Nine Heavens

Chapter 2000 Four Universes

"What the hell! You bastards, where the hell are you? Get out to Beizhou Emperor, the Beimo shaman. I'm going to eat you alive!"

The majestic four emperors of the universe were tortured and played like this, how could they bear it? The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, jumped and jumped wildly, forgetting the fantasy dance steps, almost crying loudly.

"Hee hee! Sister Tianling, why don't you let them see how you look, otherwise they will always be slapped in the face, and they won't even know that we did it!"

Lian Er and the others are at a psychic node in the overlapping universe, they are teasing the four emperors of the universe, Qi Qi is directing.

The spirit fairy on such a psychic node can do whatever he wants in the universe, and his real body can be distinguished from the universe, but also can not be hidden.

At this very moment, these mischievous ghosts of Langyuan Xianmen are doing such things at such overlapping cosmic psychic nodes.

They stood in front of the four Heart Emperors of Yunzhou, slapping their faces at will, but because of the relationship between overlapping universes, their slapping hands constantly switched between virtual and real, so the other party didn't even look at them. If it doesn't reach their hands, it can't stop it.

"That can't be done, your sister Tianling's smile is something that a mess of people can see, you brothers and sisters, how about you showing your face.

You guys look almost the same as your dad, I guarantee they will be even angrier after seeing it! "

Tian Lingpiao stepped forward, and he was even more rude. In less than a second, he had already completed three rounds of crazy fans, without even looking at the four Yun Zhou emperors outside the overlapping universe, and answered Lian'er's words with a smile.

"Hehe, seeing how old you are, you are still as naughty as Lian Er. However, what Lian Er said is right, being a fairy shouldn't be too much.

It's fine for us to tease them a bit, if people are teased to death and don't know how to die, that would be too bad! Xiao Jiu, let you be the first to come to this good event! "

The nine Nascent Souls of Emperor Di Zhou, who are supreme and evil, are all dressed in white fairy robes, and their expressions are as indistinguishable as Emperor Di Zhou, who is supreme and evil. They all burst into laughter when they heard sister Tianling's words.

The eldest Liu Chao touched it, smiled and at the same time signaled the ninth Liu Guang to come forward.

Among the nine infants, Liu Guang likes to show off and show off, and when he heard his elder brother calling him, he fell into his arms, raised his hands, and immediately a green poisonous jade palm appeared in each of them.

As mentioned earlier, this pair of Poison Jade Palms was a strangely poisonous thing he got when he was in the first human world of the chaotic universe.

At that time, in the human world or in the world of immortals, if he was infected with a drop of poison in his single palm, it could spread thousands of miles in an instant. No matter whether it was a spiritual flower, a strange grass, a ten thousand year old tree, or a majestic giant beast, it would immediately fester and die.

Now in Langyuan Xianzhou, using the time cauldron, not only has the above power, but also can attack the spirit of immortal gods with poison, so powerful that no matter the immortal gods can deal with it!

"Dang! Dang!"

"Haha... good wow! good wow! Little sister Lian'er, big sister Tianling, brothers and sisters, have you seen that, just my pair of emerald soul poisonous jade palms, if they don't slap them to death, they will be in pain !

applaud! applaud! It's not that you don't understand Ye Xiaojiu, without ostentation, I have no passion in doing things! "

Liu Guang, the supreme and evil ninth infant of Emperor Zhou here, has become more and more amusing for countless years, and suddenly shot at the position where Tianling was just now, laughing loudly, begging for approval.

"Ha ha……"


Naturally, no one would like to praise his presence. Amidst his laughter, bursts of thunderous applause and laughter immediately resounded.

"Cough! Cough!"

Liu Guang cleared his throat, straightened his heroic posture, shook his feet suddenly, his whole body was as powerful as the sea, his hands flew up, and he swung the emerald jade poisonous palm.

Outside the overlapping universe, the four Yun Zhou Emperors were still cursing and angry.

Suddenly, almost facing each other, a handsome young fairy in white robes appeared in front of them, and a pair of extremely cold emerald jade cold poisonous palms suddenly shot in front of them. Emperor Yun Zhou was slapped wildly again.

This time I finally saw the figure, how could the four Emperor Yunzhou let it go, the attack was a desperate attack, the Northern Desert Shaman Beizhou Emperor locked the opponent firmly in the sound of the ten thousand voices of the demon soul, mobilizing the evil power of death in the whole body, Want to kill the other party immediately.

However, the Northern Desert Shaman Bei Zhouhuang soon discovered that the opponent was simply a phantom, not real, and no matter what the attack was, it was meaningless.

My hands, magic bell, demon mirror, piercing soul, magic sound and other attack methods, can cut the opponent horizontally and vertically at will, but the opponent laughs as usual, and slaps the palm as usual!


The Northern Desert shaman was completely fooled. He used to think that he was the most magical and mysterious existence in the Yuntian Realm, but now he felt extremely exposed. He had no way to resist despite being teased by others, except for screaming angrily.

It is conceivable that a madman is still suffering after being hit.

The Shaman of the Northern Desert felt so uncomfortable, so the Dongtai Yaotian, the Southern Buddha, and the Xiyao Yunmi were naturally not much better.

Not to mention, the four Yun Zhou Emperors could hear clearly, there was a large group of boys and girls cheering and cheering right in front of and behind him, but he couldn't see them at all.

"Hee hee! Brother Xiaojiu, how powerful are you? You can actually activate the four layers of cosmic overlap at the same time. Look, you beat them, everyone's face was poisoned green, it's so ugly!"

"Huh? Little girl, how many times have I told you that Xiao Jiu is called by my brothers, not you. You should be called Brother Guang!"

Liu Guang controlled the Cuiyu Cold Poison Palm and slapped the four Yunzhou Emperors wildly, while laughing and annoyed.

"Brother Guang, what kind of stupid name is that? It sounds like a bald monk. It's not as nice as brother Xiaojiu. If not, I won't call you brother. Just call you brother Xiaojiu! Hehe... "

This Lian'er's ability to bicker is getting stronger and stronger, and the fight is invincible in the immortal sect.

As soon as Liu Guang heard that this little guy was going to mess with himself again, he hurriedly said:

"Actually, it's good to be called Brother Xiaojiu!"


Lian Er won the bickering, she only cared about having fun, and stopped talking.

However, due to Lian'er's emotions, her stomach filled with ghost ideas. Looking at the nine-color lotus in the palm of her hand, with a thought, she suddenly activated dozens of overlapping universes, and then they were all laughing like a prodigal boy The young girl and some disciples of Lang Yuan Di Zhou appeared beside the Yun Zhou Four Emperors.

Of course, Tianling Seventh Sisters and Jiuying Brothers haven't found out yet.

They made fun of them, some pointed their fingers at the noses of the four Yunzhou Emperors, some slapped their mouths, and some bit their lips tightly... All kinds of movements, various shapes, teased Yunzhou without restraint Four Emperors.

"Crack! Crack!"

When the four Yun Zhou Emperors were infinitely angry, the ancient spirit death evil spirit broke out in their bodies, and they all made the sound of death clouds and birds, roaring.

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