Nine Heavens

Chapter 1916 Sky Wave Instability

Chapter 1916 Sky Wave Unstable


"Will! Will!"

Then one person and one bird, knowing that there is a place outside the universe, the emperor of the universe is supreme and guarded by the evil nine-headed dragon demon, and nothing will happen in a short time. After all, it is a child, out of sight, and has a sustenance, and immediately forgets the sadness, Fly away with a smile.

"Oh! Tianling, why did Lian'er leave the Eastern position? Why did she and Xiaobai fly back to the imperial palace? I'll go to her place and let your fairy uncle take your place for a while. You go and see with her, she What the hell are you doing again.

In the past few days, she has been harboring ghosts and suddenly became honest. "

Lian'er held the nine-colored lotus in her hand, stepped on the colorful damask on her feet, and squatted on her shoulders. Xiaobai had just left shortly before she was seen by Yaya, who was always paying attention to the protection of the second layer of the earth ring.

Worried about her, Wanli Yaoyin sent a message to Tianling.

"Yes! Big sister!"

When Tianling heard the order from the senior sister, she naturally didn't dare to neglect her. In addition, she was willing to peek at all kinds of weird things that the mischievous sister Lian Er did, so she happily agreed, and then flapped Tian Ling's wings to catch up with Lian Er. son.

Outside the universe, the emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon has changed to an area that his daughter Lian'er can't see, and continues to suffer from the infinite cloud calamity cast by Yunjun Yunjun.


No matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon is, no matter how he clenches his teeth, no matter how he gathers mana, he can't stop the pain that feels like knives are being cut all over his body, his heart is pierced by thousands of arrows, and his soul is trembling. The nine dragon heads are shaking constantly ,lament……

"Leading waves! Why do you do this, let's become a teacher! You can't survive it. If you don't say ninety-nine and eighty-one million years, you can't survive the ninety-thousand-year kalpa!

If you died, wouldn't your Dizhou Langyuan Xianmen be slaughtered by Ben Yunjun as well! What's the point of you doing this! The fairy world is indifferent and devoid of human affection!

If you are allowed to bring your family and family to the Immortal Ascension, then there will be no rules and regulations. This is the case in the universe, and it is even more so in the heavens. Your dream of loving the sky will always be shattered. Wake up quickly before you fall Bar! "

The emperor of the universe is the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon, with his teeth and claws stretched out in the vast sea of ​​flames, the fire dragons flying, staring angrily, trying his best, stepping in the fiery red waves of fire, letting the lightning lash wildly, let the thunder strike body, let thousands of arrows pierce the heart, let the beasts bite...

Just stand upright!

"Ha ha……"

The emperor of the earth is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon has nine dragon heads, panting heavily, amidst the bursts of mourning, suddenly burst into a wild laugh, and then sonorously roared:

"Your nine-layer infinite loop cloud calamity can't do anything to me! The calamity is indifferent and warm, thinking that there is no death in the world! Even if the sky and the sky are to blame, Qianlang will take care of his family!

This emperor is not a ruthless person, although you originally accepted me as a disciple out of a dirty heart and taught me magic skills! The name is a mentor, but in fact it is a tool for feeding demons!

But this emperor is different from you, you are ruthless, I am righteous! Therefore, this emperor is willing to accept the first round of 99.81 million-year-old demons in the infinite calamity of the universe, without any resistance!

If this emperor is lucky enough to survive, you and I will be cut off from now on, and we will be enemies! If you die, I will return your kindness for teaching meritorious service and leading the way to immortality!

Just use all the means of disaster and catastrophe! This emperor is not afraid, haha... Just now, this emperor saw my lovely daughter, she has successfully practiced Nine Colors Fate Soul Divine Art! Ha ha……"

The emperor of the universe is the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon, laughing wildly in the ocean of thunder, fire and lightning, meteor and arrow rain, and the attacks of countless beasts. The majestic and terrifying aura scares those terrifying cloud beasts to howl.

Time flies in the universe, 30,000 years have passed, and the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon, is still experiencing more and more terrifying disasters in the universe, but he, who is covered in bruises, laughs wildly all the time, as if he doesn't care.

The pain didn't make him give in, nor did he fall down. The nine dragon heads all flew wildly, and the eighteen dragon claws each carried a huge wine jar and poured wine at the mouth of the dragon in turn.

Heavenly Demon is not afraid of ruthless calamity, and waits for the wind to be slightly cold.

Crazy thunder is a festive season, and lightning can be described as dark and bright.

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart but nothing, the terrifying beast bites and the gods are not surprised.

The warmth and majesty of the human world is there, no matter how evil it is, it will be destroyed!

"Mr. Yun! He is a lunatic! Why bother to go through infinite cloud calamities one by one? I think a fairy like him can simply cast the ninth stage of cloud calamity directly and destroy him quickly!

Could it be that Mr. Yun still has fantasies in his heart, and it's impossible to put them under his account! ? "

Outside the universe, in the dark and terrifying sky below Yunzhou, the voice of the Northern Desert Shaman Beizhou Emperor came.

"No! No matter how rebellious and disrespectful he is, for the sake of the evil waves, the universe and the world, Yu Gong, I don't want to lose a fairy war god who is not easy, and Yu, I will never be willing to do so unless it is a last resort. Lost a beloved apprentice!

Although the cloud catastrophe is endless, but those who can survive the first round of 99.81 million years will not be able to survive the catastrophe in the subsequent rounds.

Perform the cloud robbery step by step, this is the law of the cloud, we can't break it, so let's use it patiently, and give him a chance to regret it at any time! "

Yun Zhou Yun Jundao.

"Hey! Jun Yun is really benevolent! I hate him for his demonic nature, his evil nature, his evil nature, his rebellion against Yun Ting, and his unrepentant attitude until his death. Look at him... Sigh!"

"After all, we are master and apprentice, even if we die, let him be convinced."

"I'm worried that if he really survives the infinite cloud calamity, and instead of submitting to us, instead seek refuge in the evil palace bell in the heaven, what should he do!

Now we have managed to subdue Wanwanzhou except for Langyuan Xianmen. If he succeeds in overcoming the catastrophe, orders Wanwanzhou, and then cooperates with the evil palace of the heavens, our future will not be optimistic! "

"Hehe, don't worry about this, he is born to not bow his head, he will not submit to anyone, submit to the evil palace of the heaven, that is impossible.

Otherwise, why would Mr. Ben Yun bother to send him to the human world, and then personally descend to the realm to save him back to heaven!

There are still 60,000 years left before this first heavy cloud calamity, just keep an eye on it, I will go back to the Yun Palace, and figure out what kind of immortal kung fu he said about the Nine Colors Fated Soul Divine Kung Fu!

Tens of thousands of years ago, Mr. Ben Yun did see that the universe is calm and without sky waves, but only the waves of the universe, there are thousands of nine-colored rainbows, just now you saw it, I don’t know if it is related to this evil work related! "

"That's right! I've also seen the Eternal Skywave of Langyuan's ground being unstable many times, but thinking that since I saw it, Mr. Yun would naturally care about it, so I didn't mention it to Mr. Yun.

You can just go, Mr. Yun, let’s leave it to me and Xixi Yaoai, and Dongtai Yaotian is here! "

"Thanks to the three emperors, Ben Yun-jun will go now! If Ben Yun-jun can't come back immediately, just continue to perform infinite cloud calamity step by step."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yun, I will send you off respectfully!"


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