Nine Heavens

Chapter 2184 Abandoned Body Drilling Soul

"We will go to a place that you are willing to go. With him, we don't need Rainbow Mountain anymore. In other words, we will have a better Rainbow Mountain."

The Empress Nuwa spoke faintly, looking down at the gradually drifting rainbow mountains and patches of blue sky, her eyes were full of nostalgia, and at the same time, she looked infinitely longing.

"Okay, but where are we going now, we can't just keep floating in the sky!"

Dan Rou, who turned into Suzaku, sighed.

"Yes, ma'am, we are homeless!"


Behind Empress Nuwa and above her head, the divine pets with flying figures were sighing unhappily and puzzledly.

"We are the same as your patriarch Uncle Du Demon Sword, we abandoned our bodies and drilled our souls into the Heavenly Great Dream Mountain!"

Empress Nuwa took away the beautiful willow branches at this time, then turned around, facing the divine favor behind her with a serious face.

"Oh! Oh my god, doesn't that mean that we take the initiative to die? How can it be done? I, Liu Sha, don't want to do it. I'm still waiting for the resurrection of the Star of Life, together with my father, the head master, Aunt Juan and the others are traveling in the heavens."

"Yeah, I don't want to either!"

"Why is this! We have finally completed our merits and virtuousness, and helped Langyuan Xianmen ascend to Yuantian, but in the end we have to choose to die. What is the reason?"

...The words of Empress Nuwa immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of all her gods.

"Because the forces of darkness are too strong, if we don't abandon our bodies and go to the Yuantian Dream Mountain, we will be like your masters in the Yuantian Dream Mountain, and secretly help your father when they compete for the opportunity to resurrect the star of life." Or the master Yuantian Langjun, it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will defeat the dark forces and finally complete the resurrection of the star of life by him.

Don't you want it for the future of the entire universe, for your father, master, and head? "

Empress Nuwa didn't like to get angry, but asked again with a smile.

All the gods of Nuwa Empress were silent for a while.

after a long time.

"For Daddy, I am willing!"

"Me too!"

Qinglong Tianling and Baihu Xiaoying expressed their opinions first.

"Dieer is willing!"

"Blue Butterfly is willing!"

"Sister Danrou and I are also willing. The head master is so good. He has sacrificed countless times for the sake of the whole sect. Why can't we sacrifice once for the head master!"

Liusha and Xiaoying also said affirmatively.

"Well, I, Red Immortal, agree too! The head of the sect is selfless, and he is willing to protect any fellow sect with all his might. He has saved my Red Immortal more than once.

The Red Immortal is not enough to repay his kindness by death, and now he can help the head to defeat the demon, even if he has no chance to be resurrected, it is worth it. "

"The three-color fire baby will never back down!"

"Ling'er has to be taken care of by the head of the sect to survive to this day. It is only natural for him to abandon his body and drill his soul for the head of the sect!"

"Okay! My Xiaomei, Lin'er and the little devil turtle are the disciples of the Holy Mother of Linhe River. Her old man has filled the sky with her soul for the great cause of waves and fate. Why can't we help the master to survive the future, plus we !"

In the end, Liu Qian, Xiao Luo and Xiao Yu'er also nodded heavily, and everyone agreed.

"Well! Thank you all. In fact, the reason why you agreed against your choice today is entirely due to the intentional arrangement of the God of Creation as early as the beginning of our lower realm. I will not let you know today.

Then you choose again, no matter what, the God of Creation will not stop you. You should have discovered that you, including me, were either the daughter of Lord Yuantianlang or his disciple or benefactor after being reincarnated in the human realm in the lower realm.

In fact, these are carefully arranged by the God of Creation. The purpose is that when Mr. Yuantianlang needs help like today, you will choose to help him because of his kindness to you. This level of moral kidnapping was both helpless and necessary at the time, but it hurt you.

Now the God of Creation has told you all the reasons for the relationship between you and Yuantianlang-jun in humanity, you can do whatever you want, but the God of Creation has never complained or regretted to be the daughter of Lord Yuantianlang, Lian Er. , for daddy, Lian'er went, take care! "

Empress Nuwa actually didn't want to say these words, but after all, she believed that deception is evil, and moral kidnapping is strangulation, so she said it in the end. Flew towards Yuantian Dameng Mountain.


As Empress Nuwa was flying, her rainbow body disintegrated, and only the former Lian'er phantom stepped on the lotus and continued to fly.

Boom! Boom...

When Empress Nuwa flew tens of millions of miles away, she suddenly heard 14 sounds of her body collapsing from behind her.

In the next second, fourteen divine pets surrounded him suddenly.

This time they all turned into phantoms of the human body.

"Hehe, Sister Lian'er, do you think you are the only one who loves Daddy? How could Sister Ling agree that day? Before you were born, Daddy loved me the most!"

Tian Ling, Xiao Ying, Dan Rou, Liu Sha, Die Er, Lan Die Er, and Xiao Luo surrounded Nuwa Empress Lian Er, all feeling sad and happy in their hearts, Tian Ling laughed.

"Hmph! And us, Daddy loves everyone! Isn't it just you who loves you?"

Butterfly smiled.

"I like to see Master's white hair fluttering, riding the shuttle or the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, hunting in silver clothes, flying through the sky and moving the altar to drink, cluck... so handsome!"

Liusha has always been dressed in black neon dresses and fairy dresses, with flowing belts and deep eyes, recalling the past time and talking with a smile.

"The head of the sect is free and easy. When Ling'er saw him for the first time in Beitianyangan, the first among the five mortals in the chaotic universe, he was very envious of his tall, straight, stern and unrestrained appearance. Later, he became acquainted with the master. I respect everything about him.”

Five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er also said.


Tens of thousands of years later, fourteen beautiful and shining immortal figures floated into the mountainside of Yuantian Dameng Mountain.

Although they were radiant and shining, their bodies were as light as a trace. In the already vast and magical Yuantian Realm, such a scene was not unusual at all, and naturally no life and death forces paid attention.

But another phenomenon is that the mountains of life and death forces around Yuantian Dameng Mountain can be clearly seen, and they are all very shocked.

This other phenomenon is the three mountains of righteous spirits, Rainbow Mountain, Dumojian Mountain, and Langyuan Tianhun Mountain surrounding Yuantian Dameng Mountain. Among them, the first two mountains of righteous spirits suddenly and quietly disappeared.

At present, there are only five mountains of life and death surrounding Yuantian Dream Mountain.

At the moment when the Rainbow Mountain disappeared suddenly, a figure stood on top of the five mountains in the Universe of Life and Death. They should be called the Lords of the Mountains at this moment.

They all have vast eyes, staring at the direction of the Rainbow Mountain and the Demon Sword Ancestor.

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