Nine Heavens

Chapter 1951 Lian'er Crying

Chapter 1951 Lian Er Crying


Jiu Jing died in the darkness, and his dark eyes glowed with even darker evil lights. Seeing this scene, he was very angry, but he didn't dare to speak loudly. He raised his head and looked at the sky hundreds of millions of miles away, but he ran away without a word...

Waves of the universe.

The four high-ranking lords of Langyuan arrived in the four directions of the universe one after another, using their astonishing fairy eyesight, through the layers of clouds, they followed the two arks of refuge that were drifting away.

"Third brother, don't you blame us! If you were here, would you do the same?"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, stands on top of the blood unicorn that is as bright as fire and red as a red rainbow, looking up into the universe, and talking to himself.



At this moment, Jianzhan Shenjun suddenly heard bursts of mournful cries floating from above.

Listening carefully, it turned out to be Lian'er crying.


Jianzhan Shenjun searched for the sound, and soon saw Lian'er running back from outside the universe of Langyuan on the colorful silk.

That was really sad, the Nine Colors Divine Lotus ignored it, and let it float above her head, while she kept wiping her face from left to right, crying bitterly.

Xiaobai was also on Lian'er's shoulder, bumping his head against Lian'er's shoulder, crying unbearably.


"Uncle Song! Daddy is dead! Daddy...he, he is dead!"

Seeing Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan controlling the blood unicorn running towards her, Lian'er cried even more sadly, and swooped towards Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, with infinite pain.

A moment later, Lian'er flew up to Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan.

"Lian'er, what are you talking about, you saw your father!?"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, held Lian'er in his arms, wiped away her tears, and asked.

"Yes! We saw Dijun, but he was killed by the big villain Yunjun high in the sky!"

Before Lian'er could answer, Xiao Bai, whose eyes were full of sadness, flapped his wings and answered first.

"Shut up, who told you to talk nonsense! Uncle Song's father was hacked to death by the infinite cloud calamity performed by Yun Zhou Yunjun! It's terrible!"

Lian'er heard Xiaobai's words, and suddenly turned around to reprimand Xiaobai, and then said to Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi.


Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard that the third brother had passed away, although he didn't know whether what Lian Er said was true or not, his internal organs suddenly churn, his throat felt sweet, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood?

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi kept twisting his black and white eyebrows, suppressing the surge of his heart, and asked:

"Lian'er, don't worry, how did you go back to Zhouwai, how did you see your father again, tell Uncle Song slowly!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, trembled a little as he hugged Lian'er and asked.


"Yunzhou is so scary. Because I was worried about my father, I used Wanyang Lianhong to refine the golden pagoda that my father gave me, and then Xiaobai and Xiaobai slipped out of the universe while Sister Yaya and the others were not paying attention. I'm looking for my dad.

I happened to see my father resisting Yun Zhou's infinite cloud calamity alone. At that time, my father had already turned into a skeleton. But it's too late, daddy he... woo woo..."

Lian'er was crying as she talked, tears fell like pearls, Xiao Bai turned on her back, crying to death, who would doubt this situation?

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, naturally also believed it, burst into tears instantly, and shouted:

"Third brother!"

Then I couldn't cry anymore, with snot and tears, crying very sadly.

Seen from a distance, a tall man wearing a robe of stars, holding a sixty-year-old little girl in his arms, looked at each other and cried loudly.

Such sad cries became louder and sadder, and the sound resounded throughout the Langyuan universe and spread directly beyond the Langyuan universe.

"No, brother Qianlang won't fall so easily, Lian'er, are you sure you saw your father's physical body and five essences destroyed?"

Lian'er's cries soon attracted Liu Juan, the True Lord of Wonderful Fragrance, Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sky Wolf, and Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of Spirit Demon, from the three directions of Lang Yuan's universe.

After they sensed Lian Er's cry, they quickly flew across the sky and came in an instant. At this moment, each of them was floating in their own shuttle, listening to Lian Er's sad cry, and soon knew that Jian Zhanshen Jun Zhan The reason why Xuanzi and Lianer are sad.

Although the three Langyuan Gaozun are familiar with the matter of life and death, it is still difficult to accept that the emperor of the universe has fallen from the sky.

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang is surrounded by a pitch-black magic rainbow, and the god of chaos shoots the rainbow to the outside of the universe, and the coldness contains infinite murderous intent and hatred.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan frowned and bit her lips, the corners of her mouth were a little bit of arrogance, a little bit of hatred, bright red blood was flowing down the corner of her mouth.

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, couldn't accept the fact that his beloved brother Qianlang had fallen, so he floated up to Lian'er, grasped Lian'er tightly with both hands, stared at Lian'er with cold eyes, stared at Lian'er and asked.

"Of course!"

Lian'er looked at Aunt Feng's eyes with azure blue and cold light and her long blue hair flying around in an instant, she couldn't help being frightened so that Zhou's face turned pale, and she was a little squeaky, but she still frowned and said affirmatively.

Lian'er was just playing tricks with Xiaobai, but now she was really scared to tears by the appearance of Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon.

"Feng'er! Don't frighten Lian'er!"

Real Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan saw the excited state of Cheng Shifeng, True Monarch Lingyao, and hurriedly reminded her.

"No! Brother Qianlang! You can't die! As you said, you must protect Feng'er forever!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, was taken aback when he heard what his sister Liu Juan said, and then slowly let go of the hands that were holding Lian'er, and then suddenly rose into the air, dancing with the golden whip that suddenly appeared in his hand, and the space was full of hate whips voice.

"Lian'er, I heard from afar just now that you used the Golden Pagoda to help your father, but this?"

Compared to the others, Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, was very calm. After looking out of the universe for a while, he asked Lian'er softly.

"Yeah, Uncle Yuanfang! If I hadn't used the Sacrificing Golden Pagoda to help Daddy, Daddy would have died even worse. Daddy was not only attacked by Unlimited Cloud Tribulation, but also by the other two kinds of Yunzhou evil kung fu.

When my father was dying, he told me that the two kinds of evil skills, one is called the dead universe death evil spirit skill, and the other is performed by Yun Zhou Yunjun. I don't know what evil skills are.

Daddy ordered me to come back quickly and tell you, no matter what, when Yunzhou aggressively attacks Langyuan Dizhou, protect the safety of all living beings and spirits in the fairy world and the human world! "

When Lian'er heard this, she suppressed her crying, and looked back at Uncle Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf not far away, and replied.

"Well! Of course we can guess this. Since your father has fallen, how about the golden pagoda, can you bring it back?"

True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, Cheng Yuanfang, used his spiritual sense to analyze Lian Er, but he didn't find any aura of the robbery gold she mentioned at all, so he couldn't help but wondered, so he asked.

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