Nine Heavens

Chapter 2149

Tianlai Tiangong, Yuntian secret room.

Tian Lai Tianjun is having a secret talk with Mo Yu.

"This is the only cultivation secret room that Tianlai Tianjun knows. If you have anything to say, you can just say it. Who are you?

Why do you know that Tianlai Tianjun intends to use a series of tricks to kill the seven evil armies of the blood demon Tiangong, but you don't tell me the truth, and you help me secretly? "

Tianlai Tianjun, with one hand on his back and three discs in the other hand, played with the white mist, standing upright and proud in the blue and misty space of the secret room, and asked Mo Yu, a courtier of Tianlai who was standing opposite him a few feet away.

"Since Tianlai Tianjun has seen through it, why should I continue to pretend.

Below are the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, the extreme heaven and the second heaven, the dragon domain god, the dragon king, the heavenly dragon Taoist, the most respected prince Jiebo, the supreme king of Yun, and the second disciple of Liu Qianlang, the disciple of the demon sword ancestor.

To be honest, the Tianlong God of War has been enlightened by the Nuwa Empress, and has been undercover in the Blood Demon Tiangong for several years.

Then gradually destroy everything in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace. I don't want you to appear later, Tianjun Xiannan. Because I don't know your true details, I observed you secretly and slowed down my actions!

I have always thought that you Tianjun Xiannan is really the immortal clone of the blood demon Tianjun, and he is deliberately looking for an opportunity to kill you. but I……"

"Haha...but you suddenly discovered that Ben Tianlai Tianjun is not a traitor of the Langyuan Xianmen, right?"

Tianlai, Tianjun, Wuxiannan, laughed and continued without waiting for Moyu to finish.

"Ha ha……"

Mo Yu also burst into laughter, and a burst of snow-white fairy light surged all over his body.

Suddenly, he turned into a handsome and mighty Heavenly Army Commander wearing a white fairy robe, surrounded by fairy rings, holding the Jiebo Excalibur in his hand.

"In the ancient spirit era of Tianjun, Tianjun, I have heard that Yuantiancitian has the name of the ancestor god of the original fairy sword Dumojian, and I know that he has three magical disciples of the fairy sword.

It's a pity that I haven't been able to see it all the time. According to Tianlong God of War today, it turns out that the head of Yunjun and Zunxian are the two disciples of Yuantian Citian Yuantian Zundu Demon Sword Ancestor!

If this Tianjun's guess is correct, the current Langyuan Xianmen Sword Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi should be the third apprentice of Dumojianzu, the third junior apprentice of Tianlong God of War! "

Tianlai Tianjun thought for a while, combined with the memory of the ancient spirit era, guessed.


Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, nodded and said with a smile.

"Hehe... It's really a blessing to know Tianlong God of War. I don't know if I dare to ask a question?"

Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan led the Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo to a resting fairy table in the space, sat opposite each other, and asked.

"You and I are both friends of the Dao of the Righteous Spirit. If you have something to say, feel free to speak up. This Heavenly Dragon God of War knows everything."

Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, smiled casually.

"Thank you Tianlong God of War for your willingness to enlighten me. What I want to ask is whether the two original immortals, Gu Lingyuan Tianci Tiandu Demon Sword Ancestor and Peixian Sword Ancestor, are still in the universe?

Tianlong God of War doesn't know anything, the blood demon Lord Death seemed to smell the immortal breath of the two original immortals before, and he once deliberately asked me to point a deer as a horse, misleading the people of the immortal gate, saying that his seven-world avatar is the two-world avatar blue The Spirit Demon and the Nether White Jade Bone are the incarnations of two original immortals.

Ben Tianjun was afraid of causing panic and instability in Langyuan Xianmen, so he didn't dare to tell in time that they were clones of Blood Demon Tianjun from the two realms, not the two original immortals.

As a result, a catastrophe was caused. Eight of the nine masters of the Shenzhou of the Langyuan Xianmen were killed after they suddenly awakened the ancient spirit and demon memory, and took away the nine spiritual life, the soul, and the primordial god jade! later……"

Tianlai Tianjun Wuxiannan mentioned this matter with a look of shame on his face.

"Well, I know all these things. The two original immortals are still alive.

Ji Tianjun didn't know something, after the holy war in the ancient Lingyu, that is, when the son of death mixed into the universe, the two original immortals were deceived by the son of death, Qi Ai, and Xu Xiao, three young masters of the dark three universes royal family, Was crushed at the bottom of Dumojian Mountain.

Then the three of them snatched, divided, and demonized all the fairy sword weapons in Dumojian Mountain, allowing you to fight openly and secretly, and began the long process of occupying the colonial universe.

Especially the son of death, who turned into the appearance of his mentor Du Mojianzu, and successively killed his mentor's senior brother Zhong Sheng and junior sister Peixian.

Later, his mentor and uncle Peixian were suppressed by him under Dumojian Mountain, and his uncle Zhongshi was also locked in the sea of ​​ice, and then he launched a series of horrific campaigns to kill the god of life and immortality. .

It also set up a chess game for the star of life to seize the seven realms, causing the entire universe to be chaotic and to do whatever they wanted.

Fortunately, the god of good fortune, Nuwa Empress, is kind and wise. She used the magic skill of Yuanhun Shenshan Lianxi to contact her mentor Du Mojianzu, and she used her plan to set up a creation of humanity and miracles against the seven avatars of the son of death.

In order to save the future of the universe, Empress Nuwa had no choice but to create a human world, and attuned countless ancient spirits, primitive spirits, gods, gods, and gods to reincarnate in the human world she created.

Then these ancient spirits, spirits and gods accompanied the death son to colonize and destroy all corners of the universe, and grew step by step, until the current situation.

You and I, Senior Brother Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, and all the people who belong to the Immortal Gate of Langyuan are all pawns in this game.

And our ultimate victory is to see who can find and gather together the remnants of the star of life that gave birth to spiritual life in the ancient spirit universe era!

All the chaos in the universe was caused by the shattering of the star of life in the ancient spirit universe era. Whether it is the forces of the dark three universes who want to defeat our immortal god of life, or we want to defeat them, the only way is to see who finally controls All the stars of life die, and God can revive them with their own nature.

The ending of this cosmic chess game is either perish for eternity, or live for eternity, there is no match! "

The dragon eyes of Tianlong God of War flashed, and his eyes swept across every corner of the Yuntian Chamber, and then looked through the air to the sky outside the Yuntian Chamber, and said in a low and sonorous voice.

"So that's the case! Unexpectedly, the endless battle between life and death in the age of the ancient spirit universe, as well as all the disasters, were actually caused by the destruction of the Star of Life.

But our long road of returning to heaven and cultivating the truth is a grand chess game in the universe of life and death.

It's ridiculous that we are still arrogant. After all, we are just pieces in this chess game! "

Tianlai Tianjun sighed, and then asked: "Can the two original immortals of Yuantian and Citian be rescued now?"

"Thank you Ji Tianjun for your concern. My mentor and uncle have been rescued by Empress Nuwa, and they are currently in Yuantian Rainbow Mountain. I was there at first, and Empress Nuwa ordered my Tianlong God of War to come here!"

Prince Jiebo, the Heavenly Dragon God of War, saluted and thanked him with a calm expression.

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