Nine Heavens

Chapter 1927 Painful Kissing

Chapter 1927 Painful Kissing

"See Splash Flying Fairy! See Luo Ying Fairy!"

Seeing two beautiful people, a man and a woman, appearing to rescue him suddenly, the Three Emperors of Yun Zhou shouted excitedly, returned to their bodies, and then respectfully saluted and saluted the two of them together.

"Three Eternal Emperors, there is no need to be polite. I will leave this place to Ben Feixian and Luoying Fairy. You go back to Eternal Land and prepare all kinds of fairy formations. After Yunjun is ready to kill the rebellious immortals in the lower realm, he will attack on a large scale. Heavenly Evil Palace!"

The young man known as the Splash Flying Fairy glanced at the three Zhou Emperors at the place where the three death clouds and birds were circling just now. His eyes were full of disdain, but his words were very polite.


The three Zhou Emperors immediately bowed their heads in response, and then looked at each other, as if they wanted to say something, but they didn't say it. Then, they roared and shot towards the sky, and disappeared after a while.

Seeing that the three Zhou Emperors respected the two young men and women so much, Jiu Jian and Xiao Jian were secretly amazed. Thinking about those three Zhou Emperors, no matter they are real or not, they are now the four emperors of Yun Zhou, who are above hundreds of millions of immortals and gods, and are only below Lord Yun, how could they be so respectful to the two young juniors.

There should be only two explanations for the answer, either the two young juniors are extremely powerful or their seniority is higher than the three Zhou Emperors.

This can barely be understood as the first birth of a young hero, but why these two look similar to their master and the emperor's wife Dong Luo, the two sword babies are unknown.

Therefore, after being refuted by the other party, the rainbow once again cast its eyes on the earth Zhou Dijun supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon in the sky.

"You should be Qian'er and Xiao Luo! Do you know who I am!?"

The emperor of the universe is supreme, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon is, because seeing a pair of sons and daughters who met for the first time, he was extremely excited, forgot his current situation, and didn't care about the questioning of Nine Swords and Xiaojian, but eighteen drops Blood Dragon Eyes, has been looking intently at the two bright and beautiful Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy.

He didn't respond first, and said again loudly and hoarsely.

This time, instead of the cries of the three death clouds and birds transformed into by the Three Eternal Emperors, and the howls and thunders of battles in the space, the voice of the Nine-Headed Dragon Demon appeared very loud.

Nine Swords and Little Sword listened carefully, standing shoulder to shoulder in the sky, slightly higher than the Nine-Headed Dragon Demon, and the Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy who were thousands of miles away could also hear them very clearly.


Hearing the words of Di Zhoudijun Supreme and Evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon, Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy were stunned, and for the first time, Mouhong looked directly at Earth Zhou Emperor Supreme and Evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon.

I was also muttering in my heart, how powerful is this nine-headed dragon demon? The three Emperors of Nine Swords did not kill him when they personally performed Yunzhou Infinite Cloud Calamity. Who is he?

While Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy were muttering in their hearts, they carefully examined the Emperor Zhou Emperor Supreme and Evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon for a long time.

When their eyes meet, the two suddenly feel a strange kindness and warmth in their hearts. This kind of warmth is very strange, just like the feeling that Mr. Yun loves and cares for him when he is led by his mentor in microclimate to play.

However, the two quickly denied this feeling with cold eyes, because they could be sure in their hearts that the nine-headed dragon and demon had never met before. Will know it!

"What a joke! A little monster from the lower realms, how can we Yunzhou Shangxian take it seriously, we are not interested in who you are at all!

Of course, if you want to say it, we don't want you to die in a muddle, and we won't let you explain it when you die! Tell me, who are you? But it is some rebellious immortals from Langyuan Xianmen! "

After thinking for a moment in his heart, the Splash Flying Immortal stepped on the blue cloud of death, and the bird floated among the countless waves, coldly scanning the earth, the emperor, the supreme evil, the nine-headed dragon demon, and the nine-headed dragon demon and the nine-headed sword and the little sword below, and said.

"Bah! It seems that the two of you must be a pair of sons and daughters of Yunzhou, the master Dijun and Mrs. Dongluo! But it's a pity that you actually recognized the thief as your father and helped the hypocritical and deceiving Yunzhou Yunjun to do things, leaving your own..."

"Nine Swords! Stop talking!"

Hearing Langhua Feixian's icy words, Jiujian couldn't help being furious, scolded angrily, and then complained about the evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon for Di Zhoudijun Supreme.

However, when it came to the most critical point, the emperor of the universe, the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon suddenly screamed, feeling ashamed, and stopped the nine swords.

Listening to his master's howling and whining, Jiu Jian shook his head in the sky with tears of blood, tears in his eyes, and cried out distressedly:


"Nine swords, little swords, those who know my heart are none other than your relatives, it's useless to say, why bother to humiliate yourself!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme No Evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon's eighteen dragon eyes were full of pain, and he bent down to look at the approaching little sword and Nine Swordsmanship.

"But they, you... oh!"

After flying not far away, Nine Swords stepped on and sang hundreds of millions of dragons in a low voice, and sighed the evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon with the sound transmission in his mind.

What Jiu Jian wanted to say was that he and Xiao Jian couldn't bear to see Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zai Xie Nine-headed Dragon Demon and his own children become enemies, so they sighed anxiously.

"Why is this emperor unwilling to recognize their father and son, but how is it possible at this moment! The two brothers and sisters don't even mention me, they don't even remember what their mother looks like, and they were caught by Jun Yun when they spoke out." Take away.

On the one hand, they thought it was a great honor to hand them over to Mr. Yun, and it was also to make up for the fact that my little senior sister Weier and I had left him successively.

But who would have thought that all of this turned out to be his conspiracy to design me and Langyuan Xianmen step by step. Let our biological father and son fall into the embarrassing situation now!

They haven't seen me, and they can't recognize us, so no matter what we say, they won't believe it, not to mention the current situation, what's more! "

Di Zhou Dijun Supreme then evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon sent a sound transmission to Jiu Jian and Xiao Jian, explaining the reason why the pair of children in front of them are in Yun Zhou.


"So that's what happened, we only know that Yunzhou has a pair of sons and daughters from the emperor and master, but we don't know how they are in Yunzhou!

Jun Yun is no longer the ancestor of Dumojian, he became Yunjun, he has changed, the former ancestor of Dumojian is so righteous, so pure and elegant, there is no trace of pollution in the fairy mind, so he created We fairy swords!

No, why did he change? He became Lord Yun, and Yun Tianzhou became an existence with infinite justice on the surface and infinite evil behind his back! "

Nine Swords thought back to the process of creating by Du Mojian Patriarch painstakingly, and still sighed, and still could not accept the changes after Du Mojian Patriarch stepped on the position of Lord Yun.

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