Nine Heavens

Chapter 2051

"Isn't it just a small magic sound shadow stone, we keep it carefully, how could it fall into the lower realm?"

The young Xiao Luo looked aggrieved, and retorted in a low voice behind Liu Chian.

"Xiao Luo? Stop talking!"

Liu Qian gently pressed her sister's little hand with the other hand, and thought to transmit her voice, don't refute.

"Hehe, come here! Master will show you another magic sound shadow stone, your mother is in this magic sound shadow stone, but... oh!"

The white-robed immortal returned to his smiling face, Tianling Fuchen lightly drew a white circle on the heads of Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, and a pure white magic sound shadow stone appeared in that white circle immediately.

On the magic sound and shadow stone, a burst of white light surged and extended outward, and a hollow picture slowly appeared in the center.

On the screen, two figures appeared, one was a woman, and the other was a man with flying white hair and a hideous face.

The woman's hands were tied behind her back, her hair was disheveled, and her body was drenched in blood. The white-haired man flew wildly, and the ferocious-looking man was wielding a huge bright red sword, chopping and slashing at the woman non-stop!


"Brother, woo woo... that's mother! That white-haired demon is beating mother!"

Suddenly seeing the miserable scene, the young Xiao Luo forgot to be afraid, and suddenly came out from behind her brother, crying loudly, pointing at the woman in the magic sound shadow stone, stomping her feet.

The young Liu Qian stared at the ferocious white-haired demon flying wildly, gritted his teeth with hatred, and turned his eyebrows upside down! Holding my sister's little hand tightly with one hand, and blocking my sister's eyes with the other hand!

"You have seen that this woman is your mother, and the devil who beat your mother is your father! Your mother was forcibly captured by your father and brought into the Immortal Wave!

When you were born, your mother was afraid that you would be killed by your vicious father, so she sent you into the sky in a cloud boat, and then I found out and brought you back to the cloud palace.

Your mother is extremely kind, but your father is a demon on earth, an evil thing that defies the sky!

You must remember his appearance, and when you grow up, kill him and save your suffering mother!

You remember! Must remember! Hurry up and grow up, go to death to practice emptiness, practice death magic, and then avenge your mother! revenge……"

The voice of the white-robed immortal trembled in the entire space of the time and space of the magic sound and shadow stone, piercing and evil.

Then, the immortal in white robe stood on top of Yunfeng for a long time watching the two young children suffer from extremely painful suffering...

After a long, long time, the young Luo's voice had become hoarse due to crying. At this moment, the white-robed fairy left suddenly. When he left, he did not leave with a sad face, but a smile.

The white-robed fairy left, and naturally the flying white-haired demon and their mother also disappeared.

"Woooo! Brother, mother is so pitiful! We will definitely save mother when we grow up! Woooo..."

The young Xiao Luo tightly held his brother's skirt, and said sadly.

"Sister, don't cry! With my brother here, don't worry, my brother will take you to see your mother sooner or later, kill the devil and save your mother!"

Liu Qian wiped away tears for her sister and comforted her.

"Brother, it's all about Xiao Luo's fault. The third magic sound and shadow stone is gone. What should we do in the future? How can we record our appearance for mother?"

The young Xiao Luo still hadn't forgotten what she had said about Moyinyingshi, so she raised her eyes and asked her brother apologetically.

"No! It's my brother's fault. He didn't protect my sister well and made my sister cry! My sister doesn't cry, what do you think this is?"

The young Liu Qian slowly unfolded his clenched hands as if conjuring a magic trick, and a magic sound shadow stone about an inch in size appeared in his palm.

"Oh! Brother, you are so amazing! Why do you still have the magic sound shadow stone?"

Xiao Luo, who was in grief, suddenly saw the white and bright magic sound shadow stone in the palm of his brother, and forgot his sadness for an instant, and exclaimed with tears on his face.

"Hehe, of course my brother is amazing, but this is the last one. We will definitely protect it in the future and carefully record how we grow up day by day. Then one day, when we see mother, we will give it to mother!"

In order to coax her sister, Liu Qian said with a blunt smile.

"Well! Xiao Luo knows, Xiao Luo must be careful in what he says in the future! Otherwise, we will never have the opportunity to record ourselves again!"

Xiao Luo's big eyes flashed, and she nodded heavily in response.

"Hehe, my sister seems to be sleepy, why don't my brother watch my sister sleep on the cloud bed for a while?"

Seeing that her younger sister, Xiao Luo, was in a better mood, she smiled.

"Okay! Xiao Luo is really sleepy! Brother, can you pat me? I heard from those death cloud birds that when children in the world fall asleep, their mothers pat them to sleep.

Although Xiao Luo doesn't have a mother by her side, she has a brother! "

Xiao Luo said as she lay down on a fluffy cotton cloud nearby, her eyes flashing.

"Okay, Xiao Luo, go to sleep, brother sent you to sleep!"

Liu Qian helped her sister to lie down, then took another piece of cloud to make a quilt, covered her body, and then gently patted her with her small hand...

The sad little sister quickly fell asleep. At this time, Liu Chiu gently wiped Xiao Luo's forehead, and all of Xiao Luo's sad memories entered his own mind.

"Good sister, go to sleep, go to sleep, when you wake up, you will have nothing to worry about, and then we will record ourselves for my mother..."

Liu Qian talked to himself like this, patted his sister lightly, and gradually became sleepy, and then fell asleep beside his sister.

However, he was not as lucky as his sister, no one covered him with a quilt, no one comforted him to sleep, tears hung in the corners of his eyes, and there was hatred.

The cloud bed is drifting, and their brother and sister are also drifting. In the vast universe, the brother and sister just exist.


"Qian'er, Xiao Luo! Mother, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you... My Qian'er, Xiao Luo!"

Seeing this, Dong Luo burst into tears, blaming himself loudly.

In the next few months, Dong Luo used to watch the growth process of the pair of children over and over again. There was comfort, happiness, sadness, self-blame, and more gratitude to the heaven for having eyes, and finally let the pair of children live.

"Mom! Don't be sad! We have passed the days of sorrow! Now that my sister is back by your side, Qian'er is very relieved of her safety!

It's not that the baby doesn't want mother! I also know that my mother wants to have a baby! But the boy still chose to leave mother temporarily! Because the child once wrongly hated his father! Going back to parents like this, the child has no face!

The boy is determined to return to his mother's knees and be filial to his mother after helping his father in the heavens to defeat the forces of the dark universe, and after killing the dead son with his hands...

mother! You must take care of your health and wait happily for your baby to come back! "

In the magic sound shadow stone, these few words of Liu Qian were finally sealed. Dong Luo listened to it countless times, but couldn't get enough of it.

Afterwards, she even kept this magic sound shadow stone in her bosom all the time, to see Aiko's appearance or listen to his voice whenever she had nothing to do.

As the days passed, she understood the child's choice, and she was no longer so sad. She began to be proud of having such a beloved son, and often praised others.

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