Nine Heavens

Chapter 2064 Nine-faced Witch

"The king of ghosts from all directions stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

"Ghost Dao Thirteen Abyss Saints stepped forward to accept the seal!"


"The seventy-two way of the demon, the witch and the demon, the one hundred and twenty-eight demons stepped forward to listen!"

"Souls of the Seven Wronged Souls of My Heavenly Lord, the Soul of Darkness, the Soul of Cangyuan, the Soul of Guiyang, the Soul of Swallowing Wisdom, the Soul of Slaughtering Light, the Soul of Color Devouring, and the Soul of Clothing Darkness, come forward and listen!"

"The three demon blood demons stepped forward to accept the seal!"

The thirteen primordial spirits died of distraction, blood, age of illness, death of age, death of poison, death of beauty... stepped forward and listened to the letter! "


After the Shifang Yan Emperor shot away, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch looked back and continued to shout.

After several days, the sealing of demons was finally completed, ghosts, demons, and demons from all walks of life shot out of the celestial palace and flew to their own celestial realms.

"The three blood demons stay behind!"

Among the three demon seals of ghosts, demons, and demons, the three blood demons are the last to be sealed, and their status is second only to the celestial master Zhou Wu.

When the three Gorefiends were sealed and were about to leave, the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch suddenly stopped them.

"The Lost Holy One presumes the meaning of the Heavenly Monarch, but let me, the three blood demons, go to find the overlapping Zhou Jun, and hunt down the white pupil of Zheyue and the black pupil of Resentment Qin?"

Among the three Gorefiends, the Lost Holy One asked in an evil voice with ghostly green evil clouds rising all over his body, with a hideous and strange face.

"Exactly! You three are worthy of being the blood demons that the blood demon heavenly king personally refined in the blood moon, and you know what the blood demon heavenly king thinks very well.

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch hates the white pupils that cover the moon and the black pupils that resent Qin, so you immediately take the Blood Demon Execution Order to find the Overlapping Zhou Lord, and cast when you meet an immortal, and kill when you see an immortal! Especially their sisters who hate souls and kill without mercy! "


The three Gorefiends led away in unison.


"The order of the heavenly demons is settled. In a few days, the heavenly realm will be ruled by our Blood Demon Heavenly Palace! Heavenly Lord, don't be bored, let's just relax!"

Seeing that Feng Mo was done, the celestial master Zhou Wu raised his hand to summon His Highness, and in an instant, Feng Mo's strong magic dance evil music was replaced by a soft dance song, rippling all over the palace.

"Haha... giggle..."

"Okay! I finally took the lead in the Long Yuan Xianmen to dominate the dark universe and occupied the heavenly palace. It's time to relax!"

The blood demon Tianjun laughed brightly, female music with a dark voice, looking at the vast palace of the heavenly palace, the dance of demons, all kinds of ghosts, monsters, musical instruments, shadows like lightning, and laughed at the scene of non-stop shuttling.

"Heavenly Lord, please, let my celestial master toast you!"

When the celestial master Zhou Wu got up, he turned around and changed into another body, smiling sweetly.

"Eh? Haha... Where did the Celestial Master get this new home? It's so beautiful!?"

Looking at the celestial master wearing a fluffy robe of cloud velvet, with a whirling figure, charming face, seductive eyes, fragrant mouth, and the beauty of going forward to pour wine for himself, the blood demon Tianjun couldn't help laughing and asking.

"Hehe... My celestial master knows that the celestial master's palace is empty and there is a lack of beauties, so he searched everywhere for a beautiful body, and recently finally seized a nine-faced fox demon.

She has nine beautiful faces, I guarantee you will never tire of seeing her, please take a look! giggling..."

The celestial master Zhou Wu spoke softly and had beautiful eyes alluring. After pouring the wine for the blood demon Tianjun, he got up and turned around slowly. Nine beautiful faces teased the blood demon Tianjun bewitchingly.

"Haha... Tianshi is not only the number one person in the dark magic wisdom, but also a wonderful thing who understands the heart and lungs. I like this body. Come on, let me appreciate it."

The blood demon Tianjun was worried that there would not be those exquisite fairies in the Zhengling fairyland in the blood demon heavenly palace, and suddenly seeing Zhou Wu's change like this, he was immediately elated.

Stretching out his hand into his bosom, there was a burst of maniacal laughter...

At the same time when the Heavenly Gorefiend Tiangong completed sealing the demons, the Langyuan Xianmen also completed their journey to the Yungong. However, the former Yun Palace was completely destroyed, and the current Yun Zhou Yun Palace is where the magical Yun Palace rebuilt by Langyuan Xianmen is located.

Langyuan Xianmen appeared here quietly, and Langyuan Yungong also appeared quietly.

The only symbol, and also the most powerful symbol, is the flag of Langyuan Equal to Heaven standing brightly above Langyuan Immortal Palace.

Because another cosmic realm has been raised from Langyuan Earth Universe to Yun Universe, the thousands of stars above the Langyuan Qitian banner are even more dazzling!

Seen from a distance, in a large area in the center of the universe, the great banner of Lang Yuan Qi pierces through the clouds and pierces the sky, and thousands of stars shine like the sea.

Thousands of colors, shimmering, like sparks dancing on the sea, shining in the sky.

"Haha... This God of War really read it right, the overlapping Zhou Lords are not cowards, they finally showed up in real form.

It just saved my energy, and I don't have to bother to find out where Zhou Jun is. "

In the sky above the southeast of Yunzhou, a huge emerald-colored dazzling monster whizzed and galloped, and below it was a white barking wave of gorgeous light.

As he flew closer to the Langyuanyun Palace in the center of the universe, he gradually saw that the other party was a huge emerald unicorn celestial beast.

And the Wangwang Baitao under his feet was originally formed by ten snow-white divine birds with body rainbows.

This colossal monster covered its forehead with one giant hand, and laughed out loud as it looked at the great banner of waves and the sky that was hundreds of millions of light miles away.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Just as he was laughing, he suddenly heard three sharp whistling sounds coming from above his head, and then he saw three magic rainbows, one black, one green and one yellow, shoot into the center of Yunzhou.

"Hiss! Aren't those three evil things?"

Now that he saw it, how could Zhong Death, the god of war of time, let it go, he muttered to himself, and then let out a roar that shook the universe, and chased after the three magic rainbows.

The three magic rainbows are the three Holy Venerable Tuosang, the Holy Venerable Nether, and the Holy Venerable Ecstasy.

Not long ago, they accepted the decree of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, and hunted and killed those with white pupils, the soul of Zheyue, and black pupils, the soul of resentful piano!

They have been wandering in Yunzhou for many days, and at first they didn't find any trace of Langyuan Xianmen, and they don't know where the overlapping Zhoujun is.

But just the day before, they suddenly developed Langyuan Yungong and suddenly appeared. Then after a night of microscopic analysis, the traces of the white pupil of the soul of Zheyue and the black pupil of the soul of resentful piano were finally confirmed.

They found that the target was in the Qixiangyun Palace of Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan within the Waves Fate Immortal Gate. Therefore, it was decided at this moment to spy on Langyuanyun Palace, wait for the opportunity to break in, and kill Zheyue and Yuanqin.

What they didn't expect was that as soon as they appeared, they saw the Time God of War Zhong Shi who was also wandering in the universe.

They are not stupid. Although they are blood demons cultivated in the blood moon in the time of humanity, they have also heard that the God of War of Time, Zhong Death, is powerful, so they don't want to conflict with it and affect the main goal.

However, their thoughts did not represent Zhong Sheng's thoughts, and they were very depressed seeing the time war god Zhong Sheng roaring and chasing after him.

"Tuosang Shengzun! We were still discovered by the war god of time, Zhong Sheng, and he chased after us, what should we do?"

The Haunting Lord stepped on the orange evil cloud, stretching his smoky head in the evil cloud, and asked.

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