Nine Heavens

Chapter 2093

"Lian'er, when we came here just now, we saw a big golden monk flying up into the sky from a distance, who is he?"

On the Nine Colors Lotus Lake, after watching Yunjun Wushang Zaixie lead a group of people away, Langyuan Xiaoxian asked Lianer.

"Well, Elder Sister Yaya asked Uncle Shenlong, Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong said, it was the big golden monk who saved them!"

At this time, because of the beauty of the lotus lake, Lian'er was no longer angry with the Xiangjiao Golden Buddha, and respectfully called the Xiangjiao Golden Buddha the Great Golden Monk, said.

"That's it, sisters, let's have fun, I'll go to the Dragon Palace to inform all the dragon ladies, and tell them that Uncle Shenlong has returned safely, so they don't have to worry about it.

It is estimated that Xiaolongnv has finished her homework by now, let her come and play with you too. "

Today's Yaya is respected as the head of the young immortals, she has more affairs in the sect, and she is a married person, so these young immortals' playing things are just to the end.

I'm afraid that all the sisters and brothers will pull out the little dragon girl.

"Okay! None of us know that Senior Sister Yaya is a very busy person, you and Brother Yun go ahead! You are not at ease here, but disturbed our madness!

It must be called Xiaolongnu, she is a mischievous, comparable to Lianer. "

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang and Princess Qinghua's daughter is, Xiaoying, Yunjun Wushang, has long seen that Yaya intends to leave, so she said with a smile while surrounded by lavender love flowers fluttering around her.

"Hehe, I think sister Xiaoying is a ghost, no matter what we think, we can't escape your smart eyes!

Yaya, since sister Xiaoying has already exposed us, let's go, ha ha! Dear sisters and younger brothers, continue to be happy. Brother Yun and Senior Sister Yaya are excused! "

Liu Yun was in high spirits, a bit like his father's head master Yun Jun is supreme and no longer evil Liu Qianlang, and said with a smile.


"Ha ha……"

"Congratulations to brother Yun and sister-in-law Yun! Brother Yun has to support Senior Sister Yaya, otherwise Senior Sister Yaya will punish you for beating her back again!"

A large group of Langyuan Xiaoxian laughed and smirked, and sent Yaya and Liu Yun away.

Then, this large group of Langyuan Shaoxian elders were not there, and the young masters left, flying all over the lake, chasing and playing, shouting and screaming, very lively.

When I was tired, I floated on the lake and set up tables to set up banquets, taste fairy fruits, and eat fairy wine.

In this way, they played for a whole day and night, until they were all drunk and fell asleep!

When they woke up, it was already another day and night.

"Lian'er! Lian'er!"

"Why did you go to sleep in the Nine Colors God Lotus?"

"Huh? Why is Miss Lian'er motionless? Is she dead? Hmph! My master!"

"Close your bird's beak, do you curse your master like that? Sister Lian'er is asleep, Xiao Longnu often sees her sitting cross-legged in the nine-color lotus and sleeping quietly like this!"

"But, but! She would have woken up before! Why can't she wake up now no matter how much she shouts?"


Tianling is the oldest girl among the young immortals, so she was persuaded to drink a lot by her sisters, and she was almost the last to wake up.

Before she opened her eyes, she could hear the voice calling Lian Er from far and near.

Tianling looked around, and saw that Lian'er's Nine-Colored Divine Lotus had become dozens of times larger than usual.

Lian Er floated on it, her face was calm and unwavering, she held the orchid finger with her hands, and sat peacefully in the slightly rotating gorgeous nine-color lotus.

The Nine-Color Divine Lotus, the Nine-Color Divine Rainbow is bulging, softly and clearly entangled with the Nine-Color Divine Lotus, and Lian Er seems to be shrouded in a gorgeous nine-color light ball, looking beautiful and mysterious.

The Nine Colors Divine Lotus exudes a magical fragrance that has never been seen before at this moment. This kind of fragrance is refreshing and infinitely clear. Tianling just sucked it a few times, and he felt as if he had been enlightened. The strength, the body is light but the spirit is stable!

The nine-color lotus is rotating slightly, and through the crystal clear nine-color lotus petals, the lotus seen from different angles and looks different.

Tianling found that Lian'er's demeanor was completely different from before. Although she still has that delicate face, from her expression, she can no longer see mischievousness and childishness!

"Lian'er! Lian'er?"

The young immortals of Langyuan Xianmen have long been accustomed to Yaya's noisy and naughty, and they are even tricked into making fun of them. Suddenly seeing Lian'er sitting cross-legged so quietly, she felt very uncomfortable, surrounded by Nine Colors God Lotus, floating in the air, calling softly non-stop.

"Everyone, don't shout, Lian'er is swimming in Taixu! I don't know when she will wake up!

Let's go back and tell you mothers, here it looks like Lian'er deliberately designed for herself the Jingyou Taixu Realm, let her quietly wander in the fairy spirit! After swimming enough, she will naturally return to her body! "

Tianling wasn't too surprised when he saw Lian'er's appearance, because she and the elder sister Yaya had already prepared in their hearts.

"Sister Tianling, what is Jingyou Taixu?"

Seeing his master sleeping soundly, Xiaobai worried that she would never wake up again, so he asked Tianling with flickering black eyes.

"That's right, sister Tianling, why haven't we heard about Jingyou Taixu? What do you mean?"

The gazes of the Langyuan young immortals wandered between Tianling and Lian'er, and they all frowned and asked questions.

"Jingyou Taixu is not something that everyone can have, the person who happened to Jingyou Taixu, she must have been a fairy god that existed in the ancient spirit universe, or even existed in some previous eras.

The so-called Jingyou Taixu means that she later wiped out or sealed her memory, and due to some kind of touch, her dusty memory began to appear and recover.

Then her fairy body remained silent, while the spirit of the fairy came out of her body and traveled the universe, gradually searching for and perceiving all the trajectories and events she had experienced since the birth of the ancient spirit universe, even everything sensed by her senses.

Until she returns to the present from the ancient past memory, then she can return to her original spirit and wake up again! "

Tianling's eyes sparkled, and he leaned over mysteriously to tell the sisters and brothers.

"Sister Tianling, how do you know this, is it true or not, you won't make fun of the nine baby brothers like you did when you were a child!"

Liu Guang, the youngest of Jun Yun's nine sons, was playing with a pair of emerald ice palms and asked with a smile.

"No, Brother Guang! How dare Tianling joke about such a big matter. What happened to Jingyou Taixu is indeed true. I, Xiaoying, Danrou, and Liusha have all experienced it!

It's just that we all thought it was just a dream before, but after repeated research, Dad finally figured out the essence of Jing You Tai Xu.

Moreover, Dad commissioned Uncle Song to repeatedly deduce the approximate time of Lian Er's Jingyou Taixu, saying that it will happen in the near future.

After Dad knew about it, he asked me and Elder Sister Yaya to pay attention to Yaya's changes at any time, protect the law at the right time, and help Lian'er recover the memory of the ancient spirit! Now it really appeared.

Now that everyone is here, let's protect Sister Lian'er! "

Tian Ling explained it to all the sisters and brothers seriously, and made a proposal.


All the young immortals of the Langyuan Immortal Sect were willing to do something for Lian'er, and immediately responded in unison, and then sat cross-legged, facing Lian'er, and circled around the Nine Colors Divine Lotus in regular circles.

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