Nine Heavens

Chapter 2095 Demon of the Demon Sun

"Oh ha ha..."

"My Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha already has left and right mutual foot spirit officials, and I happen to be missing a good-looking spirit officer and a pleasant-ear spirit official. These two girls are exactly what I want, so follow me!"

The golden rainbow poured into the Blood Demon Tianhong Hall like a gust of wind, and a huge golden monk like a mountain suddenly appeared inside.

This golden-bodied monk is the fragrant-footed golden Buddha who left the Yunzhou Langyuan fairy gate and flew into the heaven. He originally wanted to fly to the Jitian Palace to see the covenant of the time god of war, but he didn't want to hear the blood demon Tiangong beautiful The sound of the piano, so I broke in.

The Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha didn't even take a look at the blood demon Tianjun on the temple. He tilted his head and looked at the moon-covering white pupils and the resentful piano black pupils that had been fixed by him, then laughed loudly, stretched out his huge golden hand, and looked horizontally Sweeping, holding the white pupil of Zheyue and the black pupil of Resentment Qin in the sea of ​​palms, turned around and left in a hurry.

Coming suddenly, leaving suddenly, the blood demon Tianjun Shi Shi hardly had time to see the other party clearly, the other party had already left.

"Unexpectedly, not only Tianjun and Time War God Zhong died in the second-floor Extreme Heaven Palace, but the ancient spirit, fragrant feet, golden Buddha War God is also alive!

Then our ninety-nine-eighty-one-level cloud and blood demon Tiangong's life may be difficult!

What the hell is going on here, in the holy war of the ancient spirits, in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, didn't almost all the immortals and gods of the ancient spirits die in battle, why..."

Seeing the scene of Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha ignoring his own existence just now, Son of Blood Demon Lord Death couldn't help but feel terrified and chills all over his body. Facing the power of his huge cloud, sky, ghosts, ghosts and dark forces, he suddenly lost confidence. Stop thinking.

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, was a little numb, sitting on the throne of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, looking at the vast higher heaven above through the roof of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and continued to think.

The ancient spirit lived in the universe, and there were ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens among the heavenly beings, and each level was parallel and horizontal, with five dimensions, four directions, eight digits, up and down, a total of five, eighty, forty heavens.

After the Holy War of the Ancient Spirit, the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, each parallel five-dimensional horizontal sky, were disintegrated, and each heaven is now a simple three-dimensional space-time existence with eight upper, middle, lower, square, and eight figures.

However, the vertical nine-nine-eighty-one level has never disappeared.

The lowest layer is Yuntian above Yunzhou, which is the first layer of heaven, and the God is called Yuntianjun.

Then, going up in turn, there is the second layer of heaven, Jitian, and God is called Ji Tianjun, also referred to as Tianjun.

Above the extreme sky is the third heaven, the Kongjing Heaven, and the God is called the Emperor of Heaven.

Above the empty sky is the fourth heaven, and God is revered as the holy heaven.


In the end until the ninth and eighty-first heavens, God is the ancestor of Tianluo Dao.

"Ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly gods are not all still alive! If they are alive, wouldn't they be suppressed by the ancient spirits and gods, and be subjected to waves and fates against the gods!

They are fighting against each other, what should happen to the Gorefiend Tiangong in the future? "

While thinking, the Blood Demon Tianjun asked himself reluctantly, but he had to think of such a terrible question.

"The ancient spirit and the demon sun, the ancient spirit and the demon sun, the life and death of the ancient spirit appear in the universe, and the demon sun and spirits are in a hurry like a law. Tell me quickly, ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, the power of the ancient spirit is now How is it?"

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, after a period of heart-shattering thoughts, couldn't help but think of the dark demon sun he had swallowed into his stomach.

This pitch-black magic sun is the first dark thing at the beginning of the birth of the Three Dark Universes, and it contains the history of the initiation and evolution of all the Dark Three Universes and even the subsequent universes.

Asking about the dark demon Yang Yang demon will naturally solve the doubts in his heart. Thinking of this, a bloody mouth suddenly opened on the blood demon Tianjun's blood moon mask, and the dark demon sun circled out.

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch held it in his hand, murmured words, and at the same time poured a rainbow of blood demon energy into the pitch-black demon sun with one palm.

Then, in the dark magic sun, a dark goblin with agility like an ape appeared indistinctly, with black body and facial features, and his appearance was unrecognizable.

"Ignorant junior, do you think that the battle of life and death is just the battle of the ancient spirit's eons, which will determine the final outcome of the two eons of life and death!

you are wrong! In the battle of life and death, there is only a temporary confrontation between each other, but it is an eternal attack on each other!

good! After the ancient spirit war, Qi Neng, Xu Xiao and the three universes of death no longer exist!

However, this does not mean that all the ancient spirit lacquer abilities, imaginary and deadly demons have all disappeared! For example, didn't your death devil eggs that hadn't germinated at that time survived?

You are not alone, except for you, the young master of death, there are still many of our dark demon powers hidden in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens!

In the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, there are naturally ancient spirits and gods, but they exist, and so do we!

Today's ninety-nine-eighty-one sky is completely polluted by the chaotic clouds of the universe, confused and confused, and has the forces of life and death. So you don't have to worry about fear, crazy expansion, slaughter and occupation!

You did a good job. You killed Qi Neng and Xu Xiao, the two young masters of the Demon Emperor. Now you are the only young master of the Demon Emperor. In your crazy expansion, we will do our best to fight against the strength of the upper world and help you step by step Step on the sky, until the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, Luo Daotian!

Let the power of our Dark Demon God completely rule everything in the universe!

Thinking about the future, the Dark Demon God will be the only one that is revered. No matter whether it is righteousness, immortality, or humanity, as well as the three ways of ghosts and demons that have been crawling under our feet, they will forever become the servants of the Dark Demon God and become the Dark Demon Emperor. Stepping stones for your feet! "

The demon of the magic sun, within the dark magic sun, moves mechanically and strangely, with an evil and bewitching tone, and said in a low voice.

"This, this is great! It turns out that there are ancient spirits and demon gods living in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens in our ancient spirit three universes, haha... giggle..."

Hearing this, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, suddenly became confident, bursting with magic energy all over his body, and laughed wildly.

"No! It's not the Demon God of the Ancient Spirit Three Universes, but the Death Demon God of the Ancient Soul Undead Universe!

The positive spirit forces of the living universe are our mortal enemies, and Qi Neng and the Dark Demon God who survived the virtual universe are also our opponents.

Ben Yang Yao has long been secretly bewitching Zhou Wu, as well as other Chongtian lacquer energy and Xu Xiao forces to kill each other, and then we, the Death Demon God, took the initiative to solve the mess.

In today's ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, except for this Cosmic Witch, all of us, the Cosmic Demon God of Death, exist! We have been leveling the road ahead for the Demon Emperor, and the young master of the Demon Emperor has to go forward bravely! "

The pitch-black Yang Yao suddenly paused, turned his back to Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon Tianjun, and spoke solemnly.

"Thank you, Senior Yang Yao, for your help! However, I am a little puzzled. Senior Yang Yao is obviously also the Death Demon God. How could he be curled up in the kissing Nengpai Zhouwu Moyang?"

Son of Death, the Blood Demon Lord, pondered over the other party's words for a while, and asked.

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