Nine Heavens

Chapter 2026 Lian Er in the sky

"Boom! Aww..."


"Hmph! Lord Zhou has changed his mind. Even Lord Zhou doesn't plan to keep your fairy body for you now. If you are immortal, Lord Zhou can not calm down!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil again, after Qing Xiao snorted coldly, he suddenly activated the overlapping fairy sword, and in a split second, the Demon Spirit Holy Sword and Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword suddenly separated, piercing straight up.

Traveling through the sky, between swinging and chopping, the two swords shot out exactly ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine celestial swords and dragons.

Following the splitting of the rainbow, these fairy sword dragons roared and swooped all over the sky.

Opened his bloody mouth, and rushed towards the 99,999 overlapping Zhou Jun's supreme and evil self-separation!

In the next second, in the sky, apart from the roar of the magic sword and the fairy sword and dragon of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, there are only ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine wailing voices overlapping Zhou Jun's supreme and evil up!

Accompanied by these wailing sounds, floating in the space are the blue and overlapping waves of Zhou Jun, the supreme and evil, the blue soul-colored soul, the soul, the heart, the obsession, the longevity, the disease-free, the devil, the saint. The bubble of nine kinds of fairy elements.

"Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil! You are the most vicious demon in the universe, even your own ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine selves, you are so cruel!

Supreme and evil, this magic number is really suitable for you! You are so vicious, you don't even leave a way out for yourself!

You must not have a good death. You will not be killed in the end, but you will be alone forever!

So what if you killed us, we curse you forever, we curse you to turn into a demon in the end, the only lunatic in the universe..."

"Haha... Our nine essences and fresh souls are not yet pure, and we are still full of demon spirits. The cause of the holy demon is also full of demon spirits!

You thought that if you swallowed our fairy essence alone, you would be completely pure and holy, no! No...haha..."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme heard his 99,999 self-separated spirits, curses and evil laughs at the time of death and sorrow, and his heart trembled violently, but he did not refute.

Overlapping Zhou Jun's white hair flew wildly, hunting in silver clothes, shaking his body and flying above the dragon formation shot out by the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine demonic holy swords and the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword.

Zonglong group, flying wildly through the sky, also laughing maniacally.

Laughing loudly, Jun Zhou was supreme and evil again, his figure suddenly swelled thousands of times, opened his huge mouth, and unceremoniously swallowed the essence of his ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine immortal spirits. Bubble.


In the process of overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme and then swallowing evil, his face was pale and condensed, and every time he swallowed a bubble of immortal essence, the immortal energy immediately rose to a higher level.

When he devoured ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine of his own fairy essence, the whole body has become blue and transparent!

Even his own celestial sword dragon felt that the master's celestial power was increasing terrifyingly every moment, roaring and flying wildly, trying to avoid it.

However, they obediently calmed down their roars after a little instruction from the superimposed Emperor Zhou, who was no more evil than one in a billion.


"Papa Qianlang! This is too fast! Didn't you say that it will take a whole day?

You see, I just flew here to protect you outside the formation, and you completed the Xianfeng Conference, didn't I just come here!

What about those prodigal fathers, Qiqi really wants to see, open your eyes! It's better to go back and learn from Shui'er's mother, and see what she says, hehe! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun completed the plan to kill 99,999 of himself in a very short time. After everything was fulfilled, the boundless fog around him dissipated.

At this time, Qi Qi, who had been arranged by Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie as a guardian in advance, landed on his shoulders with a cry.

"Hehe! You don't want to do anything good, but have you sensed the situation of your Uncle Sirius and Aunt Qixiang?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then asked Qiqi with an evil smile.

"Oh! They, like you, have also completed the Encountering Fairy Meeting, and they went to see Young Master Lian'er!"

Qiqi's bright red eyes glowed red, and said.

"Looking at Lian'er? Lian'er..."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme looked evil again, he had already guessed something, but he asked casually.

"That's right! Not only them, but all the people from Xianmen are watching them from afar!

Now Xianmen is very lively, there are ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lotus children all of a sudden, and they are playing around crazy now.

Those Lian'er were curious about everything they saw, and greeted everyone cordially! But... hey! You better go and see for yourself, Lang'er! hey-hey……"

When Kiki said this, he had a smirk on his face.


No matter how evil he was, he stopped asking questions. He took the dragons under his feet in an instant, drove the shuttle, and shot towards the ancient spirit orchard around the Shisanyu Old Palace like lightning.

"Hee hee! This is delicious!"

"That's delicious too! Hehe..."

"Wow! This is so sweet, pop!"


Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie and Qiqi soon flew to the Gulingjing Orchard.

Before he got close, he heard a commotion, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the voice of his beloved daughter Yaya.

And Qiqi said that all the fellow Taoists were floating in the sky, looking at this ancient orchard from thousands of miles away.

"Wow! Isn't that Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong, Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong, Lian'er misses you so much! You haven't come to see me for several days! Hehe! Here's something delicious!"


"Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong!"

"Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong"


Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie heard a Lian'er shouting, and immediately the voices of the nine-nine-eighty-one dragon and the first Huanfeng Shenlong were heard in his ears one after another.

Afterwards, overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie suddenly saw that over an orchard of ancient spirits, there were colorful rainbows fluttering in the sky, and countless lotus children, each holding an ancient spirit fruit, were flying towards the same direction with.

And they were chasing a person wearing a golden dragon robe, running around in the air.


"Nephew Lian'er! Uncle Huanfeng has a headache today, so I don't want your ancient spirit fruit. Don't come here, just play and enjoy yourself!"

"How can we do that! Mother taught us to be filial to uncles and aunts!

Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong, don't run away, why run away! We will give you delicious food, we will not steal your treasure, this ancient spirit fruit is delicious! "

Huanfeng Shenlong clutched his head, fled wildly through the clouds and fog.

"Ha ha……"

This scene caused Langyuan Xianmen Taoist friends to laugh non-stop in the sky.

Huanfeng Shenlong panicked, ran wildly, and fled towards the direction where Zhoujun Wushangzaixie was located.

Behind him, Lian'er was everywhere, and they all looked happy, joking and chasing after her.

Huanfeng Shenlong, who covered his ears and ran away desperately, suddenly found the overlapping Zhou Jun in front of him, and was overjoyed. He finally grabbed the straw and turned around and shouted:

"Lian'er and nephews, your father Zhou Jun likes to eat ancient spirit fruit the most, you can give it to him! Hahaha... Zhou Zun wishes you good luck!"

When Huanfeng Shenlong and Overlapping Zhoujun missed each other, Huanfeng Shenlong gloated at his misfortune, and then yelled with a long tongue towards Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme, and flew obliquely in another direction in an instant.

When he disappeared, he was still laughing and shouting in the clouds:

"Oh my god! There are so many lotus, how will I live in the future!"

"Huh? Really! It's Daddy!"

"Heck... Daddy! Daddy—"

"Daddy! Lian'er misses you!"


The Huanfeng Shenlong did hide, but it couldn't be more evil to overlap Zhoujun Supreme!

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, watching Man Kong's daughter Lian'er rushing towards him, he has no choice but to swell his already swollen figure several times.

Then let the overwhelming lotus, like a flock of little birds, jump into her arms one after another!

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