Nine Heavens

Chapter 1988 The Ultimate Winner?

"Why, Zhou Bo is afraid of them, so he still has something to hide!?"

Mr. Yun Jun's dead son seemed to be very concerned about the bird head fairy's reaction, and asked with something in his words.

"No! How could this Bird Head Immortal be afraid of them, it's just that it's not easy to kill them.

For one thing, we have never been aware of their whereabouts, perhaps they have already been annihilated by the living power. Secondly, Mr. Yun is attacking the very difficult Langyuan Xianmen on a large scale. At this moment, the bird head fairy really hopes to help Mr. Yun a little bit, so he has some concerns! "

Hearing Mr. Yun's death question, Immortal Bird Head throbbed even more, but he calmed down instantly and said.

"Well! What Zhou Bo said is true, so I have found out for Zhou Bo the place where the young master of the Void Universe Emperor exists, and that is in the palace of the evil god in the heaven!

Zhou Bo can first go to the palace of the evil gods in the heavens, and bring the devil head and devil spirit of the number one evil god in the heavens to this son of death! "

"What!? Mr. Yun is saying that Zhong Xing is Xu Xiao, the young master of Xuliang Zhou. How is this possible? Isn't he the ancestor of the Demon Speeding Sword that you seized before?"

"That's a good point. This son of death can take away the ancestor of the Demon Sword, so can't Xu Xiao take away the ten clocks of the heavens?"


The bird-headed fairy was speechless for a moment.

However, this news reassured him a lot, because he had been looking for Xu Xiao's whereabouts, and unexpectedly, he found out from Mr. Death.

"I don't know if Zhou Bo dares to break into the evil palace of the heavens!?"

Seeing the surprised expression of the Bird Head Immortal, Yunjun asked lightly with disdain floating in the eyes of the dead son Gorefiend.

"Obey! For Jun Yun's restoration of the great cause of the universe, the bird-head fairy will die. I don't know what orders Yunjun has. If he doesn't, the bird-head fairy will break into his evil palace in the heaven!"

After the Bird Head Immortal's one-eyed waves wandered around, the panic and surprise faded away quickly, and then all the flickering intentions were determination, and he saluted the dead son of Jun Yun again, and said the decree.

"Okay! Haha... As expected of Zhou Bo, who was born and died for Ben Yunjun! You don't need to be tired by Zhou Bo, you can take Ben Yunjun's Tianyun Immortal Formation and go straight to Tiangong. Benyunjun Tiangong's celestial body will naturally meet you, and then Zhoubo Yu Tian, ​​you can go directly to the evil palace in the heaven realm!"

The bird-head fairy agreed so happily, which made some doubts in Jun Yun's heart suddenly a little uncertain again! When the Bird Head Immortal turned around, he changed his mind about using the Blood Demon Sword to kill him in an instant, and then laughed.

"So, thank you Yunjun. The bird head fairy has always been in charge of the burial cave and the death tower for Yunjun in Yunzhou. He has never been to the heaven. This time, he will definitely ask Yunjun for advice. Fulfill Jun Yun's wish to kill Xu Xiao as soon as possible!"

The bird-head fairy first felt a terrifying death in front of him, and his heart jumped wildly. It has also secretly activated the power of the evil spirits, ready to deal with it at any time.

However, this murderous aura came and went quickly, but after a while, the bird-head fairy felt that the other party gave up the idea of ​​killing him. So said.

"Zhou Bo is polite, please!"

Young Master Yun's dead son secretly vented his killing intent, and continued to laugh.

Then, the bright red blood palm was wiped in front of him, and a slightly rotating blood rainbow disc immediately appeared three or four feet high under his feet.

The blood mist on it was vast, and when it first appeared, it was only about a foot in diameter, but when it was floating, it quickly expanded to a radius of several feet, and then signaled the bird-headed fairy to go up.

The Bird Head Immortal hesitated for a moment, then resolutely floated on him.

When the demon landed on it, the Celestial Cloud Immortal Blood Demon's disc spun up, making a rustling sound, and floated high into the sky.

"The Immortal Bird Head is always looking forward to Jun Yun's wish. If Yun Zhou needs anything, Jun Yun will call at any time—"

In an instant, the cloud-heaven fairy formation that was flowing with blood rainbow had already flown thousands of miles high, and the bird-head fairy was still looking down at the cloud palace below and shouting.

"Well! Thank you very much Zhou Bo for your concern, but in the future, Jun Yun will only focus on killing Xu Xiao and Qi Ai, who is missing, for my Yun Jun. As for the matter of Yun Zhou, there is no need for Zhou Bo to be distracted!

oh! correct! Please also ask Zhou Bo to leave the Magic Lamp, otherwise how will Lord Yun control the Death Tower? "

This sentence has been brewing in Yunjun's heart for a long time, and he didn't say it until now.

Thousands of light miles high in the sky, after a brief silence, a jet-black magic rainbow suddenly shot down, and soon fell into the hands of Young Master Yun Jun who saw the bird-head fairy off from the top of the cloud palace.

After the black rainbow settled down, it turned out to be a pitch-black magic lamp, the size of a leather ball.

The thirteen edges of the magic lamp are like the style of today's palace lanterns. But above the thirteen edges are black and erratic magic snakes.

Within their entanglement, there is the existence of erratic pitch-black wicks and pitch-black flames.

"What Jun Yun said is exactly right. Since the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits, this Immortal Bird Head has been in charge of the Tower of Death alone. Later, thanks to Jun Yun's trust, he also put your Egg of the Dead Universe into it.

If such an important matter is handed over to others, the Bird-headed Immortal will not agree to it even if he dies, but if it is handed over to Jun Yun, the Bird-headed Immortal is ten thousand reassured and willing.

However, I would like to advise Mr. Yun to be careful. The thirteen demon snakes of the magic lamp of the abyss are the demons that are revitalized by the essence of the universe. Every time you lift the lamp of the abyss into the tower of death, you will consume a lot of dead evil spirits in Mr. Yun. It is best not to go there better! "

The bird-head fairy high in the sky in thousands of light took care of Lord Yun's dead son, and said.

"Haha... Zhou Bo's reminder, Jun Yun will always remember it, Zhou Bo can rest assured!"

Young Master Yun, Death, stood at the top of the cloud palace, looking sideways at the magic lamp of Moyuan, with sneers in his throat, but a haha ​​laugh in his mouth, responding to the bird-headed fairy on the high-altitude cloud-celestial formation.


"Hiss! Hiss!"

The Bird Head Immortal didn't respond, and soon after stepping on the Gorefiend's disc, he disappeared completely.

At this time, the nine dragon crowns and the nine poisonous dragon heads on the head of Mr. Yunjun's dead son kept roaring because they saw the thirteen snakes on the magic lamp of the magic abyss.

The Thirteen Demon Snakes above the Demon Abyss Lamp were also extremely irritable, and kept spitting on Jun Yun's head.


Mr. Yun, who was still laughing wildly, suddenly felt something was wrong, he exclaimed, and then lowered his eyes to carefully examine the magic lamp of Moyuan, and immediately became furious, and chased after Yunzhou and the sky with a roar.


At the same time, he pinched the Demonic Abyss Lamp and the Thirteen Demonic Snakes on his palm into black mist.

"So you really are Qi Ai, where can you escape!"

When Young Master Yun's death screamed and chased the sky, he shouted loudly.

"Ha ha……"


"Qi Ai was really worried about you killing me just now, but unfortunately, you have already missed your only chance!

Do you think that Qi Ai has devoted himself to your feet since the ancient spirit jihad, just to be at your mercy! What a joke!

I thought you never doubted my identity, until you suddenly showed your intention to kill me just now, and I realized that you have always doubted me!

That's fine, you and I will fight against each other, and in the end, who is the ultimate winner! "

Hundreds of millions of light miles high in the sky, Mr. Yun Jun's Death could no longer catch Qi Ai's figure, but he heard Qi Ai's wild laughter and the sound of him destroying the Yuntian Immortal Formation.

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