Nine Heavens

Chapter 1910 The Two Immortals

Chapter 1910 Strange Theory Two Immortals

"Amitabha, escaping is also death, not escaping is also death, what is the use of escaping or not escaping? Being killed is also death, self-harm is also death, why let others do it, even if you die, you can't be your own master, alas! , the saddest thing is this!"

"Old Bai, what are you talking about? How could the six-day death skull die? If you close your eyes, this world will not exist at all.

This world no longer exists, everything around it is gone, who else can kill it? Besides, it doesn't even exist by itself, so how can you kill it!

So it can't die at all, hey! Why do you have to work so hard for the six-day dead skull, why are you running away, listen to me, close your eyes, everything will be gone, no one can kill you! "

"Amitabha, goodness! Goodness! Qianse, Laobai, I really doubt that you lack the five essences, how could there be a book fairy like you in "Devil World Smoke Book"!

Since you think that if you close your eyes, everything will be fine, then if I hit you, does that mean I didn't hit you? "

"That's natural. When I close my eyes, I don't exist anymore, and you disappear too. How could you hit me!"

"Well, just close your eyes and enjoy!"

"Boom! Boom!"


At this moment, Laobai, the book fairy in "The Book of Destruction of the Realm", and Qian Se, the book fairy in "The Book of Smoke in the Demon Realm", in the eyes of True Lord Sirius Cheng Yuanfang, suddenly appeared.

The two of them, each hugging their chests, leaned their heads up on the left and right eye walls of the chaotic eyes of True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang, watching the fierce battle between the four-spirited golden spears and the four-spirited black spears attacking the six-day death skull magic wand. speech.

But when he saw the six-day death skull wand turned into a little death cloud bird, with the dark and evil light of the reverse spirit armor shining all over his body, and ran away, he also began to talk for a while.

And talking and fighting.

Looking at Cheng Yuanfang, the black-haired true lord of Sirius flying wildly from a distance, he saw that in his dark red chaotic eyes, Buddha light, Tao shadow intertwined, white light flashed, all colors were gorgeous, thunder and lightning flashed together, fighting together indistinguishable!

Then they continued to rant.

"Didn't you say that if you close your eyes, I can't beat you? Why don't you close your eyes and fight back!?"

"I can do whatever I like, now I think it's very interesting to open my eyes, Wanzhou returns, especially when I'm fighting with you, Laobai, why should I close my eyes when it's so good!

Pity for letting me see that death cloud bird Qijing is really over this time! The anti-spirit armor outside its body has expired, it seems that Yun Zhou Yun Jun has no intention of letting him return to Yun Zhou alive! "

"Qianse! Concentrate, we are fighting! Why don't you care about Yunniaoer, who has been dying and dying! This time, you must never deny it. If you can't beat me, immediately change your house and become a monk with me!"

"Fight with you, cut! When I was sleeping, I accidentally turned over, and a slap could blow you away, so why take it seriously! You can fight whatever you want, and if I am defeated, you will be your monk. I am not afraid of you!" Be a monk!

However, if I win, you have to keep your promise and become a Taoist priest! "

"Amitabha! I hope you mean what you say!"

"Boom! Boom!"

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes became more and more brilliant, and his eyes were full of immortality!

Besides, while the six-day death skeleton wand was escaping, it suddenly sensed the seals arranged by the four gods of the wave and edge of the sky, and he made a strong breakthrough.

It's even more impossible to retreat, because behind him are the Four Spirits Golden Spear and Four Spirits Black Spear, and the four gods of the Langyuan Immortal Sect have rushed towards him. If he can't escape the encirclement, he will only die!

Thinking of this, Six Days Death Skull suddenly thought of the strange theory of "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm" just now, and immediately felt that it was very reasonable, and suddenly stopped flying, and then closed his eyes and ears. !

"Ah oh!?"

The four gods of Langyuan Xianmen who were chasing after the strong wind and rain, the four spirits and two spears in front of them, and the death cloud transformed into the death cloud by the magic staff of the six-day death skull, the bird suddenly moved and stopped suddenly , and then looked at it in amazement.

Inside the magic wand of the six-day death skeleton, the seven spirits of the six-day death skeleton suddenly discovered that the depressive divine power of the whistling hurricane had weakened behind them. A trick.

The six-day death-skeleton wand Death Cloud Niaoer, who thought he had verified the great method of escape, simply kept doing nothing, completely closed the death consciousness of the seven orifices, and isolated everything in the world, thinking that after escaping the opponent's killing in this way, Then restore the sense of the seven orifices of the outside world, and then escape easily.

However, it doesn't know that the next second is the time for it to disappear completely!

The two four-spirited spears stopped for a moment, and then roared and shot at its bird body, and the four masters of Langyuan Xianmen behind would not give up such a good opportunity to shout.

For a moment, the golden arrow of killing evil, the star sword, the star sword rainbow, the golden whip and lightning of the spirit demon, and the vastness of the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal are all swallowed up by overwhelming madness.

Immediately, the death cloud bird that was transformed into a small six-day death skull wand, which was only more than a hundred feet long, turned into nothingness and completely disappeared!

It's ridiculous, in the magic wand of the Six Days of Death, the seven spirits of the five Six Days of Death cloud birds didn't know that they had disappeared forever until they were annihilated!

"Haha...Thank you to the two senior book fairies for your guidance, so that the juniors can finally kill the hateful five six-day-death cloud birds!"

When the Six-Day Death Skeleton Wand transformed into the Seven Essences of the Six-Day Death Cloud Bird was destroyed, the Four-Spirit Golden Spear and the Four-Spirit Black Spear merged instantly, and split into four divine lights that shot into the Langyuan Immortal Gate The weapon of the four gods.

The four gods of Langyuan Xianmen stopped and looked at the place where the six-day death skull wand collapsed, all of them were full of relief, and their joy turned into a burst of laughter...

"Hey! Who does it think it is! It also taught me about Qianse, who am I! When Qianse closes his eyes, ten thousand worlds will disappear, that's okay! But it can't do it!

This is good, let's die! If you want to say that Yun Zhou Yunjun is really lacking, he has a lot of stupid birds of perishing to come and toss around in Sheng Zhou. They seem to be cold and frightening, but in fact they are all stupid and naive, and they are not opponents of Sheng Zhou's wisdom at all! "

Amitabha, goodness! Good! You are full of nonsense, and you have harmed people to the infinite world! Buddha has the virtue of good life! The six-day death skeleton is also a living body, so you tricked it into death, it is really too much! "

"Life is death, and death is life, so there is no life and no death. How can I kill it with thousands of colors, ah? Haha..."

"Stop quibbling and walking away from the Buddha's heart. Just now, Lao Bai, I hit you with 36,000 palms. You only have a chance to return my Lao Bai's less than 30,000 palms. You are defeated. Come and follow me to the bliss!"

"You fat monk, you probably spend your days drinking and meat, and you are just white and fat with earplugs. You can think back to what I said just now, how did I promise you.

When did we agree on the principle of victory and defeat! If you defeat the opponent, how can you use the tactics of attacking the opponent to determine the victory or defeat? Don't slander my Qianse Daomen in the future, and I Qianse will not mock your old Bai Buddhism. You and I are free! "


After the four gods of Langyuan Xianmen came back to their senses, they all thought that the reason why they succeeded in killing the five six-day-dead cloud birds was thanks to the enlightenment of the two book fairies. Cheng Shifeng, Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi all turned to look at the two Shuxians who had stopped fighting in Cheng Yuanfang's eyes, and thanked them with salutes.

However, the two book fairies turned a deaf ear to it, stopped fighting, and started bickering again.

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