Nine Heavens

Chapter 2123 Demon Swallowing God Xiao

The reason why Jun Yun is supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang didn't order the people in the immortal sect to find the core of spiritual life is because he had already made up his mind.

What Langyuan Yungong has to do now is to try its best to support all the evil forces in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and try to let a small part of them break into the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens and other heavens, which is the greatest victory.

"Brother Qianlang, just now you said how important the Star of Life is, why didn't you send some people to the Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Heavenly Heaven to capture the three remnants of the Star of Life?"

Regarding the topic of Lord Yun's sudden change of tone, the spirit demon Lord Zhou Cheng Shifeng's understanding was somewhat unexpected, so she asked.

"Hehe, Fengmei is dead. The highest soul power level of all disciples of Langyuan Xianmen can only reach the realm of triple heavenly soul breaking the realm of heavenly soul. Who, including Brother Qianlang, has the ability to reach Yuantian Realm? ?”

Jun Yun is supreme and then evil Liu Qianlang sends a sound transmission to his younger sister Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng.

"Oh! But, but, Fengmei is really worried that the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace will take the lead. If they can only restore the Star of Life with demons, wouldn't it be a disaster for life!"

The blue crescent moon shines on the forehead of Cheng Shi, the spirit demon Zhoujun, his eyes are blue and blue, his long blue hair is slightly lifted, and his beautiful face is full of worry.

"Don't worry, sister Feng, Brother Qianlang won't let this happen.

However, one day Brother Qianlang is really worried about something, which will make Fengmei sad! "

When Yunjun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang thought about the sound transmission, out of the corner of his eyes, he seemed to have inadvertently passed over Tianjun Wuxiannan who was trying to listen to his words.


"Brother Qianlang, what do you mean? I don't understand how brother Qianlang would be willing to hurt Fengmei from childhood."

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, felt the eyes of Yunjun Supreme and then Xie Liu Qianlang looking at Tianjun Wuxiannan, and his heart was shocked.

"Maybe Brother Qianlang is thinking too much, and I hope everything will develop in a good direction."

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Yun Jun used these words to end the communication with his sister through instant telepathy.

"Haha...Yun Jun, now the soul power of our Langyuan Xianmen sect has reached the level of the soul power of the third level of heaven breaking the boundary, and the soul power of every day, and in addition to the recent concentration of cultivation, the strength has already surpassed all the demons in the blood demon Tiangong.

Simply, let's do one thing and keep going, Jun Yun is at the head, and General Wan Gong is at the back. How about we destroy the Gorefiend Heavenly Seal with Mitian Crack, and then aggressively attack the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace and occupy their lair? "

At this time, it was already the first Nine Swords of the Devil-Duting Sword. Standing up majestically, surrounded by red rainbows, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at his beloved wife, Fairy Zixia, and said with a smile.

"Hmm! The first Love Flower Palace Master in Dragon Ball agrees with the words of Nine Swords Sword Master, what do all the immortals present think?"

Hearing that, Your Highness, not far from Nine Swords, the Lord of Love Flower Palace, one of the nine wives of Lord Yun, who is surrounded by lavender love flowers, is fragrant and nodded to all the immortals with a smile.

"What Sword Lord Dumo and Dragon Ball Immortal Lord said is justified! If the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is not eliminated for a day, it will eventually be an obstacle for us to be promoted to the immortal sect, and it is difficult for us to realize the wish of great virtue and great virtue!"

"That's right! We walked out of the realm of peace and happiness that overlapped Zhou Jun, isn't it for the purpose of punishing the evil!"

"It's time for me to praise my prodigy Xianwei!"


Nine Swords' words resonated with His Highness, and for a while there were discussions and impassioned voices.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! Lord Ben Yun has exactly the same intentions this time. Lord Yun will follow the good way and follow the wishes of the immortals to attack the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!

However, our strength is superb now, and victory is in sight, and we are not in a hurry. The gods of the four-dimensional galaxy, the dragon, the phoenix, the golden ape, the unicorn protoss, and the nine spiritual beings, the primordial god, Yu Shenzhou, have just come to the alliance and have a rest. And re-drilling and analyzing, aren't we more likely to win!

Three months later, all the immortal armies of our Langyuan Xianmen will join forces in the sky, Ben Yunjun wields his sword in front, the magic sword, the supreme arrow, dragon ball, phoenix pill, dragon, fairy phoenix, the number nine of ninety-nine and eighty-one Dalangyuan is the guardian of the gods.

Behind him, the five Supreme Beings came out from left and right, and behind them were the Nine Spiritual Phenomena Yuanshen Yushenzhou and the Dragon, Heaven, Phoenix, Golden Ape, Qilin, and the God Clan army of the Four Stars and Rivers.

As well as Langyuan, the gods and immortals from all walks of life spread their magic soldiers in the air, and the two largest arks of refuge followed closely, and we began to attack the sky against the sky! "

His Highness was full of fairy voices, but the strange fragrance Zhoujun Liujuan, the sky wolf Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, the sword Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng and the Tianjun Wuxiannan did not say a word. They all looked at Jun Yun with calm expressions, and then Xie Liu Qianlang.

According to their guess, since Jun Yun has no ability to directly attack the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens, Jun Yun should not immediately make the decision to attack the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

But this time they were all wrong. Jun Yun and Liu Qianlang not only agreed to such an unreasonable sky war strategy, but also made a plan for ascending to heaven without hesitation.

"This? Haha..."

"Third Brother, Fourth Brother, did you hear me right? Don't you never fight uncertain battles? With such a decision, it is not difficult to defeat the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. However, the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is just a cloud-like demon power. The other eighty levels The power of evil spirits in the sky is unknown.

The sea is cloudy, and when he sees the mist, he orders to kill the army. It doesn't seem to be the style of the third brother! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, as if he didn't know Yunjun Supreme and evil Liu Qianlang, looking sideways at his third brother and laughing.

"Why, as long as you make a generous decision, why don't I, Mr. Yun, go crazy once?"

As soon as Mr. Yun made the decision to say no more to evil willows and lead the waves, His Highness cheered even more, and there were endless bursts of applause.

Hearing the words of his brother Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, holding a recently developed magical artifact in his hand, he smiled jokingly.

"Hehe, Brother Zhen, when did the headmaster make an arbitrary decision, the headmaster must have already had a plan in mind! It's just that the headmaster left us a mystery."

Tianjun Wuxian smiled, playing with the emerald green Tianlai flute in his hand, and looked at Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi with a suspicious expression.


"I can't hide anything from the fairy man, yes, you see, this is the demon-swallowing spirit Xiao developed by the master just now.

As long as all the generals and disciples in the school have one such demon-swallowing spirit Xiao, when they are fighting with the blood demons in the Heavenly Palace, if they play this kind of Shen Xiao, the opponent will be confused. After depleting to a certain extent, the opponent's demon will be swallowed by Shen Xiao.

Of course, after the demons are devoured, they will not die. We just imprison them temporarily. When we gather the nine cores of life one day, restore the star of life, and then revitalize them. "

Hearing Wu Xiannan's laughing words, Jun Yun pointed to the blue and beautiful demon-swallowing Spirit Xiao in his palm, and laughed.

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