Nine Heavens

Chapter 1932 personally killing the disciples

Chapter 1932

"Then why did Master lie to me and let us kill our own father!"

Fairy Luoying had tears in her eyes, and her lips trembled as she asked her brother.

"Because he is a demon after all, and his master is Lord Yun of the Upper Realm. What he pretends in his heart is the Great Realm of the Sky and the Great Realm of the Earth and Universe. Not only him, but all demons are the targets of his inevitable slaughter."

Splash Flying Fairy said again.

At this moment, the minds of the two brothers and sisters were suddenly shocked, and then they heard the sound transmission of Wanli's mind from the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon.

"He's not dead yet!"

Suddenly hearing the sound transmission from the mind of the Supreme and Evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon, Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy, both brothers and sisters were suddenly contradictory and happy, and then tacitly clenched their left and right hands together, and turned to the vast world. Looking in the battle elephant.

However, the brother and sister still did not see the stubborn skeleton body.

"Mind transmission!"

At this moment, Splash Flying Immortal, he felt defensive towards Yun Zhou Yunjun, and reminded his sister to communicate with her heart.

"Brother, is what Daddy said true? We have been deceived by Master all the time. The Waves and Immortals are not that bad, and Daddy is not a big devil?"

Fairy Luo Ying questioned what the Di Zhou Emperor said before the death of the Nine-headed Dragon Demon.

"I don't know, we brothers and sisters are in Yunzhou, but we have never left the cultivation space since we were young, and we all listen to what the master tells us about the situation in the outside world.

Whether what Master said is true or not, we don't know. Regarding the matter of our parents, we also saw it in the magic sound and shadow stone that Master gave us. It was full of Daddy's demonic passages.

But when I actually saw Daddy this time, I suddenly discovered that the Daddy in the magic sound shadow stone that Master gave us is not the same as the real Daddy, which shows... Sigh! "

When Langhua Feixian said this, he sighed and did not continue.

"This shows that Master is deliberately vilifying Daddy's image, right?"

With tears in her eyes, Luoying Fairy looked at the vast and terrifying war elephant area and asked her brother.

"I don't know, but we will find out everything! Luo Ying, we are finally born, and we have walked out of the realm of death and evil art practice. Anything we want to know, we can investigate by ourselves!"

Langhua Feixian's eyes were deep, he suddenly realized what is real and what is not in the world around him can only be determined through his own experience, so he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Will he escape and ascend to heaven?"

Fairy Luo Ying was most concerned about the life and death of the Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, and the nine-headed dragon demon, so she asked her brother with hope in her eyes.

"No! The master did not intend to give him any chance to escape! Maybe he has fallen now! I really hope he is a real devil!"

Splash Flying Immortal sighed.

"I know, brother is afraid that father is not a devil, and we killed our biological father by mistake! Then, how will we face ourselves and the mother we are looking for in the future!

Also, if Dad is not a demon, then Master..."

Fairy Luo Ying couldn't bear to continue talking while talking.

The two brothers and sisters were entangled in their hearts, and the facts were vaguely showing that Yun Zhou Yunjun and his father, Zhou Dijun, were supreme and evil, either A was right or Yi was evil, and no matter who was right and who was evil, they had to. face the pain.

"Spray! Luo Ying! You can go back to Zhan Zhou, just leave it to the teacher here!"

Yun Zhou Yunjun's icy voice suddenly came from the sky of Yun Zhou.

"Master, haven't we already successfully practiced the evil art of death? Why do you want us to return to the dark universe?"

Hearing the master's order, Feixian Langhua and her younger sister, Fairy Luoying, felt reluctance for a while.

Looking at each other, Fairy Luoying raised her head and looked at the sky surrounded by clouds and asked.

"Hmph! Your performance just now really disappoints the teacher. With the power of the evil death kung fu, why do you need a second shot to put the opponent to death.

However, you failed to destroy the evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon, the emperor of the universe, the emperor of the universe twice. Do you say that this is also called the death evil skill that has been successfully cultivated!

With your skill level, how can you be qualified for the title of Death God of War! Needless to say, immediately return to the practice space of the dead universe, and without my call, you are not allowed to leave the practice space!

Of course, you are concerned about your mother's situation, and I will continue to send people to copy your mother's whereabouts for you with the magic sound and shadow stone as before.

As for her safety, you don't have to worry about it. After I send someone to slaughter the Langyuan Xianmen, you can take her to Yunzhouyun Palace, and you will see it when you come out again! "

Yun Zhou Yunjun's voice was full of reprimands, cold and unquestionable.

"But, we have already killed him. Didn't you say that as long as we kill him, we will get rid of the evil poison of death in our bodies and let us go find our mother?"

Fairy Luoying knew that it was useless to refute, but she still said.

"Kill him! You are so naive, do you think your demon father died so easily? You go back immediately, I will personally investigate the entire battlefield and continue to perform infinite cloud calamity. When will you make sure you see him? Only when the five spirits are weak, can we believe that he is indeed dead!"

Yun Zhou Yunjun's tone of speech changed from the eternal gentleness and kindness he had shown towards Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy to brother and sister, and changed to a terrifying and cold tone, and he roared without hesitation.

Brother and sister Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy felt a chill in their hearts when they heard this, and they remained silent for a long time.

"Disciple obeys! Master, take care!"

Feixian Langhua thought about it for a while, then motioned to her younger sister, Fairy Luoying, to stop saying anything, and then the two saluted and left.


Through the layers of clouds, Jun Yunyun sat cross-legged among the clouds and clouds, watching the brother and sister Langhua Feixian who gradually disappeared from sight, and snorted coldly.

Then, with the fairy sword furnace in his hand, the Tianling Fuchen shot out a terrifying waterfall at the same time, a multi-colored, countless magic swords, hissing and roaring, shot towards the war elephant area where the evil nine-headed dragon demon was located.

At the same time, the Heavenly Whisk in Jun Yun's hand stretched tens of thousands of miles, covering the sky and covering the earth, creating a huge closed barrier of 100,000 in the entire war elephant area, covering the entire war elephant area, ensuring that the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil. The nine-headed dragon demon can't escape no matter what.

"Don't go into hiding, Mr. Ben Yun knows that you are not dead yet! I hate you two unlucky bastards, but the five essence elements of good fate can't be eliminated no matter how they die and wash, when facing your nine-headed dragon monster The body will also give birth to a heart of compassion!

However, your date of death cannot be changed, and any god who violates this Lord Yun will only die once, not to mention you are just a tool made by me, how could you escape my grasp! "

After Yunzhou Yunjun finished setting up the barrier, Tianling's whisk slashed towards the central area of ​​the war elephant, and the area became much clearer in an instant, and immediately the stubborn skeleton body of the nine-headed dragon demon appeared again.

He, the nine-headed dragon demon, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, is still standing upright, but because of the huge damage, the immortal power was greatly consumed, and the magic smoke shrouded him, shaking non-stop.

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