Nine Heavens

Chapter 2081

In the incense refining arena, palaces are divided regardless of the number of people.

Tianling played cards on behalf of Tianwu Palace, Xiaoying represented Qinghua Palace, Danrou and Liusha represented Star Palace, Lian'er represented Nianchen Palace, Die'er represented Tea Fairy Palace, Blue Butterfly Lingque, Xiao Luo represented Luoxian palace.

Qing'er with the white pupil of Zheyue and Ming'er with the black pupil of Resentment Qin naturally represent Qixiang Palace.

After a short blood unicorn episode, the ten contestants quickly turned their attention to the stage.

Lian'er was the most active, she didn't focus on the ability to refine incense and fight, but winked at the six older sisters and the new big sister Xiao Luo one by one.

It means that she is only allowed to be number one, no matter how good at refining incense is, she is not allowed to surpass her.

The six elder sisters naturally understood her, and they had long wanted to get what they wanted.

Xiao Luo, who had just returned to Niang Dongluo's side, also liked this young lady who looked no more than six or seven years old very much, and agreed to her through the voice transmission without caring.

However, her sisters are easy to talk to, and the two aunt-level presences of Zheyue Baitong Qinger and Yuanqin Heitong Minger in the distance give Lianer a headache.

At this moment, Lian'er was looking at them with her head tilted, thinking about ways to beat them.

Lian'er looked at Zheyue's white pupil Qing'er and Yuanqin's black pupil Ming'er.

But Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentment Qin's black pupil Ming'er didn't care about Lian'er's performance.

When they heard Liu Juan, the superior Qixiang Zhou Jun, explaining the words of Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, there was a trace of unhappiness and surprise in their eyes, and then they scanned the surrounding sky intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hey! Sister Qing'er and Sister Ming'er, what are you doing, they're all starting to make incense!"

Qing'er with white pupils Zheyue and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano were distracted for a moment, and the blood unicorn with an infatuated expression immediately caught their eyes, and hummed shamelessly.

"Heck... that's it!"

"Qing'er, let's start too, the big guys in Xingchen Palace are already in a hurry!"

Zheyue Baitong Qing'er heard the reminder from the blood unicorn, suddenly felt a little out of control, and quickly took the opportunity to laugh.


"Okay, sister Qing'er!"

While Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong were talking, their pretty and whirling figures turned around a few times, one danced lightly, and the other sat cross-legged and played the piano, starting their miraculous incense refining skills.


"The sky is fragrant and the flowers are flying, the sky is full of flowers, the gods are at ease, in the sky. The fairy dances, the dance is drunk forever, the fairy songs are blessed forever..."

"Flowers are fragrant and flowers are flying, flowers are all over the sky, gurgling and spiritual music, and the strings are trembling. The fairy fate, the fairy god meeting, the laughter and laughter are uninterrupted..."


Accompanied by the beautiful sound of the resentful piano, black pupil Ming'er, and Zheyue Baitong Qing'er dancing and singing, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the incense refining arena, especially the adoring eyes of the blood unicorn. Whose.

"Flowers are fragrant and flowers are flying, the sky is full of flowers, the gods are at ease, in the sky..."

Zheyue Baitong Qing'er's melodious singing resonated with millions of fairies in Langyuan Xianmen. The former lead singer was accompanied by millions of fairies. With the melodious sound of the piano, it was a magnificent and mysterious spontaneous chorus of fairy songs.

The fairy song leads a group of cranes to fly all over the sky. The auspicious birds sing, and the clouds dazzle the rainbow heart.

The entire Qixiang Palace area is immersed in the beautiful fairy music and fairy songs.

After a burst of mesmerizing fairy songs, Qing'er with Zheyue Baitong and Ming'er with Yuanqin were covered with strange white and black flowers at some point.

Qing'er, with white pupils covering the moon, danced lightly, and as the clear shadow swayed, her whirling figure floated up, continuing to dazzle and dance in the air.

As she stretched her wide sleeves, the blossoming white divine flowers, carrying a mysterious and strange fragrance, kept floating out of the sea of ​​her sleeves, like waterfalls and rain.

The flowers swirl and fall, venting like flowing water, lifted by the sky wind, and the waves of flowers are round and round, rustling in the sky, and the fragrance is lingering.

The pure white flowers in the sky kept falling into the green incense refining cauldron on the incense refining arena.

Every contestant has one of such incense-refining tripods in front of him.

The flowers are floating, the dance is swaying, the singing of Qing'er covering the moon and white pupils is singing, the tone is more mysterious, leading millions of fairies, and every fairy heart dances with her.

Resentful Qin with black pupils, Ming'er, eyes covering the moon and white pupils, Qing'er dances in the air, fingers flying like flying shadows on the strings, and strange black flowers flying on the strings.

The sound of the zither is sometimes slow and sometimes urgent, sometimes soft, sometimes like a storm, and the strange black flowers flying out from the fingers of the zither are suddenly like a leaf hanging in the air, or suddenly like a spurting rock.

Several piano sounds climaxed and relieved, and the sky was dark and strange flowers swirled everywhere.

Then, the blossoming black strange flowers, like butterflies and swallows, fluttered and fell into the emerald green incense cauldron under the black pupil of the resentment piano.

"Hehe... Sister Qing'er, the calling of Hua'er is finished. I will refine the incense of dancing, and you will refine the incense of sound. The sound and color will blend together. Soon, the fragrance of Meixian flowers will be formed. How about it?"

Black and white strange flowers filled the sky, intertwined and flying, the strange fragrance bewitched the gods, Qing'er, covering the moon and white pupils, paused for a short while to sing, and laughed.

"Hehe, my sister understands, we have worked hard!"

Heitong Ming'er, who was concentrating on playing the piano, heard the words of Zheyue and Baitong Qing'er, raised her head and smiled excitedly on her flower-like rosy face.

"Ah! It smells so good!"

After Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin Heitong Ming'er exchanged words, they suddenly accelerated the rhythm of dancing and playing the piano, and their incense cauldrons were filled with waves of flowers.

Then suddenly there were two more strange fragrances in the space, which attracted the praise of millions of fairies.

After the two strange fragrances wafted for a while, the two fragrances combined into one fragrance, and a third more intoxicating fragrance suddenly emerged, which made millions of fairies in the Langyuan Xianmen absorb it and couldn't stop it. They were all sucking exaggeratedly.


"Sister Ming'er, our enchanting fairy flower fragrance has been refined, Tianling, Xiaoying, all virtuous nephews are looking at you."

Qing'er, with white pupils covering the moon, danced in the void, with her slender arms on her left and right skirts, her belt fluttering, looking down at the Eighth Sister Tianling, who was attracted by herself and Qing'er, who had just recovered and continued to practice incense.

"Hmph! This is not acceptable! You are adults and I am a child, it is not fair to compete like this!

Also, how can you use dancing, singing and playing the piano to refine incense? The incense you refine does not count! "

Lian Er was holding the nine-color lotus in her hand, but she didn't know how to make incense at all, but she just wanted to join in the fun seeing all the sisters come to compete.

Looking at it now, Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong Minger were all cheering for them, and they immediately gave up and shouted crisply.

"Hehe... Lian'er, don't be rude, what Qixiang Palace pays attention to in refining incense is unique skills, eclectic.

Your objection is invalid, you can continue to refine the incense, you still have half an hour, if you don't worry, I am afraid that Lian Er will not be able to refine it. "

Qixiang Zhoujun couldn't help laughing when he heard that Lian'er was being unreasonable again.

"Hey! That's right, little girl, if you have the ability, you can practice it. If you refine it, you can produce a wonderful fragrance like Sister Ming'er and Sister Qing'er. It's not too late for you to shout!"

The blood unicorn grinned, and hummed against Lian'er.

"Shut up! You big guy who doesn't know how to be shy, it's shameful to see you grow up in a big mess, and you still call out your sister!

go! Hurry up and find a cloud hole to drill in, and just stay there.

This is the Fairy Fairy Conference of Langyuan Xianmen, what a shame for you to be a grand duke Qilin..."

Lian Er is not easy to hate, the blood unicorn only said a word, which caused Lian Er to scold him.

Xue Qilin twitched all over when he heard it, and he didn't even have a chance to refute!

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

The blood unicorn grumbled dryly, not daring to say anything, for fear of being scolded again.

At this moment, Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentment Qin's black pupil Ming'er took advantage of the waves and fates when the attention of millions of fairies in the fairy sect was on Lian'er.

A cloud of dark evil smoke gushed out from the palms of their sisters' hands at the same time.

The dark evil smoke condensed and became thicker in their palms.

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