Nine Heavens

Chapter 2186 The Ultimate Confrontation

"Brother, don't you hate us?"


Hearing the words of her husband Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang, Shui'er cried, and the flame poison witch also burst into tears.

"How can my husband blame you? You are possessed by evil spirits. It is not your fault. In my heart, apart from love for you, my heart is distressed."

Mr. Yuantianlang couldn't bear to see the frail scattered souls of the two beloved wives trembling in the hurricane of Yuantian universe. The souls of all the heavens moved together, and instantly included them into his sea of ​​love.


Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang withdrew his thoughts, his face was resolute and condensed, and there was a very complicated taste in his eyes.

If it is said that I have lost ten beautiful and beautiful wives, at least I can comfort myself with the hearts of love that can be synthesized by their souls.

But my brother-in-arm suddenly experienced such an unacceptable change, and this change has been happening for thousands of years.

First, his brother Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, who lived and died with him, suddenly burst out of his body when he was talking to him, and his soul entered his wave body.

Then there is the beloved sister Qixiang Zhoujunjuan, brother Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, younger sister Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, Tianjun Wuxiannan, Tianlong God of War Prince Jiebo, Yaya, Aizi Yuner, Emperor Xunan The emperor, the death of the bell, the barefoot golden Buddha...

Mr. Yuan Tianlang couldn't accept this fact. All the relatives and friends who had been with him day and night and experienced countless life and death, all the gods and gods burst out of their bodies and souls inexplicably. The light penetrated into his body.

There is also the Empress Nuwa who guided her to ascend to heaven and break the world along the way, and her mentor, Du Mojianzu, even their holy mountain is gone.

"Why is this!? Why is this..."

Yuan Tianlang's heart surged with love, and he was so sad and sad that he wanted to tear himself apart, and asked every soul friend and relative who entered his Langhua'er body one by one, why.

However, he didn't do that, because he laughed out loud that when any of the Zhengling brothers and sisters' relatives and friends broke out, they all had calm and gratified expressions on their faces.

Obviously he didn't want to tell himself the reason of all this, just like that, every one of them smiled and disappeared in front of his eyes.

They must have known why, but all of them chose to keep their mouths shut until they exploded.

Standing at the pole of the Yuantian universe, looking at the indifferent and infinitely towering Yuantian Dameng Mountain in the distance, Mr. Yuantianlang suddenly felt that He was the most ridiculous fool in the universe.

They all disappeared, all disappeared, and only myself and the lunatic on Yuantian Dameng Mountain were left.

Yuan Tianlang-jun's loving heart muttered to himself in pain, why is this! ?

Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang raised his head to the empty and chaotic sky, and questioned silently.

Of course, he didn't get any answer, only his gradually indifferent face and his hair flying wildly confronted the blood demon Zhou Emperor on Yuantian Dameng Mountain.

"Haha... giggle..."

"Liu Qianlang! We finally stood together face to face again, what else do you have to say now, aren't you a great kindness, great love, and great virtue.

He couldn't bear his wife, couldn't hurt his relatives, and was afraid that any disciples of Langyuan Xianmen would be hurt. In the end, he actually devoured them all and drank their souls!

You are a dead and out-and-out hypocrite, where is the birth of Zhou Zhengling and immortal god, you are a cosmic demon just like me, haha... giggle..."

Hundreds of millions of light miles away, the blood demon Emperor Zhou on Yuantian Dameng Mountain obviously didn't know the real reason why the universe suddenly kept collapsing and all the phenomena kept pouring into the body of Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang. It was all the conspiracy of Lord Yuantianlang and Liu Qianlang, so Yin Yang laughed wildly and mocked Lord Yuantianlang.

Lord Yuantianlang, Liu Qianlang, with white hair flying wildly, and the sea of ​​white light around him is vast and surging, and the surging waves of the universe are rushing and rolling, and soon filled the entire mountain of Langyuan Tianhun.

Then the violent waves of the universe rippling and undulating again, pervading the entire Yuantian Dream Mountain after billions of years.

Thousands of billions of years later, in the Yuantian Realm, only a small tip of the Yuantian Dream Mountain and the Langyuan Tianhun Mountain are exposed.

On the top of these two mountain peaks stands a figure of a mad god, one is bright red and vast, and the other is pure white and majestic.

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang didn't make an excuse, nor did he want to. His heart of love was in extreme pain, and his soul was dejected. He suddenly lost all interest in resurrecting the Star of Life.

"It's useless! It's useless! You've all left me, so what's the use of resurrecting the Star of Life!? Could it be that I'm left alone on the resurrected Star of Life? Rather than that, it's better to be with Lang All the relatives of Yuanxianmen are the same, just disappear together!"

After tens of thousands of years of anxiety, Dang Yuantian Lord Liu Qianlang saw that the entire universe had been subsumed into his body.

"That's right, if I knew back then, why did you, Liu Qianlang, fight against this blood demon Emperor Zhou everywhere? Now that you have figured it out, why don't you hurry up and end yourself, donate the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain, and let this blood demon Emperor Zhou resurrect his life?" star!"

Hearing the infinitely sad words of Lord Yuantianlang, the Blood Demon Emperor Zhou took the opportunity to bewitch him.

"Okay! Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, now I, Liu Qianlang, have nothing left, so what if I exist, so what if I don't exist, don't you want me, Liu Qianlang, the brain of the sea of ​​souls, to light and dark Hunyuan Mountain? Death Fate Heaven Dream Mountain, I give it to you!"

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang wept sadly, he had no interest in life, and felt that his own existence was a shame. He really couldn't accept this kind of existence, so he said in a deep voice.

"That's right, if you fight with me, you Liu Qianlang will lose sooner or later, so hurry up!

If you are hesitating, the five human beings who have just sprouted and stabilized in the universe that Liu Qianlang has worked so hard to protect will be destroyed in the great change of the nine heavens! "

When the blood demon Emperor Ouyang Langlong heard that Yuantian Lang Jun Liu Qianlang was going to kill himself, his heart burst into ecstasy, especially when he said that he was going to crash to death in Yuantian Dameng Mountain, it was all in his heart.

In fact, the Blood Demon Eternal Emperor planned this way. After killing all his opponents, he then lured Lord Yuantian Lang who had the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain in his soul sea to arrive at Yuantian Dameng Mountain, and then suddenly released the six spirits of life in his hands. The stars are gone.

In this way, as long as he activates Newman Dulan at the same time, he can immediately get the opportunity to resurrect the remnant of the star of life. , Naturally it will die.

The blood demon Emperor Zhou originally thought that he would take great pains to realize his last step, but unexpectedly, Lord Yuan Tianlang Liu Qianlang suddenly had the idea of ​​asking for death. Do you think he can be unhappy, so he urged Yuan Tian vigorously Lang Jun.

But at this moment, he had already entered the soul sea of ​​Yuantian Langjun Liu Qianlang, that is, the nine great arks in the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness, and a voice suddenly came from the Jinhong ark among the two refuge arks:

"Oh! Where are people? Daddy—mother—sister—"

Yuan Tianlang Jun Liu Qianlang was startled suddenly, and when all thoughts were lost, his heart was suddenly ignited with infinite longing.

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