleton, I once asked him the source when he was very young, I clearly remember that he said it was from an ancient tomb owner in the Emerald Mausoleum, and the ancient tomb owner was It's the owner of Ghost Island."

Zhenjun Pinqixiang Liujuan had long emerald green hair fluttering, a calm face, and answered with rolling eyes.

"That's right! That is to say, the third brother's black jade skull and the demon world smoke book belong to the owner of Youhun Island, but later the black jade skull was acquired by the third brother, and the demon world smoke book was given by the owner of the ghost island before the third brother got the black jade skull. Xiaobai took it away!

We can't figure out why the owner of Gloomy Island did this, and maybe it will always be a mystery. However, I still agree with True Lord Sirius about his spirituality, there is absolutely no problem. "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi twitched his black and white eyebrows, after a little thought, he came to his own further opinion.

"Thank you two immortals!"

When the white-faced tiger king heard his little master's rhetorical question just now, when he raised his head and was drooping in pain, he suddenly heard the two immortals speak up for him, and they called him Xiaobai very kindly. Not a pretty smile.


He laughed, but he didn't listen to the laughter, but he was very happy, very happy, because he finally heard the evaluation his old master should have.

"That is to say, the lies that Qianlang uttered before were no longer from his heart, but Yun Zhou Yunjun manipulated Qianlang to say that, and then forced the nine younger brothers and sisters away!

This is very puzzling, since he has used the death poison to control Qianlang, and then used Qianlang to kill us all.

Wouldn't it be more convenient for the nine siblings not to leave? ? "

"I'm also thinking about this question. As Sister Juan said, Yuan Fang can't figure it out for a while. Brother Zhen, sister Feng, what do you think?"

Lord Sirius took the words from his elder sister Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan, and then asked Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, and Cheng Shifeng, the Lord of Spirit Demon.

"In my opinion, that old pervert probably has a crush on the nine sister-in-laws, and wants to kill my whole family, snatch the nine sister-in-laws and go to Yunzhou to be his fairy concubine or something!"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng said without hesitation.

A few people talking while flying,

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