Nine Heavens

Chapter 2074 A Visit to Shang Palace

Langyuan Xianmen, Qixiang Palace.

"Haha...Sister Juan! Brother Zhen came here uninvited, did he not disturb the incense refining competition of the girls here?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan was sitting in the hall with Xiaoyun, Longyun Sixiang was talking about something, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen suddenly fell from Yunlongkong, and yelled before entering the hall.

"Hehe, it's rare that our women's incense refining meeting can also attract a big man like you to watch the fun. If you are interested, just watch the fun, so why bother?"

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan heard the laughter outside the hall, her green eyes flashed, she already knew the purpose of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's coming, and replied with a smile.

"Haha... That's good, I just have a free day today, I heard from Shuang'er and Xiang'er that you are holding the Langyuan Women's Incense Refining Contest here, so let's watch the excitement."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen soon appeared in the palace, saluted the Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan sitting on the throne of the Qixiang Palace, and explained his intention.

"Hehe, this is not the main palace of Immortal Palace. Brother Zhen doesn't need to be courteous, just sit down as you please. My five sisters and I are discussing some matters about the incense refining competition. Listen and give us some ideas."

"Oh! That can be avoided. Brother Zhen really doesn't know anything about these women, and he doesn't even know about the magic of incense refining. If he participates indiscriminately, it will disturb the good things.

Shuang'er, Xiang'er, Miao Yan and other ten third sisters-in-law, Siying Tianlang's sister-in-law, and Tianling's seven sisters will be here soon, sister Juan should ask them. "

"By the way, why haven't they arrived yet, and the auspicious time will arrive in two more hours?"

"Yesterday was the day when the two sister-in-laws, Shui'er and Yan'er, came out of the customs after they had completed their magical skills. They laughed and laughed all day. At this time, they are washing and washing on the bank of the Tianwu Yun River, but they will come soon."

"Oh! No, Yaya came to invite us, but because it was the preparation for the incense refining competition, it didn't work. Shui'er and Yan'er are not angry."

"Where, where, the two sisters-in-law are not unreasonable, they naturally know that sister Juan is busy. I heard that they have specially prepared congratulatory wine for sister Juan, and they want to bring them together!"

"Well, the two brothers and sisters are really caring."

"Why don't you see other palace officials, only Sister Juan and Xiaoli, and the four elder sisters of Four Fragrances and Five Senior Sisters are here?"

"Oh! They are all busy setting up the incense refining platform outside. Didn't brother Zhen see it, it's in the south sky of Qixiang Palace?"

"I see, there are fairy shadows floating there, but I didn't know that it was the cloud platform for the incense refining competition."


"Oh! Can you finish talking, mother queen, why has brother Jian Zhanguo never brought out gifts? Every time he came here before, he always brought us gifts?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan were talking to each other, Xiao Honghong, who was squatting on Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan's shoulder, was a little unhappy and shouted.

"Ha ha……"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed loudly when he heard the words:

"Look, Xiaohong is in a hurry, don't worry! Uncle Jianzhan will never forget to bring a gift for Xiaohong. Look, what is this?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen raised his hand, and a faint blue heart-shaped chest pendant appeared in the palm of his hand.

The faint blue spirit jade chest pendant is crystal clear, shining circles of graceful halo, looking magical and beautiful.

"Brother Qiqi, he, he really found the Lianxin Pendant I lost in the era of chaotic universe!?"

Looking at the blue heart-shaped chest pendant in the palm of Jian Zhanzhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Xiao Hongdian turned into a red fairy skirt girl in seconds, floated in front of Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, and gently picked up the blue Wearing a heart-shaped chest pendant on her chest, Na Na said with tears.

"Yes, for you, Qiqi flew over Zhou Jun for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine universes, traveled back and forth through infinite time, and finally found the heart-to-heart knot you swore to each other!

However, Qiqi is too tired now, and the fairy is almost exhausted.

When he returned to the head of the Immortal Palace, he happened to run into me and asked me to bring you the Linked Heart Knot, and then he immediately went to the Lingxiao Tower to retreat and recover his spirit! Hong'er, are you satisfied with this gift? "

Little Hong Dot's name in human form is called Xue Lianhong, so everyone calls her Hong'er.

"Satisfied! Satisfied! Thank you, Uncle Guodi!"

Xiao Hong Dian'er had tears in her eyes, and Wang Lei Chengxing cried:

"Hong'er didn't force Big Brother Qiqi to find us.

However, every time I see the knot on his chest, I feel uncomfortable. After all, it is the testimony of my oath with Chichigo.

I think Brother Qiqi back then, if I didn’t use my heart-connecting knot to lure and kill the thousand-winged goshawk, maybe my heart-connecting knot would not have been shaken off by the explosion of the thousand-winged goshawk’s body.

In fact, in fact, Hong'er just wanted to be angry and told him to look for it, but he didn't expect him... woo woo..."

Xiao Hong burst into tears, unable to speak any more, suddenly turned into a bright red bird, and flew away with a bald sound.

"Hong'er, Qiqi really cares about you, it's just that he's a bit upright and doesn't express himself well!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked at the shrinking red dots in the cloud sky outside the hall and said.

"Thank you! Brother Guo, Uncle Zhen, Hong'er knows—"

The distant echo of the little red dot spread into the Qixiang Hall.

"Let me tell you, Hong'er has always been depressed these days. It turns out that he has been worrying about overlapping Zhou Jun's time travel! However, if she goes, this incense refining competition?"

Xiaoyun shook her head slightly.

Sitting next to Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, Qixiang's palace minister Xiaoyun, and Qixiang's protector, all looked bright and sighed one after another.

"Hehe, knowing that Qiqi is back, I'm happier than she won the first place in the incense refining competition, so let her go!"

Qixiang Zhou Jun Liujuan smiled.

"But isn't her group missing a powerful opponent?"

Qiu Xiang, one of the Four Fragrance Guardians, frowned.

"It's nothing, let sisters Qing'er and Ming'er go to Hong'er's group!

Didn't they say before that it's not suitable for the sisters to be placed in any group? I think it's most suitable to replace Hong'er and join Hong'er's group! "

Qixiang Zhou Jun Liujuan thought for a while and said.

"Not to mention, hehe... This arrangement is really good. It turned out that Hong'er was with the Tianling Seventh Sisters. Now Qing'er and Ming'er are replaced. Sisters to sisters must be more interesting!"

Xiaoyun happily clapped her hands in agreement.

"Hehe, Ming'er, Qing'er is the two sisters that Sister Juan led from the Immortal Sect to the Langyuan Immortal Sect?"

Listening to Qixiang Zhoujun Liu Juan talking with five girlfriends, Dharma protectors and palace ministers, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen asked intentionally or not.

"It's our sisters, Jian Zhan Zhou Junzun is so memorable, he still remembers our sisters' past!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen had just asked these words when a beautiful woman with high buns and white skirts floated in from outside the hall.

The two women both had smiles on their faces. They saluted Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhenwanfu successively, and said with a smile.

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