Nine Heavens

Chapter 2072 Prisoner Magic Fan

"Old Yunjing, come! Let you taste the power of my Tuosang Shengzun's Tuosang Wanpoison Rain!"

"Hey! And my Nether Bat!"

"My soul ecstasy!"

"Boom! Crack!"

"Cha! Cha..."


After the three evil clouds controlled by each of the three Gorefiends disappeared, they suddenly reappeared in the sky above Dongtai Yaotian, Beimo Shaman and Xiyao Yunqi, and then each performed their special poisonous skills, and shot at the same time, trying to kill the three as soon as possible. Emperor Yun Zhou was killed.

In the dark high sky, among the three thick and evil clouds of black, green and yellow, three blood demons of unknown shape stretched, contracted and swelled, and suddenly released countless small evil clouds of the same color as them.

After these small clouds were shot out, they merged with countless blood demons and fairy flags, almost sealing the sky.

Then, all the clouds burst open suddenly, black bats flew out from the sky, earthy yellow snakes and green poisonous rain pouring ghosts, covering the sky and covering the earth, and pressed down on the three emperors of the universe.

At the same time, there were noisy and shrill screams.

This formation was so fast and the scale was so vast that the three Zhou Emperors had no possibility of avoiding it at all. In the blink of an eye, they were engulfed and swallowed by the raging torrent of poisonous rain, the pitch-black Nether bats and earthy horned snakes.

Not long after, the three Gorefiends, as expected, heard the screams of death coming from the center surrounded by vicious and poisonous substances.

"Destroy Yunxian in one fell swoop! Hahaha... Such a feat, even among the three worlds of ghosts and demons in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace, can be regarded as an outstanding story! Our three Gorefiends show their faces again this time!"

Seeing that they were all done, the three Gorefiends took over the banners of the Gorefiend Immortals and most of the Tuosang Wanpoison Rain, Nether Bats and Soul-Evoking Horned Snakes.

Only a small part of the attacking elephant was left to continue to wrap the three Zhou Emperors layer by layer.

They chatted and laughed for a long time, when they couldn't hear the voices of the three Zhou Emperors inside the attacking elephant, each of them took the attacking elephant away triumphantly, and complimented each other.

"Ha ha……"

"Tianjun, you are still calm, but it's just a few clouds and mist and fairy clouds, so you play them around.

Now he is trapped in the Prisoner's Fan, and he still doesn't know it! "

"Hehe, it's just a few little monsters who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so it's not surprising that they are so proud of themselves!

We happened to catch them, brother Zhen and I will have a good interrogation when we go back, maybe we will find out about the white pupil of Zheyue and the black pupil of Resentment Qin! "

"Exactly, Tianjun is thoughtful and considerate. With my Zhongshan temperament, I killed the three of them a long time ago!"

"Hehe, what's the difference between life and death of all things? But reincarnation is free! There is no righteousness, no evil, and nothingness. There are all kinds of dreams and primordial pupils!"

"Tianjun, what you said is so difficult to understand. I don't know what it means, can you enlighten me a little bit?"

"No need to explain, no need to understand, just go with what your eyes see!

Care about something, feel free to do something, do nothing is great! Zhong Sheng, sometimes killing wildly is worse than Piaoran smiling.

A truly powerful person, with an infinite mind and boundless mind, can eliminate all dangers with a smile and a smile? "

"Well! Thank you Tianjun for teaching, Zhong Shi seems to understand a little bit!

Tianjun, there is a saying that Zhong Shi offends, I want to ask, is it possible? "

"But is it okay to ask?"

"Is it true that Tianjun will never return to Jitian Palace? With Tianjun's miraculous talents, it is the greater hope of life.

The leader of Langyuan, Langhua Immortal Physique is supreme, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, although he is also an undoubted role model for righteous spirits and gods, but after all, he is not as good as Tianjun Tiansense and divine power! "

"Hehe, it's true! It's true that I, Tianjun, once ruled the world in the age of the ancient spirit universe, but at that time I was still undiscovered! My mind is infinitely simple, neither self-aware nor external-aware.

It's different now, Ben Tianjun knows what he should do, and also knows what he should do most.

In the future, don't question Liu Qianlang, the fairy body of Langhua, everything in life should belong to him. You stay in Jitian Palace for now, and one day he will enter.

This Heavenly Lord has also completed his merits and virtues, he has also fulfilled his predestined relationship, and you are all predestined to complete his predestined relationship. "

"These words, Shi Shi is still a little confused, but Shi Shi knows what Tianjun means. Shi Shi understands, and in the future, Ku will never question the supremacy of the head of the Langyuan Immortal Sect, and will not be evil!"


Just as the three Gorefiends were laughing triumphantly, they suddenly heard a burst of laughter and dialogue from above.

The three Gorefiends looked up in search of their voices, and suddenly saw figures like two majestic mountains standing tens of thousands of miles above the sky.

A white fairy robe flutters, with an emerald green bamboo flute hanging from his mouth. The other one, with emerald green body, turned out to be a human body with the head of a unicorn.

A pure white fairy fan floated under the person in the white fairy robe, and he was on top of the fairy fan right now.

"Hey, it's not good, we were fooled and caught by them, run away!"

After staring up at each other for a while, the three Gorefiends suddenly realized that they set up their respective evil clouds one after another, and fled while floating on top of them.


"Ha ha……"

Tens of thousands of miles high in the sky, two gigantic giant faces looked down at the three bug-sized bodies of the Gorefiend flying wildly through the clouds, and they all burst out laughing.

Where can the three Gorefiends escape? The Prisoner Fan is boundless, with blue sky and white clouds above it, and infinite time and space. They only escaped thousands of miles, but the Prisoner Fan expanded thousands of miles, and it can last forever.

At the beginning, the three Gorefiends didn't realize the reality that they couldn't escape. After a while, they thought they had escaped from the Prisoner's Fan, and laughed at each other.

But soon they discovered the problem. It turned out that they were still stuck on the Magic Prisoner Fan.

So they flew wildly again, repeated this for countless times, and finally faced the reality and stopped running away!

"Zhong Death! Who is he? What does it have to do with you when we kill the Four Emperors of Yunzhou?"

The Tuosang Shengzun, who was riding a ghostly green and evil cloud, flew thousands of miles, and unconvincedly clamored and questioned the time god of war, Zhong Sheng.

"Haha... you fools with blind eyes, he is the Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Palace in the ancient spirit universe era, and you don't even know about the Heavenly Lord, how stupid!

The Four Emperors of Yunzhou have nothing to do with us, but we just think you are not pleasing to the eye, and want to arrest you and imprison you. If your heart is not clear at any time, you will be killed. What's the matter, don't accept it!

If you are not convinced, then get out! It's not that I, Zhong Shi, look down on you! If you are exhausted, you will not be able to get out! "

Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, stared down and laughed loudly!

"Bah! There is another Po Tianjun, now there is only the Heavenly Palace Blood Demon Tianjun in the heavens, don't talk nonsense! If you have the ability, let us out, let's fight in a fair manner!

Both of them lost heartily! Speak with strength, just like how we exterminated the Four Emperors and hundreds of millions of cloud immortals, relying on real ability, what are you guys, plotting against us secretly! "

Tuosang Shengzun is the blood demon refined by the blood demon Tianjun in the blood moon. Naturally, he doesn't know Tianjun very well, so he doesn't care at all, and still clamors.


Tianjun didn't say a word, put the Tianlai flute to his mouth and blew the melodious sound of the flute.

A moment later, the four Yunzhou Emperors, Dongtai Yaotian, Beimo Shaman, Xiyao Yunmi, and Nanfoluntuo, suddenly appeared in the sky above Tianjun Wuxiannan and Time War God Zhongshan.

And the phalanx of hundreds of millions of cloud immortals, dotted all over the sky, is floating in the vast sky around the Four Emperors.

Majestic and domineering, celestial light and divine splendor surround it.

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