Nine Heavens

Chapter 2167

"Giggle... da da..."

"Okay! This is what my Gorefiend Dark Universe Witch avatar should do, take out his immortal soul, tear it up, and tear off his Nine Heavens End Vein.

Execute the soul stripping universe, destroy his soul gate, destroy his ninety-nine eighty-one heavenly soul and nine-color fate soul, and let you find his light and dark Hunyuan mountain, which is his black jade skull! "

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, Demon Soul Controlling God, the former Zhengling Immortal God has already been swallowed by the dark cosmic witch's soul, and has completely become the role of restoring the dark cosmic witch's avatar.

The two beautiful faces are still the same, but the whole body is black and evil smoke is flowing, the complexion is pale, and the rainbow is cold. In an instant, one pulled out the immortal soul of Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang, and the other pulled out his Nine Heavens Absolute Vein .



Shui'er held Yuantian Langjun's bright red in both hands, and the immortal soul with the blood of the rainbow flowing in it, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

The flame poisonous witch kept tearing at Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang's flashing golden Jiutian Juemai, his teeth collided, and he was also laughing eeriely.

After Yuan Tianlang-jun Liu Qianlang lost his soul of immortality and Jiutian Juemai, the colorful red blood flowed wildly all over his body, his body kept languishing, and suddenly shattered with a puff, and then turned into a pure white, flawless, almost transparent flower. waves.

"Shui'er, Yan'er, take care, my husband can no longer accompany you!"

The moment before Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang turned into a little wave, the psychic burst into tears, looking at his immortal soul and Jiutian Juema in pain for a while, then looked at his two former wives with self-deprecation, and said .

The small white waves are floating in the mysterious Tomorrow World space within the Moyu Skull, and they keep drifting away, getting smaller and smaller.


"Damn Xiling River Splashes of the next day, this Nine-faced Zhou Wu finally got his wish, and finally killed you!

Life will be short-lived in the end, and will perish under the death evil spirit of this dark universe witch. Empress Nuwa is really whimsical, she actually wanted to create some kind of human race, and enlighten you, a wave of heavenly spirit, to fight against the witches of this universe!

At the beginning, she still thought she was clever, and she and her brother Du Mojianzu turned into a three-element clone, a one-element body, a two-element realm of Tong Peixian, and a three-element humane Wenyang.

After that, he transformed Er and other series of things that entered the human realm, all for the purpose of searching for the remnant of the star of life, revive the life aura of the ancient spirit life powerfully, and eliminate the death breath of our dark three universes.

But her cleverness was misunderstood by her cleverness. How did she know that before she visited Xilinghe in the next sky, the witch of this universe had already spied on her secretly and knew about her and the trick of saving the demon.

Therefore, the witch of this universe first came to the Linghe River in the West Heaven incognito, and cast the Soul Annihilation Curse and the Soul Stripping Curse on the ten kinds of spirit flowers in the Linghe River, and then sealed these two evil curses in their bodies. My love blossoms chase fate to seek death, until today..."

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch looked at the Immortal Soul and Nine Heavens Jue Mai in their hands, and at the same time they uttered the dark and evil words of the Dark Cosmic Witch.

"Husband! Don't be afraid, our celestial bodies are no longer, our souls are floating, but our love is still there, let our love condense into your new heart, and the fragrance of our spirit flowers into your celestial body, resurrect!

Husband! We will not leave you, no matter what happens to you, here we come, husband! "

Just when Yuantian Langjun Langhua's body was about to float away for the last time, all of a sudden around the white Langhua'er, all kinds of dazzling and beautiful spiritual flowers flew up, and the strange fragrance of flowers wafted through the sky.

I saw a drop of clear water on each of the spirit flowers, and that water drop was the spirit body water drop of Mr. Yuan Tianlang floating away.

These dazzling flowers quickly floated into the white waves, calling out at the same time.

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's pure white body Lang Hua'er was suddenly condensed and cared by the eight beloved wives' beloved flowers and the warmth of the fragrance. The color had gradually dimmed, but now it suddenly became clear again.

The size of the pure white waves is also getting bigger and bigger, and then the small waves are transformed into the form of Yuantian Langjun, which is nothing more than a transparent wave figure.

Langhuaer Renyuan Tianlangjun Liu Qianlang, the chest part of the body, the flowers of love and the fragrance of warmth of the eight beloved wives are still constantly entering, condensing, and slowly forming a beating heart.

This heart has eight colors of gold, silver, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white, and they appear alternately. Every time a color appears, a phantom of a beloved wife of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang appears in the heart of Mr. Yuantianlang .

Around this phantom, the flowers of its natal life are rustling like butterflies and magpies.

In the meantime, phantoms danced lightly, and the sound of sweet laughter was all crisp voices calling for Mr. Yuan Tianlang.

After Yuantian Langjun's love was formed, the white and transparent body of the waves also gradually changed. Inside the crystal clear limbs, it seemed to be hollow, and countless spiritual flowers floated in it.

These golden spirit flowers shone with a mysterious glow, like lightning veins, leading each other, and gradually filled the body of the waves of Lord Yuantianlang, forming the new vein of Lord Yuantianlang—the spirit flower vein.

And the black jade skull of Mr. Yuantianlang, hovering in the soul gate of Mr. Yuantianlang's brain, slowly stabilized and turned into Mr. Yuantianlang's brain.

"Yan'er, Qianmeng, Fang'er, Ling'er, Pa'er, Shuang'er, Luo'er!"

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang's dead fairy body suddenly returned to the previous fairy state, looking down at the phantom shadows of his beloved wives in the heart of love in his crystal clear chest, his eyes are as clear as a pool, and blue tears turn into jade, Roll down frequently.

He instinctively called out the names of every beloved wife who was concentrating on him.


The beloved wives of Lord Yuantianlang appear alternately in the heart of Lord Yuantianlang Liu Qianlang, each of them laughs happily, as if hearing the call of their husband.

"You, you, why do you lose your immortal soul, and you can still be resurrected!?"

Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, the clones of the dark universe witch, have been standing around Yuantianlang Lord Liu Qianlang, witnessing the strange changes of Yuantianlang Lord, their mouths are dumbfounded.

Mr. Yuantianlang heard that Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch's expressions were dull, and the voice of a dark Zhou witch came out of their mouths. His white hair was fluttering, but his smiling face suddenly became white and wild. His complexion was extremely cold, and then two eyes shot out. The clear and cold rainbow is like them.

The bright red Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword that then disappeared suddenly appeared in his hands.


Yuantian Lang Jun Liu Qianlang screamed in the sky, and the next second he swung the Nine Heavens Immortal Yuan Sword and slashed at Shui'er and the Flaming Poison Witch.

"No! Damn! You haven't come back yet, are you waiting for him to kill you?"

Just when the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword and Sword Curtain in Yuantianlang Lord Liu Qianlang's hand had already cut horizontally to the waists of Shui'er and Flame Poison Witch, they suddenly sensed a faint cry in their souls:


Lord Yuantianlang was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly remembered everything about himself and them, how he had the heart to cut down, and suddenly turned around, the sword screen slanted forward, and the sword's posture changed drastically.

Then I heard the angry roar of the dark universe witch coming from the infinitely distant Yuantian Realm.

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