Nine Heavens

Chapter 2152 The Most Beautiful Family

In the time and space of the universe, the cloud is the main body of everything.

Cloud mountains, clouds, seas, clouds, waterfalls, clouds, beasts, birds, clouds, flowers, forests.

In the tens of thousands of universes under the universe of clouds, there are countless existences in the five human worlds, all of which are the worlds of the sun, the moon, and the universe of clouds.

Inside and outside Langyuanyun Palace, after Langyuan's whole family celebrated, Yunzhou Zhoutian's eight figures gradually ascended into the sky in August.

The bright moon and Linghui filled the entire Langyuan Yunzhou, and everything in the Yunzhou was immersed in the beauty of Qingling.

In the sky of billions of miles in Langyuan Yunzhou Yungong, hundreds of millions of clouds are floating leisurely, and eleven huge Shenzhou boats of one hundred thousand are suspended side by side.

Among them, there are nine great arks, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver in nine colors, rippling and full of heavenly rings, firmly in front, followed by two azure blue refuge arks, protected under their divine rainbow.

On the bows of the eleven huge Shenzhou boats, there are figures of Yunxian, who are born in the waves and immortals.

These Yunxian figures of the Langyuan Immortal Sect are all silent, with calm expressions and complex eyes. Sometimes they look at the moon around the sky, and sometimes they look down at the five human worlds of the universe, the universe, the universe, and the universe.

The Shenzhou in the middle of the nine Shenzhous in front is the Golden Light Boat, and floating on top of this Shenzhou are Yunjun Wushangzai Xie Liu Qianlang and his wife and children.

Yun Jun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang folded his arms, white hair fluttering, silver clothes fluttering, heart surging, head raised to the sky, recalling everything he experienced when he entered the human world as a wave of the spiritual river in the heaven.

The ups and downs in it, cleansing the heart and mind, recalling it is like a long dream.

"Daddy, what are you thinking? Why are you still crying? Didn't Daddy say that crying is not a hero?"

Yunjun Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang was deeply in love, and she couldn't help crying. At this time, the youngest five-year-old daughter, Xiao Lian'er, came to her and held her father Yun Jun Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's clothes , looked up and asked.

"Hehe, Lian'er, who said that Daddy is a hero? Daddy is not a hero, so Daddy can cry!"

Yun Jun Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang squatted down, looking at his beloved daughter Xiao Lian'er who looked exactly like Lian'er in the past, his heart was even more tender, and he forced a smile.

At the same time, he gently stroked the strands of hair on his daughter's lovely head.

And Xiao Lian'er also sensiblely wiped away tears for her father.

"No! Daddy is a great hero, the greatest and most virtuous hero in the human universe. Even Uncle Yuanfang, Uncle Zhen, Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, Uncle Xun An, and Uncle Huanfeng all said that, right? Ladies and gentlemen?"

Little Lian'er had a nine-colored lotus on her forehead, with sparkling rainbow patterns, and she pouted, looking at the nine wives and a group of sisters surrounding Yunjun Wushang Zaixie Liu Qianlang and a group of sisters on the bow of the boat.

"Yes, Lian'er, Daddy is a great hero. But what Daddy said is not entirely true, even a great hero cries sometimes.

It's not that great heroes don't cry, it's just that they never cry when they face their own suffering, but when they face other people's suffering or win one by one, they cry because of distress or happiness. "

Emperor Shuangtian also knelt down, looked at his beloved daughter's big shining eyes, supported her small shoulders, and said softly?

"Mother, when you are happy, everyone laughs, why do you still cry. Daddy tears, is it happy or distressed?"

Lian'er couldn't understand what Emperor Shuangtian said, so she asked with a frown.

"Sister Lian'er, of course Daddy is happy. As soon as the sun comes out tomorrow, we will go up to the sky along the Rainbow Mountain of Empress Nuwa. We will all become gods in the heavens. Are you happy, sister?"

Tian Ling, Xiao Ying, Die Er, Blue Butterfly, and Xiao Luo gathered around, looking at the beautiful and delicate little Lian Er sister, all looked happy, Tian Ling smiled and said.

"Of course I'm happy, Pa'erniang said that little Lian'er is the happiest, she was born as a cloud fairy, and then she will become a celestial fairy.

I heard from Yan'er that Empress Nuwa looked exactly like Xiao Lian'er when she was young, so how do you separate the two of us when I'm in the sky? "

Little Lian'er nodded heavily, then suddenly looked very serious, looked up at all the ladies and sisters, pointed to his forehead and said in a very embarrassed way.


Her words drew a burst of laughter from all the sisters.

"What are you laughing at? Shui'erniang said that people have short-term worries without long-term considerations. We have to think about many things before we go to heaven.

What if you can't tell the difference between Little Lian'er and Empress Nuwa, and you make a mistake! "

Xiao Lian'er seriously reminded the sisters who were still laughing.

"Oh! Sister Lian'er has such a good memory. Why do you remember everything the ladies said? Then you still remember Meng'erniang, Yan'erniang, Qing'erniang, Ling'erniang, Zhi'erniang, Luoerniang, they all What did I tell you?"

Blue Butterfly, who was wearing a light blue neon dress, stepped forward and held Xiao Lian'er's little hand and asked with a smile.

"Of course I remember, Meng Erniang said that the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens will be more beautiful than the clouds and the ten thousand universes. The clouds there are so auspicious and float around like phoenixes all over the sky.

Yan'erniang said, there will be no more pain in the heavenly world, and our loved ones will never leave.

Qingerniang said that the most beautiful thing in the human world is human affection, and she wants to plant love flowers in the ninety-nine-eighty-one sky of the future life after the resurrection of the star of life.

Ling'erniang said that after the Star of Life was revived, she could see her own parents.

Zhierniang said that she must build a palace of love on the top of Yuantian, and plant it full of pear blossoms, hoping to give back to the owners of the palace of love in the world.

Luo Erniang said that she wanted to turn her beauty into the divine dew of life, and spread it to all the ends of the universe.

Let the resurrected universe be eternally beautiful, without evil and ugliness..."

Little Lian'er is very fond of the words that the mothers have said to herself or others, and she speaks eloquently.

"My dear Lian'er!"

Little Lian'er's sweet voice, sweet words, listening to Shui'er, Miao Yan, Yun Qianmeng, Palace Master of Love Flower, Princess of Passion, Pa'er, Flame Poison Witch, Princess Jinling, Emperor Shuangtian and Dong Luo In the ears, everyone was moved, almost shouting in unison.

Then, with tears in her eyes, she never thought that little Lian'er would remember the words of their deepest wishes so vividly.

Especially at this time, when standing on the Shenzhou boat and about to bid farewell to Yun Zhou's ascension to heaven, the ten beloved wives of Jun Yun are deeply moved.

"Hehe, Lian'er, it's rare that you remember what all the mothers said so clearly, then do you know what is the greatest wish of Dad after leading everyone to the ninety-nine and eighty-first heaven?"

Jun Yun looked around at all his beloved wives, met his eyes, nodded slightly, and asked little Lian'er with a gratified smile.

After hearing this, little Lian'er supported her little chin, flashed her eyes and thought for a while and said:

"Let me think about it. Daddy has said too many wishes. Which one is Daddy's greatest wish?"

Little Lian'er thought about it for a while, then laughed bouncingly:

"Lian'er knows, Daddy's greatest wish is that all our relatives in the Langyuan Xianmen will not be separated, and we will live happily together forever?

Then, let the star of life you mentioned be resurrected, so that everyone in the sky and the world will be as happy as us! right? "

"Oh! My Lian'er is really a little bird in Daddy's belly, why do you know what Daddy thinks, Lian'er is right, this is exactly Daddy's wish!"

Yun Jun is supreme no matter how evil the willow leads the waves, he hugged Lian Er with a smile and sighed, the whole family, loving wife and virtuous daughter, laughed happily, and was very unhappy for a while.

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