Nine Heavens

Chapter 1934 Double Man

Chapter 1934 The Double Man

"Everywhere in the vast universe is bright, but I am the dead demon, dark and cold! I look at the sky beyond my narrow seal, and search for all the glorious memories of the dead universe left by my late father in my mind. I am painful, angry, and unwilling.

Then after hundreds of millions of years of thinking, and hundreds of millions of years of practice, I finally knew what I should do, so I turned into a righteous fairy god and appeared in the world of Shengzhou. He built swords for immortals and gods, and was gradually revered as the ancestor of Dumo swords.

By the way, the Summoning Soul Sword is the first so-called immortal sword cast by Ben Yunjun. It adopts the sun and moon fairy flowers, and contains the death devil energy of Ben Yunjun.

Obviously it is a fairy sword, but in fact it is the number one demon sword in the universe. This is why I chose to give this sword to you. I chose you in the universe, and when you master this sword and return to heaven, fight for the hegemony in the universe for me, and then Recover the future of my dead universe!

However, what Mr. Ben Yun didn't expect was that Shengzhou would still have feelings for you. In your hands, the Sword of Calling Souls would keep changing because of the changes in the immortality, and the demonic nature would disappear.

This caught me by surprise, so in order to bring back the demonic nature of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword in your hand, I forged one hundred thousand demon swords and another eighty demon swords, and ordered them to The lower realm, approaching you by various means.

However, in the end, not only did the demonic nature of the Summoning Sword fail to recall, but the Hundred Thousand Demonic Sword and the Eighty-speed Demonic Sword were subdued by your Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword instead!

In the dark, all the forces of death clouds and birds in the sealed area of ​​​​my dead universe, call me the dark son!

The death cloud birds are the only forces created by Mr. Yun to kill immortals and kill gods. There are many forms of death cloud birds, more than you can imagine.

The soul of immortality was originally given to me by the father of the dead demon, but because I want to mix into the universe, the dead body and the dead heart cannot be united, otherwise the identity will definitely be seen through by the immortal god of the universe, so I give it to you Yes, I naturally hope that you will become my immortal God of Death!

After the rainbow ball melts into your body, you will have the most powerful dead demon divine power in the universe, and you will be powerful when you enter and leave the universe, but you have been suppressing the demon nature in your subconscious, and you have never exploded.

The reason why Mr. Ben Yun must choose you, the wave of life, to cultivate, and the most important point is that Mr. Ben Yun needs you to interpret the "Complete Book of Destruction of the Realm" for Mr. Ben Yun!

The Demon Father of Death Demon has explained that if one can thoroughly comprehend the mysteries in the "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds", one will be able to grasp the principles of the birth and destruction of the Universe of Life and Death.

However, the person who can understand this "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds" must be a person who has both the universe and the universe of death. What text is on it, and what the text talks about.

And if you successfully use it for me, take the Yaotian gold and silver mirrors and enter the magical space of the blue spirit beast, you will have insight into all the cosmic mechanisms in the "Complete Book of Destruction".

At that time, my dead universe will naturally be restored, and everything in the living universe, how did it appear, how will Lord Yun let it disappear!

How do you feel when you hear this! ? The price Ben Yun-jun paid for you is too great, but you have disappointed Ben Yun-jun to the point of being confused by the feelings of immortals and inferior spirits from the lower realms, and against Ben Yun-jun, This is really beyond my comprehension! "

Yun Zhou Yunjun was so angry that he even said out his old background indifferently.

"It turns out that you are the death demon of the universe of death!?"

Hearing the words, the emperor of the universe, the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon, couldn't help being horrified in his heart!

From his point of view, he always thought that Jun Yun's ultimate identity was just a fallen demon in Yuntianzhou fighting for hegemony, but he really didn't expect that he turned out to be the mysterious death demon of the universe!

"Is it strange? Don't be surprised. Look at yourself. You are surrounded by the evil smoke of death. You will lose your spirit and five essences immediately, and your body will be destroyed. God of death.

Then, Ben Yunjun will personally take you to the universe of Langyuan, and watch you slaughter the entire Langyuan Xianmen with his own eyes. Even if you perish with your five spirits, Ben Yunjun will never let you protect your so-called relatives' wishes It worked! "

At this moment, Yun Zhou Yunjun was also breathing black and cold death smoke all over his body, roaring.

"Ha ha……"

"Didn't you just say that you need me to interpret the "Complete Book of Destruction" for you? How did it become so fast, and now you don't need it?"

The emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon is in the vast and violent calamity of the infinite cloud calamity, the skeleton is shaking, drinking and laughing.

"Ben Yun-jun's choice at the beginning was a mistake, but it's not too late to regret it now, kill you, and immediately regain the soul of immortality, the soul-calling sword, the colorful ball, "The Complete Book of Destroying the World", the blue spirit beast and Yaotian gold and silver double mirror .

Mr. Ben Yun already has a new candidate, and that is your pair of sons and daughters, Qian'er and Xiao Luo!

Let them help me interpret the "Complete Book of Destruction", I think it will be much easier than torturing you!

As for the matter of destroying the universe, Lord Benyun believes that with his current status, as long as he calls on all the righteous spirits and gods in Yuntian Eryun to destroy the palace of evil gods in the heavens, Lord Yun will pay a small price. Didn't the power of the gods disappear?

Then, destroying those luminous galaxies in the vast universe is as simple as blowing a lamp, haha..."

Yun Zhou Yun Jun's voice was yin and yang, evil and sinister, and when he finished speaking, he couldn't stop laughing coldly.

"This time your choice is still a mistake. Do you know what your biggest failure is?"

Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme No Evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon stopped laughing and asked Yun Zhou Yun Jun.


Yun Zhou Yunjun's laughter stopped abruptly!

He has been thinking about this question for countless universes, and he has never been able to figure out why the universe was destroyed. Why did the powerful existence lose to the universe that appeared later?

He has always been eager to know the reason for such an ending, so when the emperor of the universe mentioned this question, he immediately asked in surprise.

"The emergence of the living universe is not the real demise of the dead universe, but the evolution of the dead universe and the dawn of a new form. If you change along the way, you will never perish, nor will you become the enemy of the living universe!

It's a pity that you are blindly conservative, self-proclaimed, blindly guarding everything that is rotten in your perishing universe, so it's no wonder that you don't perish!

Now you are still obsessed with your obsession, and you still want to restore the universe, which is really ridiculous. If you look at the universe of the sky and the universe of the earth, there is no possibility of the evil spirit of death in the universe to grow stronger!

Wanting to restore the dead universe and rebelling against the evolutionary spiritual journey of the universe is simply a dream come true! "

The emperor of the universe, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon, deeply savored the other party's words and expressed his own opinions.

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