Nine Heavens

Chapter 2139 Immortal Project

Yun Zhou, one month later.

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, floated quietly on the Yueqing Cliff, behind her was a beautiful lavender jade resting table.

Around Yueqing Cliff, there was a mist that enveloped her. She was playing the flute of heaven with a focused expression.

Her eyes were calm and full of expectation, and she sometimes looked up into the sky for a while.

The emerald green flute of nature, the beautiful sound of the flute, and the light mist on the cliff, set off her graceful figure, which is very beautiful and picturesque.

"Xiannan, will you really be reborn again? Will the bitter trick you and I played that day really help Langyuan Xianmen to ascend to the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens faster?

Feng'er knows that her husband will never deceive Feng'er, but Feng'er is really afraid. After all, you destroyed the blood demon Tianjun fairy body, will you regenerate the fairy body, when will you come back, I miss you so much as a wife ! "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was playing the Tian Lai flute while thinking in his heart.

Yunzhou, another high cliff of Yunshan Mountain, Luoxianling.

Yun Jun is supreme and evil, with white hair fluttering around and silver clothes flying around, standing on the top of Luoxian Ling, his eyes are like torches, shrouding a handsome fairy who is also dressed in a white fairy robe.

This immortal, with blue eyes and flowing black hair, showed a chic and refined aura in every gesture.

He stands on another Luoxian cliff thousands of miles away opposite Yunjun Supreme and Xieliu Qianlang.

"Xiannan, to be precise, you should have been the avatar of Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon Tianjun, right?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Jun Yun was no longer evil, and asked each other through voice transmission in his mind.

"No! Master Yun's words are right or wrong. After Master Death succeeded in cultivating the Seven Realms Doppelgänger, because the fairy boy was injured in the holy battle of the ancient spirit, he was indeed taken away by him for a while.

But soon his spirit of death was captured by the immortal essence of this Tianjun. But out of the long-term idea of ​​dealing with him, Ben Tianjun did not devour his death demon.

Instead, he secretly manipulated his seal, and as his own fairy puppet, he would wake up when he needed to contact the blood demon Tianjun, otherwise his busy spirit would be nothing.

However, the body image displayed by this Tianjun's immortal body is also very complicated.

In the eyes of outsiders, this Tianjun looks like a refined and majestic Tianjun, but it is not.

The body image of the Lord of Heaven is the combination of three images, one is the real immortal body avatar cultivated by Mr. Death, the other is the main body of Mr. Death, and the third is the ghost body of Mr. Death. "

Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't have the Tianlai flute in his hand, but there was a cloud of faint blue fairy fog.

The mist is winding and flowing, shaped like a ball, flicking and floating, and the color is blue, just like the orchid color on the white orchid skirt of Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon.

He was still unrestrained, smiling and saluting from a distance, and replied through sound transmission from his mind.

"May I ask you, your three-element body, the two spirits of immortals and demons, which one is the one who really fell in love with Sister Shifeng?"

No matter how Xie Liu Qianlang was silent for a moment, Jun Yun was still inquiring with his thoughts.

"It's the ancient spirit fairy body of this Tianjun!"

"That's good, don't be afraid that the fairy will know that if what you have left now is the death clone of the dead son, no matter how much you love her and how much she loves you, Ben Yunjun will fight to the death and bring you back to justice!

The reason is simple, Langyuan Xianmen didn't dare to take any risks, and allowed Death's son, the death devil, to exist in it. At the same time, whether as the head of Langyuan Xianmen or Fengmei's brother, I don't want him to suffer any grievances or harm ! "

"This, what Master Yunjun said is very true. In fact, with Master Yun's wisdom, one should know that it is absolutely impossible for Tianjun to get close to Feng'er as the devil's avatar of the dead son.

Fengmei is the condensed body of the supreme fairy spirit, with a pure spirit and a pure soul. How can any evil spirit be close to her. The reason why the fairy man retained the incorporeal existence of the son of death, the demon essence, was mainly to confuse the current blood demon Tianjun.

Because only by using his demon essence incorporeal body, can I grasp all the evil thoughts and evil wisdom in the core of the blood demon Tianjun's demon essence. "

"Since that's the case, now that you have destroyed the blood demon Tianjun's imaginary body avatar and its death spirit, and only your real ancient spirit Tianjun's immortal body is left, how can you continue to deceive him?"

"Everything depends on my Tianjun's deliberate illusion and luck, as well as my penetrating tongue, and his eagerness for quick success and quick profit, eager to get all the dying stars of life.

Ben Tianjun came to each other to tell Yunjun a good news! "

"Oh, what good news?"

"This is good news. Jun Yun's avatar of Jing Tian Tian Sheng should be passed on to Jun Yun soon. However, the fairy man is so happy and misses Feng'er so much, so he couldn't help but secretly descend to the realm.

The fairy man has taken over the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and changed its name to Tianlai Heavenly Palace. The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch was persuaded by me to go to Yuantian Dream Mountain! "

"Yeah, the fairy man tricked him away, which is of course extremely beneficial for our Langyuan Xianmen to conquer the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

However, the fairy man, at the same time when he took the Nine Great Shenzhou, the spirit, the soul, the soul, and the Yuanshenyu, dedicated the Tian Lai flute and Fengmei's blue crescent moon to the blood demon Tianjun. I wonder if the fairy man can be sure of such a gamble? "

"Sect Master Yun is powerful, and the fairy thought that he could temporarily confuse Master Yun and all the supreme beings for a while, but unexpectedly, Master Yun will see through this soon.

Frankly speaking, doing so was also a hasty choice made by Xiannan and Feng'er when they suddenly received the decree of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch in Yueqingya.

At that time, I received the decree of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, and he and I suddenly awakened the three-color spirit, the extremely long spirit, the ghost white jade bone and the blue spirit demon to immediately seize the life star remnants of the Langyuan Xianmen with all their strength.

I knew very well in my heart that it was inevitable that the Nine Great Shenzhou Spiritual Life Elephants Yuanshenyu would be taken away, and it would be too late to stop it.

On the one hand, it is because the fairy man has always only known that the Blue Spirit Demon and the Nether White Jade Bone are the clones of Lord Death's Demon Dao and Nether Ghost Dao respectively, and he never thought that the twenty-one spirit gods and the Jilong Emperor are also his. The fine body clone and the present spirit body clone.

On the other hand, how powerful they are, and how close they are to the Nine Great Shenzhou Spiritual Heart Elephant Primordial God Jade, the master Yunjun knows as well as Xiannan.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the Nine Great Shenzhou Spiritual Life Elephants Yuan Lingxin Shenyu will be taken away. And after such a thing happens, we must find a way to recover it, otherwise it will be a catastrophe in the future of the universe.

At that time, I, who had been pretending to be the clone of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch's immortal body on the surface, had already obtained the Four Realms clone in an instant. If I hadn't taken any action, then my true identity would have been seen through by the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch immediately.

Between the lightning and flint, I suddenly had a bold and adventurous idea, that is to use all the tricks, and simply make a good show together with Tianjun and Feng'er, and perform it for Langyuan Xianmen and Blood Demon Tiangong at the same time.

In Langyuan Xianmen, Xiannan is an infatuated person who died for love. He showed it to several supreme beings, but secretly took away Feng'er's blue crescent moon and his own flute, and dedicated it to the blood demon Tianjun.

In the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, Xiannan is an incomparably divine clone of the Demon God. He not only captured the two stars of life for the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, but also left behind his beloved wife, Feng'er, whom he manipulated arbitrarily.

Faced with the blue crescent moon and Tian Lai flute presented by the fairy man, the blood demon Tianjun naturally no longer doubted the fairy man, and it would not be difficult for the fairy man to trick the blood demon Tianjun away and control the blood demon Tiangong.

But at the Langyuan Xianmen, according to our agreement, Feng'er deliberately said that I couldn't retreat, and then she also had a reason to go deep into the Wuxian Palace because of her sadness.

In this way, the fake blue crescent moon on her forehead and the fake heavenly flute in her hand should not be seen through by any of her peers except for a few Supreme Beings.

Even if several supreme beings see through it, Xiannan believes that Yun Jun's head didn't see through it at the time. Therefore, Xiannan can ensure that there will be no riots in Xianmen because of my actions.

Then after Xiannan entered the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, he began to further implement Xiannan's plan.

First deceive the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch and control the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and then find various reasons to kill the ghosts, demons, spirits of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and the demon kings and demon saints of the evil forces of the dark three universes, etc., to create for us to destroy the blood demons against the sky. Advantages of Tiangong.

At the same time, we are advancing by retreating. On the surface, we let go of the nine spiritual life objects Yuanling Xinshenyu and the two remaining stars of life. Remnant Yun brought it to Yuantian Dream Mountain in advance.

In fact, these remnants of the stars of life are still in our hands! "

"Well! Good! The fairy man's move is really wonderful. Even though his Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch holds the remnants of the stars of life, it is impossible to move them with his demon power.

As long as we reach Yuantian Dameng Mountain as soon as possible, if necessary, the immortal can urge the curse, and those dying stars of life will return to our Langyuan Xianmen in an instant!

Haha... such a mysterious step, let Mr. Ben Yun think about it. Fairy man, let's go and see Feng'er, you two dramatists, you have tricked me and my fourth brother into tears for you, in the future we will be successful, you husband and wife will have to apologize to us! "

After listening to Tianjun Wuxiannan's speech, Yunjun Wushang and Xie Liu Qianlang nodded repeatedly, and then laughed loudly.

"Hehe, isn't that right, you just shed a few tears, but our husband and wife burst into tears like rain! We have made unworldly feats, and we have to make amends, what's the point!

At that time, Brother Yunjun, the head of the sect, should hold a celebration banquet for our husband and wife! Ha ha……"

Tianjun Wuxiannan laughed loudly, stepped on the spirit bull and left, with a cloud of faint blue mist dancing in his hand.

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