Nine Heavens

Chapter 2142 Tower God Bowl Holy

Tianlai Tiangong.


"It's not good, it's not good! The blood demon's heavenly domain suddenly changed, and the heavenly sealing demon lock and the seven heavenly sealing demon chains suddenly exploded. Already!"

Tianjun Wuxian played with a cloud of blue fairy mist in his hand, sitting on Tianlai Tianjun's throne, thinking about which demon to kill next, suddenly felt Tianlai Tiangong shake, and then heard The guards outside the palace screamed.

"Oh! Jun Yun moves so fast!"

Tianjun Wuxian quickly flew out of Tianlai Tiangong, stepped on the spirit bull and shot into the sky for hundreds of millions of miles, looking down at the area where the blood demon was sealed, he sighed happily.

"Tianlai Tianjun, the Blood Demon Heaven Seal has been destroyed, what should we do!?"

Seeing Tianlai Tianjun rising into the sky, a group of demon gods outside the palace also floated above, anxiously asking Tianjun Wuxiannan for instructions.

"Death Tower God, Xuliang Bowl Saint, why are the two dark demons so impatient, there is a clone of the Blood Demon Lord's Four Realms guarding the Blood Demon Heavenly Seal, why should we worry about it!

Let's take a closer look, how did you know that the Blood Demon Heaven Seal was destroyed, why didn't I, Tianlai Tianjun, see it! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan saw the evil forces of the dark three universes headed by the Death Tower God and the Xuliang Wansheng. He ascended to the sky and asked himself for the order of heaven. He didn't look at them, but asked back with a calm expression.

"Hmph! Immortal body avatar, aren't you a knowing consultant? You think we can't see it, the paint demon Yang Yao is right, you are the real spy of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, the undercover agent of Langyuan Xianmen!

We didn't tell you the truth at the beginning, it was because we also wanted that lacquer demon Yang Yao! We are afraid that he will act secretly and bully us.

At the same time, we also hope that the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord will leave the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, so that we will be able to, and one day the evil forces of the dark three universes will rise up.

Now that the blood demon Tianjun has gone to Yuantian Dameng Mountain, the lacquer demon Yang Yao has also been wronged to death by you! It's time for the dark forces of our two universes to rise up!

Don't pretend anymore, quickly release the Tianlai Tianjun's summoning order, the whole army supports the blood demon's heavenly domain, and capture the person who broke the blood demon's heavenly seal from Langyuan Xianmen!

Otherwise, this moment is the time of death of your immortal body avatar! "

The tower god of death, the saint of the empty bowl, one is as dark and tall as a tower, and the other is as light and thin as mist, but both of them have eyes bursting with cold and poisonous light, and they all shoot at the Tianjun Wuxian who stands majestically high in the sky.

"The two dark demons are really wise! But do you know that Tianlai Tianjun killed most of the demon officials in the palace, and only left you until today?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan looked at the vast tide of blood demon blood light and dark magic smoke rushing towards the direction of Tianlai Tiangong like the blood demon Tianfeng from a distance, and said calmly.

"Because you don't know that we have already seen through your false identity!"

Death Tower God tilted his head and replied disdainfully.

"Wrong! On the contrary, Ben Tianjun not only knows that you have seen through the identity of Ben Tianjun, but also knows that you hate Blood Demon Tianjun for killing Qi Ai and Xu Xiao, two dark demon god young masters!

You hope that he will be deceived by Ben Tianjun, and even expect him to die! As for the blood demon Tianjun's dark god lacquer demon Yang Yao, you actually knew about it earlier than me, but he is also the object of your hatred.

So you are very happy to see them and the dead Eternal Demon God forces of the blood demon Tianjun of the Man Dynasty being killed by this Tianjun for various reasons, and you are even helping me.

Looking at the courtiers of Tianlai Tiangong now, almost all of you Qi Nengzhou and Xuliang Zhou demon gods are still alive. This situation is exactly what you can see.

If you are happy, this Tianjun will be in danger! Frankly speaking, just now in Tianlai Tiangong, I was still thinking hard to find a reason to kill you two demon gods! Then finally deal with the Four Realms avatars of the Gorefiend Tianjun.

The bloodless demon Tianfeng suddenly changed, which means that the lower realm wave yuan Xianmen has finally made a move! Haha... God help me too!

Once the four clones of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch die, and this Heavenly Lord will kill you again, we will be able to capture the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace without any effort! Ha ha……

This day has finally come, Ben Tianlai Tianjun is really happy! "

At this moment, Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't want to hide his true identity anymore, and laughed loudly.

"Oh! You are really smart, so you should know that we will kill you sooner or later, right?"

Xuliang Wansheng smiled and sighed.

"Of course I know. If it wasn't for the sudden change of the Blood Demon Tianfeng, I think according to your plan, I don't seem to be able to live for a few more days."

Tianjun Wuxiannan responded indifferently.

"The Blood Demon Tianfeng will not change sooner or later, but at this time, it seems that we have to let you live for a while.

Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and send an order to stabilize the Blood Demon Heaven Seal, otherwise if we are finished, we will kill you first! "

Death Tower God, squinting his eyes and thinking for a moment, threatened.

"Do you have this ability? You listen to my reason, I will kill you now.

In case the avatars of the four realms are not dead and return to Tianlai Tiangong to question the cause of your death, I will say that you refuse to help the Blood Demon Heaven's domain.

Then, in a fit of rage, I used the Blood Demon Poison Art and the evil power of death to kill you. Will they believe such a reason? "

The blue fairy mist in Tianjun Wuxiannan's hand became more and more colorful, like a blue sun, which began to emit thousands of blue rays of light.

Tianjun Wuxian male stood in the blue light, his figure suddenly became thicker or thinner, as if he would disappear at any time, with a strange voice like the blood demon Tianjun, he said with a wicked smile.

"You, you, are you the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord or the Heavenly Lai Heavenly Lord?"

Hearing Tianjun Wuxiannan's voice like the blood demon Tianjun, Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng were suddenly trembling with fright, and asked with a guilty conscience.

"Of course I am Tianlai Tianjun, and also the fairy body clone of Blood Demon Tianjun, but if you don't believe me, say that I am a spy of Langyuan Xianmen in Tianlai Tiangong!"

Tianjun Wuxian's figure was constantly growing, stepping on the spirit bull that was growing at the same time, approaching the God of Death Tower and Xuliang Wansheng, and sighed loudly.

"This, this...Xuxiao Wansheng, who is he?"

"I, how do I know, didn't you say he was a spy from Langyuan?"

"Aren't you the result of the analysis of the magic consciousness, and you mean that he is not the avatar of the blood demon Tianjun's immortal body at all?"

"I'm speculating, and I'm not completely sure! You said that he is definitely the fake immortal body clone of the Blood Demon Lord. Let's use him to deceive the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord, eliminate the dissidents, and then kill him!"


When Tianjun Wuxiannan came out, Death Tower God and Xuliang Wansheng were confused for a moment. They looked at each other, not knowing what to do, and arguing for a while.

"Haha... two idiots, stop arguing, this Tianlai Tianjun is the real clone of the blood demon Tianjun immortal body!

Our Tianlai Tiangong suddenly experienced a change in the blood demon Tianfeng, how can we still suspect each other internally and confuse Xiao Qiang.

The two demon gods listened to the order, and immediately led the two great cosmic forces of darkness, how can they be vain, to suppress the blood demon's heavenly seal, and they will definitely guard the blood demon's heavenly seal, and never let the people from the lower realms wander through the fairy gate to break through the sky! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan suddenly straightened his figure and ordered loudly.

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