Nine Heavens

Chapter 2076 Fairy in the painting


"It's really like this. In the past, the big guy and I were just joking. It's never been as much as it is today! The fairy man said..."

Reminded by Tianjun Wuxiannan, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi twisted his black and white eyebrows, recalling the abnormal behavior of the blood unicorn just now.

"Hehe, your big guy is bewitched by their sisters' inexplicable tricks, and he probably fell in love with their sisters."

Wu Xiannan nodded slightly.

"That means the sisters really have problems!"

Jian Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen suddenly realized.

"It's not sure yet, let's go into Yueqin Palace and have a look, maybe we will find something."

Tianjun Wuxiannan proposed.

"Okay! But Xiannan, didn't you support Dongtai Yaodi and deal with the three gorefiends? Why did you come back after a few days? Why didn't you just go back to the master Yungong and come here?"

When the two floated down, Song Zhen, the son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan, asked curiously.

"This trip went very smoothly. Dongtai Monster Land is safe, and I will tell you in detail later. I have already returned to the head of the Immortal Palace. After seeing the head of the fairy palace, after seeing the head of Yunjun, I learned that you are here, so I came here specially to find you .”

Tianjun Wuxiannan smiled mysteriously, leaving a suspense.

"Sure enough, he is an ancient spirit and immortal god who has been a heavenly monarch. His actions are miraculous. What about the Time God of War, Senior Zhong Death?"

"He has returned to Jitian Palace, and he is worried about his two apprentices."

"It's a pity! It's really in a hurry, otherwise I should have another drink with Senior Time God of War, everyone is really angry!"

"Let's go in, here we are! There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, don't be in a hurry!"

"That's right! Oh! The sisters are defenseless, and they didn't even set up a palace seal. This is indeed a bit surprising."

"Hehe, this further shows that their sisters are unpredictable! On the surface, they seem to be as casual as a breeze, but in fact, they are as vast as a majestic universe deep inside!"

"Oh! It smells so good! Their sisters seem to be very good at making incense!"

"Keep the soul door, be careful! Their divine fragrance will never be easy!"

The two of them were talking, and they floated into the open palace gate, speeding up and down all the way through the corridors and pavilions.

The Yueqin Palace building is only three floors, but the mysterious space inside is as vast as the sky and the earth, and the heaven and earth are filled with divine fragrance.

There are long blank clouds above, and towering mountains below.

Great rivers and rivers meander and circle, and large and small lakes are dotted all over, forming a vast palace garden.

During this period, countless pavilions, towers and pavilions are floating around, but there are palaces within palaces, mysterious and magical.

"This sister is really strange. There are only two of them. Why are so many Liufeiyun Pavilion bridges built for the convenience of sightseeing?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen stepped on the stars and flew among the swords, and asked curiously.

"Naturally, it is convenient to dance in the clouds and play the harp in the wind, but it is extremely mysterious and complicated, and perhaps the simplest existence is hidden!

Wu Xiannan stood floating on the spirit bull, implying that Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhanzhou and Zhanxuan, used the technique of invisibility, and then his tall and handsome figure disappeared.

"Is there anyone else here?"

"I don't know, their sisters are the two strands of hateful souls of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, with evil skills and powerful influence, so it's no problem.

At the same time, they also know us very well, so it is difficult for us to figure out everything they have prepared, the more careful the better. "

"It should be fine. Sister Juan has already helped me come to investigate Yueqin Palace and dragged their sisters back. We can rest assured that we will investigate."

"Hehe, I'm afraid they have already expected your actions and hid everything, so we probably won't find anything.

Forget it, let's go and admire how your hunk is obsessed with their sisters! "

After flying for a while, Tianjun Wuxiannan suddenly stopped and said.

"We just came in and went back. Isn't it just a waste of time? Then we doubted them in vain. Where did we get the evidence? How can we expose them?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen somewhat disagreed with Tianjun Wuxiannan's suggestion.

"Evidence will come sooner or later, but it is absolutely impossible to expose them!

Brother Zhen, please listen to me. Now the three blood demons are in my Prisoner Fan. First go to the Lianxiang Douxiang Yuntai to see their actions, and then we can interrogate the three blood demons. Harvest it. "

"Oh! The fairy man captured the three Gorefiends!? Haha... This is really good news. Okay, I'll listen to you, then let's go!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed loudly when he heard the words, and immediately stopped objecting.

So, the two quickly shot towards the gate of Yueqin Palace.

"woo woo woo woo--"

However, at this moment, they suddenly heard a slight drifting sound over their heads.

The two suddenly became alert, and when they looked up, they saw a beautiful woman in a white fairy dress passing over their heads like a lightning shot, shooting into a pavilion on the cloud thousands of miles away, and then disappeared without a sound.

The two were startled, exchanged a few words through voice transmission, and then quickly shot into the pavilion on the cloud.

However, the pavilion was empty and there was nothing there except the four walls. It is a few fairy paintings on the top of the pavilion.

"Huh? Could it be that our eyes are dazzled?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked at the inner space of the pavilion, which was only a few feet square, and sent a sound transmission to Tianjun Wuxiannan.

Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't answer, but under the cover of invisibility, he looked up at the fairy painting on the top of the pavilion.

He looked at it so seriously that he was indifferent even if the sound transmission of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's mind directly entered his mind!

Tianjun Wuxiannan looks sad, he is crying!

Wu Xiannan was very surprised to see his appearance through the same method of peeping. Can't help but follow his line of sight and look up.

There are only two fairy paintings with simple lines on the top of the pavilion. One of the two women is dancing among the clouds, and the other is playing the piano intently.

"They are Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen took a sudden look, and felt that the two women on the screen immediately came alive, and exclaimed.

With his exclamation, Qing'er with white pupils Zheyue and Ming'er with black pupils resentful Qin on the screen were immediately startled, and they all flashed their eyes, looking affectionately at Song Zhen, the son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan.


"My brother Human Daozhen, how is Qing'er dancing?"

In the painting, Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the qin float down, with their skirts fluttering and fragrant, entwined with the sword Zhanzhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen dancing and playing the piano.

Qing'er Pingting, with white pupils covering the moon, approached Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the king of Jianzhanzhou, with a soft body leaning against his body, with a pair of slender hands, stroking the face of Song Zhen, son of Xuanxuan, the king of Jianzhanzhou, and asked with a fragrant mouth.

"Is my piano sound beautiful?"

Resentment Qin's black pupil Ming'er also smiled charmingly, and snuggled up to Jianzhanzhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's arms, looked up at Jianzhanzhoujun Zhanxuanzi's rough face, vomited white mist, and asked sweetly.

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