Nine Heavens

Chapter 2137 Tianlai Tianjun

"That's good, I'll leave my immortal body for the time being. If Tianjun needs anything, Wu Xiannan will be there at any time."

Tianjun Wuxiannan suddenly pushed the Tianlai flute to the man in the hall, the blood demon Tianjun, and then saluted and wanted to go.

"Wait a minute, this blue crescent moon, I have studied it repeatedly for a long time, and found that it can't be activated at all. Why?"

Just as Tianjun Wuxiannan turned around, the blood demon Tianjun asked suddenly.

"Oh! It's strange that the fairy body avatar forgot to tell the blood demon Tianjun for a moment. The blue crescent moon is the product of Cheng Shifeng, the fairy monster Zhou Jun of Langyuan. What cannot be activated by Jun's magic energy must be a powerful righteous spirit to be able to freely control it.

Not only the blue crescent moon, but also the black jade skull of Yunjun Supreme and the evil willow leading the waves, the sky demon meteor of Sirius Zhoujun Chengyuan, the soul-controlling vine of Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, and the sword of Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi This is the case with Song Zhen's Star Sword and the Tian Lai Flute of his own immortal body clone.

If Tianjun wants to be able to control them, he must do two things. The first thing is to practice righteousness, gods, immortals and gods, and secondly, he must find ways to make these stars of life recognize him as the master!

In addition, Tianjun can't control them personally, he can only possess, not summon the slightest bit of divine power in their dream sea! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan turned around and hesitated for a moment, and said regretfully.

"That's how it is! No wonder Ben Tianjun has repeatedly probed and analyzed, but the blue crescent moon has no response. According to what you said, isn't it meaningless for Ben Tianjun to get them and not be able to move them!?"

The blood demon Tianjun's eyes were icy cold, and he looked at the blue crescent moon and the Tian Lai flute in his hands from left to right.

"Of course not, what Tianjun wants is to finally capture the reunited stars of life, so it doesn't matter whether they can be stimulated or not.

And when all the remnants of the stars of life meet at the Great Dream Mountain, all the remnants of the stars of life will respond to each other, and will spontaneously activate and merge with each other.

The most important thing for Tianjun to do is to try his best to capture it first after the remnants of the Star of Life fuse!

Whoever gets the newly revived Star of Life first will be its owner, and can naturally manipulate it arbitrarily afterwards.

In fact, the most important thing in this life-and-death struggle in the ancient spirit era that continues to this day is not who owns the remnants of these life stars, but who can be the first to capture the revived life stars in the end!

This is the main reason why all the righteous gods and evil gods and demon gods in the vast universe of ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens gathered in Yuantian Dameng Mountain instead of actively looking for the remnant of the star of life.

Because they all know very well that whether it is the human power of Nuwa Empress or Tianjun's death demon power, sooner or later, two stars of life will be sent to Yuantian Dream Mountain.

What they have to do, just as the avatar of the immortal body reminded Tianjun just now, there are only two words, one is 'wait', and the other is 'grab'.

In this competition, the final winner can ignore any process, as long as he is the first to capture the resurrected life star on the Yuantian Dream Mountain.

These are the true meanings of life and death wits that I have finally discovered after countless years of research and research in the body of the immortal body. "

Tianjun Wuxiannan wanted to say these words just now, but when he heard that the blood demon Tianjun asked him to leave, he didn't say any more, and confessed everything at this moment.

"Hmm! It seems that I did the right thing in cultivating your immortal body avatar. The battle of life and death, if you don't know your enemy and your confidant, how can the immortal body understand these things.

Now, Ben Tianjun deeply understands your painstaking efforts. It is in vain for Ben Tianjun to fight again in this Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and Langyuan Xianmen, leaving Yuantian Damengshan to take the lead.

In the past, I thought that Dou Shenglang was bound to the fairy gate and killed all the ancient spirits and gods in the blood demon universe, so the star of life must belong to me.

As everyone knows, Yuantian Dameng Mountain has already curled up with countless forces of life and death patrolling the remnants of the stars of life!

Wuxiannan, I don't need to think about it anymore, I decided to listen to you. Youlao Immortal Body sent an order to all Taoists in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace to speak the decree, and immediately convene a new measure meeting, and I will go straight to Yuantian Dameng Mountain as soon as possible! "

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch suddenly made up his mind and said, the blood glow all over his body stretched and swelled violently.

"Heavenly Monarch is wise, but it's not good to let this immortal body pass on the decree orally. This fairy body has just returned to heaven, how can He De dare to announce the decree in front of all the demon gods?"

When Tianjun Wuxiannan heard the words, he was secretly happy, but he replied with a humble expression on his lips.

"Hey! You don't need to say more, this Tianjun intends to make you stand up in front of the entire army of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. This Tianjun decided to hand over all the celestial affairs of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace to you. All the Blood Demon Heavenly Army will be commanded by you !

Only in this way can I rest assured that the thirteen primordial spirits of the combined soul will die, and the nine hateful souls and one obsession will go to the sky.

Ben Tianjun is convinced that only you Wu Xiannan can do it, gradually destroy the Langyuan Xianmen, and send the four life stars of the Langyuan Xianmen to Yuantian Dream Mountain one after another! "

The blood demon Tianjun was completely persuaded by Tianjun Wuxiannan at this moment, and his determination was made, his words were sonorous and majestic.

"That's good! Although this immortal body is heavily impregnated with the spirit of righteous spirits, it is still the avatar of the Heavenly Army Demon Spirit. Although I am not talented, I should devote myself to the Heavenly King's great wish!

Please Tianjun sit firmly on the throne of the Heavenly Palace, Wu Xiannan is going to pass on the decree of Tianjun's church! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan also made an impassioned attitude, his eyes flashed with excitement, turned around, and strode away.


One day later, the Blood Demon Lord had already left the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, riding on the blood demon dragon to break through one layer after another, and shot towards Yuantian Dameng Mountain.

And now in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, Tianjun Wuxiannan sits on the throne of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, calling himself Tianlai Tianlord!

"Hmph! Where is your Highness the fairy god? It must be a spy from Langyuan Xianmen who came to our Tianlai Tiangong to explore the secrets. Hit me! Turn his essence and consume his energy until he confesses!"

Sitting high on the throne of Tianlai Tiangong, Tianjun Wuxiannan was in high spirits, and shouted at a dark, giant owl-like dead demon bound by ten thousand magic chains.

"Bah! You are just a small fairy clone of the Blood Demon Lord, how dare you treat me so disrespectfully, why don't you hurry up and untie this black demon sun demon, or let the Blood Demon Lord know that you are disrespectful to me, be careful Your bastard!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan gave an order, and immediately from the left and right of His Highness, six slashing demons holding pitch-black magic knives that peeled souls and essences jumped out.

Just as they raised their knives and were about to slash, they were repelled by a puff of black death smoke.

Hearing the words in his mouth, the six slashing demons dared not make a move. They took a few steps back and looked at the attitude of Wu Xiannan, the king of the temple, in a daze.

"Haha, what about Yang Yao, Yue Yao, Your Highness, have any of you seen him?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't care, looked up and laughed.

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