Nine Heavens

Chapter 211 One Hundred Thousand Yin Babies

Liu Qianlang spent nearly three hours, and a smile slowly appeared on his face. Staring at the hill-like magic chair, he floated on it. After examining the staring eyes of the four demon dragons on the left and right, Liu Qianlang resolutely turned the dark blue head of the demon dragon on the left in front.

Turning the head of the magic dragon, a powerful and bewitching fire suddenly spewed out from its mouth, and shot towards the wall of the opposite hall with incomparable heat. Just as Liu Qianlang expected, with a bang, the mountain wall that had no cracks appeared suddenly A gate tumbling with magic flames, with the words "ghost, witch and god tomb" shining in ghost green.

Liu Qianlang didn't hesitate, eager to know, a powerful spiritual power poured into the palm of his palm in the world behind the gate, and with a move of Liu Ye Renfeng, the gate was smashed to pieces immediately, followed by a wave of filth and coldness. The air was blowing head-on, and the hall became much darker in an instant. After a while, Liu Qianlang saw an equally dark cave entrance.

Liu Qianlang's silent imperial sword floated in, and the situation in front of him made Liu Qianlang dumbfounded. I saw coffins everywhere in the cave. The coffins were all made of pitch-black Nether wood, but each coffin was shining with strange colors, as if there was a magical ball of light bulging inside. Liu Qianlang inspected it for a while, then drifted to the depths of the cave, and after about a stick of incense, Liu Qianlang found that the cave had come to an end. So Fu returned to the entrance, Liu Qianlang counted the number of coffins on the way, no more, no less, exactly 100,000.

One hundred thousand yin babies, could it be that the coffin is the yin baby that the ghost witch said before he died! Liu Qianlang's heart was agitated, his body couldn't help approaching a coffin, and he examined it more carefully, and strengthened the white light again. After a while of analysis, Liu Qianlang found that the coffin was not a Yin baby, but a ghost who had died in the past dynasties. Witches and Ghost Witches. As for those flashes, they are just the Yin Yuan of the dead.

Unwilling, Liu Qianlang suddenly turned around and shot at the magic chair again, and quickly turned the head of the second magic dragon on the left. Immediately, a magic stone gate surrounded by magic flames appeared in front of him, with the words "Underworld Species" written on it. .

After blasting away, Liu Qianlang was disappointed again. Inside, there were countless things like magic jade boxes on display. When he opened more than a hundred of them, they were all the seeds of plant medicines that were shining strangely.

There are also magic crystal bottles lying in some boxes, on which are written "Yin clam birth dew", "Mingyuefeng fruit pulp", "Qitiandi" and so on. Looking up at the tens of thousands of boxes of Yinming species in the distance, Liu Qianlang shook his head.

Turning around and staring at the two dragon heads on the right side of the magic chair, with a flick of his sleeves, the two dragon heads were turned around at the same time, and after two loud bangs, Liu Qianlang stood at the two sparkling magic stone gates In front of him, this time, Liu Qianlang was not in a hurry to smash the door. Instead, after examining it for a while, slowly using powerful spiritual power, he pushed open the two doors.

These two doors are located on the right side of the two opened doors, and Liu Qianlang is standing in the middle of the last two doors. The door on the right says "Ghost Treasure", and the door on the left says "Ghost Treasure". Ghost Code".

Looking at the words above, Liu Qianlang laughed at himself and said, "Forget it, since there is nothing to gain, it's better to make a small fortune!" So, he floated into the cave of "Haunted House Treasure".

"Wow!" Liu Qianlang exclaimed in a rare way. Although he was prepared for the treasure in front of him, he was still very surprised.

I saw that the space larger than the hall outside the cave was full of rare treasures, countless gold and silver jewels, elves, spirit marrow, and even spirit diamonds. More strange things that I have never seen before.

Liu Qianlang glanced at it casually, on the ground in front of him, there were three piles of treasures like hills, not to mention, there were countless treasures hanging or hanging on the walls and ceiling of the hall. Liu Qianlang Yujian flew inside for a while, until the end of the cave, and found that there were three other piles of dark treasures inside, including countless magic crystals, magic essence, magic stones, magic diamonds and so on.

Liu Qianlang looked at it for a while, and said with a smile: "Since I saw it, I don't want to take it for nothing." Then he touched the black jade skull on his chest, and after a cool breeze, all the treasures in the cave shrank instantly. It turned into countless dots of starlight, and then gathered into a shining stream of light, which continuously flowed into the black jade skull on Liu Qianlang's chest, flowing for more than an hour.

Looking at the pitch-black cave without any treasures, Liu Qianlang didn't want to stay any longer, and floated out of the cave in satisfaction. Touching the Moyu Skull, I was secretly delighted. Over the years, I have been with the Moyu Skeleton day and night, and the mutual induction has become stronger.

At this time, Liu Qianlang's chest had a faint imprint of a black jade skull on the chest. If he didn't like to wear it on his chest, Liu Qianlang could completely hide the black jade skull in his body now. If you want to enter the realm of tomorrow, you no longer need to hide black jade skulls everywhere. As long as you enter the realm of tomorrow to practice, the black jade skeleton will turn into nothingness, and no one will be able to find it. Liu Qianlang was very satisfied with this.

Liu Qianlang stood outside the gate of the "Yinming Ghost Book", weighing whether to enter or not. After all, he is a cultivator of immortality. After all, these ghosts and witches' spells and Yinming books are rejected by the righteous way. Finally, he couldn't help being curious and floated away. shot in. I plan to just take a look and see what kind of magical methods those demons, ghosts and witches are practicing.

The world in front of me is not like Liu Qianlang imagined, full of magical books, but instead, there are pieces of strangely colored animal bones, tortoise shells, shells, magic bells, jade charms, finger pullers, and animal bones all over the place. leather thing.

There is only one black scroll with four words vaguely written on it, but it is a pity that I have never seen this kind of writing, and I don't know it at all. Everything is covered with dust, which is very ugly. And the space is surprisingly small, breaking in through the door is only more than ten feet square.

Liu Qianlang glanced at it for a few times, without any interest, and turned to walk outside, but just as his feet stepped out, a piece of tortoise bone flickered strangely. Although it was only a flash and very quickly, Liu Qianlang clearly saw the words written in heavenly script on it - Yinying Strange Book.

Feeling excited, Liu Qianlang stretched out his hand to point at the turtle bone, sucked it into his palm instantly, and blew off the dust on it. Immediately, a glittering jade turtle shell appeared in front of him, on which the whole process of nurturing Yinying was written in detail.

After reading it, Liu Qianlang's face was instantly covered with a layer of pain. Because the Yinying Strange Book clearly wrote the verse "The Yinying was conceived for thousands of years, borrowed the corpse to swallow the soul, occasionally assisted the breath of the living, and immediately formed a demon body, and on the night of the full moon, entered the world and became a god".

Up to now, Liu Qianlang has only understood the meaning of the ghost witch's sly smile before his death. It turned out that he deliberately led himself into the cave, so that one hundred thousand Yin babies could use his fairy aura to complete the final transformation.

Liu Qianlang suddenly regretted his recklessness, and it would be fine if his own life was in danger, but if those one hundred thousand Yin babies entered the world, how amazing it would be! After a while of anxiety, he suddenly thought of Bai Guang Cui Zhuan, and called out anxiously: "Senior Bai Guang! Senior Bai Guang! Quickly give me an idea, what should I do now!" Liu Qianlang pointed at Yin Yingqi's book.

"Haha, boy, you finally thought of me." Liu Qianlang heard a breath, and then heard Bai Guang Cui Zhuan's voice.

"Senior, please advise!" Liu Qianlang said respectfully.

"Haha, what's so difficult about this, isn't it just one hundred thousand ghost dolls? That's not easy, just subdue them!" Bai Guangcuizuan said indifferently.

"Recover?" Liu Qianlang repeated in confusion.

"Boy, look in the cave, isn't there a ready-made magic bell? It's just because you are ignorant. The summoning bell you gave to that girl at the auction house that day was not an ordinary summoning bell. A magic weapon that can summon and enslave all living beings. With the summoning bell, you can easily control these Yin Babies.

It's a pity that you gave it away. But you kid is very good, and the magic bell in the cave is even more powerful, so hurry up and drop a drop of blood on it, and you can use it after recognizing you as the master.

well! It's a pity that ghosts and witches have collected so many treasures for generations, and none of their waste descendants has a future. Letting these devil world treasures here is like weeds on mountains and rocks, useless! Think about how glorious the family of ghosts and witches was 30,000 years ago, but now it has come to a unique end! Don't talk about it, go quickly, wait until the half-month season in a few days, then you will be a sinner in the world! "

After finishing speaking, Bai Guangcuan sighed and fell silent.

Liu Qianlang thanked him, grabbed it with his fingers, and the magic bell jingled and jumped into Liu Qianlang's hand. Liu Qianlang wiped off the dust, looked at the golden magic bell, bit his fingertips, and a drop of dark red blood Instantly entered the magic bell. Immediately, the magic bell was full of crystal flowers, and it seemed to cheer infinitely in the palm of the hand, and a ringing sound could not be heard.

In the ringing of the bell, Liu Qianlang gradually became familiar with the method of mobilizing the magic bell, and firmly engraved it in the realm of his mind. Then it still shot towards the first cave on the left side of Shiting, the movement was extremely fast, and it sank into the entrance of the cave in an instant.

In the already cold and gloomy Tomb of Ghosts, Witches and Gods, coffins were crackling and cracking, and some of them were already broken. Deformed babies about half a meter tall came out of the broken coffins, opening and closing. Exaggerated big mouth, shrill and piercing screams, protruding cold eyes, slender limbs, and no hair on the head.

Seeing Liu Qianlang's swaying body, they fell on the ground or on the coffin one after another. Those who got out of the coffin earlier flew to grab the rocks on the roof of the hall, dripping from their mouths, staring at Liu Qianlang greedily. The feeling of tearing Liu Qianlang into pieces at any time.

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