Nine Heavens

Chapter 2202 Destruction of Demons


"Where is the evil thunder tree king of the inferior race! Why don't you obediently go back to the Prisoner Prison, lest the Demon King of the Destroying Eternal Electric Scorpion do anything."

Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian escaped and ascended to heaven. Just when they were about to clap and cheer each other, they saw that the entrance of Prison Prison suddenly erupted like a volcanic eruption, spewing out a tide of destroying insects, and at the same time flickering with terrifying blue rainbows and evil smoke Strange fog, and then a huge monster shot up into the sky.

The behemoth was stooped, swaying and howling, it turned out to be a gigantic, mountain-like destruction worm.

"Huh ha ha..."

"Destroying the universe electric scorpion demon! When I was in your stomach, this demon thunder tree demon king still feared you a little bit, but this demon thunder tree demon king is already free! You can roll as far as you can, otherwise the demon king will The Demon Thunder Tree Demon King will chop you up today!"

When the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King was freed, he also roared, and the body of the pitch-black stump circled for a while, and suddenly turned into a huge pitch-black tree demon with a height of more than a hundred miles.

Its entire body is still pitch-black, and the upper part is covered with dragon branches and vines, covering the sky and throwing wildly, roaring and clamoring.

Hearing this, the Eternal Destruction Electric Scorpion Demon King was so angry that he leaned up and screamed strangely. He shot blue rainbow lightning continuously from within, shining for thousands of miles, and the sound shook the sky. The King Snake is here.

The demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree did not show any weakness, and roared down in an instant. Countless dragon branches and vines all opened their teeth and danced their claws, roaring and roaring, and joined the battle.

In the blink of an eye, the two tyrannical demons were already tearing and wrestling together. The demon king of the thunder tree was thundering, and the demon king of the destroying electric scorpion was flashing lightning. people.

"My god! Xiao Mengxian, let's take the opportunity to escape. If we are hit by one of their thunder balls or electric pulses, we will be smashed immediately!"

Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian's bodies, which were only about a foot in size, were in such a violent rainbow and thunderstorm, and they were not as big as a shining spark, and the danger index was simply 10,000%.

Relying on their insignificant body shields, they jumped around with the hurricane in the terrifying fighting elephant.

Xiao Xingxian's six spirits came out of her body, her three souls and seven souls were in a mess, and she screamed in infinite terror.

However, Liu Qianlang was surprisingly calm in the constantly tumbling body shield. He was concentrating on studying the magic thunder god skill of the destroying universe monster and the magic lightning magic art of the universe destroying electric scorpion demon king.

"The teacher and Empress Nuwa are right, there is a universe outside the universe, and there are immortals beyond the immortals!

They are too powerful, and we are too weak. In front of them, in addition to running away, we are facing death all the time.

no! Little Xingxian, we also need to become extremely powerful in the Immortal Realm of Creation or the Continent of Destruction, even stronger than them. Only in this way can we stand upright, live here safely, and then be able to control ourselves With my God of Creation, go back to see my relatives. "

Liu Qianlang didn't listen to Xiao Xingxian's words at all, he kept talking, and then no matter how his body flew up and down, how dangerous, as if it had nothing to do with him, he concentrated on watching the two universe-destroying monsters frantically fight.


When Xiao Xingxian heard what Liu Qianlang said to himself, his face burned for a while, and then he stopped talking, and began to imitate Liu Qianlang's fearless attitude, calmly examining the situation.

During the fierce battle between the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree and the Demon King of Destroying the Electric Scorpion, the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree seemed to sense the danger of Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian. Mana white mask.

In this way, although the two are still tottering in the hurricane, lightning, and thunder, their lives are finally worry-free.

"He's helping us!?"

Xiao Xingxian looked at Liu Qianlang in disbelief, and said in surprise.

"That's right, he doesn't seem to want us to die, maybe it's because we accidentally helped him too."

As far as the facts are concerned, Liu Qianlang said so.

"But isn't he angry when I scold him so much?"

Xiao Xingxian's words and thoughts are very naive.

"Hehe, you didn't hear that he is the demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree. Since he is the head of the clan, how could he be so stingy? He will take it to heart if you say a few insults."

Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and naturally had a good impression of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King. Of course not because the other party helped him, but because of his generosity.

"Little Cosmic Cub at two o'clock, run with me, the Thunder Tree Demon King, the Universe Destroying Electric Scorpion Demon King dare not leave his Prison Prison Realm!"

The two life-destroying universe monsters above Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian were so indistinguishable that it was impossible to tell the winner. The Demon Thunder Tree Demon King didn't seem to plan to spend it with the Universe-Destroying Electric Scorpion Demon King. He reminded wildly Below are Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian.

"Will! Will!"

Liu Qianlang and Xiaoxing Xianneng are really weak, no matter how much they shout, the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King will not hear their response.

At this time, Liu Qianlang had an idea, and controlled the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Sword Gang Yanhong Flying Eagle, which was still flying above them, and let out a series of crisp sounds, ingeniously responding to the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree.

As for the Eternal Scorpion Devil King, Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian, who were so tiny that they could be ignored, were not in his eyes at all, and naturally they would not stop them.

So from afar, above the Prison Prison, there appeared two Destroyer Demon Battlefields running towards the northeast of the Prison Prison, followed by Liu Qianlang and Xiao Xingxian's small bodyguard sword gang light spots moving along with them. scene.

"The Demon Thunder Tree Demon King is capable, don't run away, let's fight another 30,000 rounds!"

The Eternal Destroying Electric Scorpion Demon King stepped on the Destroying Cosmic Worm Sea and roared in the air. He suddenly felt that the surrounding Destroying Demon Energy had changed levels. Only then did he realize that he could no longer chase the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King, otherwise he would cross the line, so he shouted .

"Hey! Go back and fight the scorpion son scorpion skirt under your feet, I still have a lot of important things to do!

Remember, wash your neck after you go back, I, a criminal who has been imprisoned for hundreds of millions of years, has escaped, do you think Lord Molei Zhou will be happy, haha..."

The demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree saw that the bodyguard Jian Gang controlled by Liu Qianlang struggled, and finally appeared in front of him. A Demon Thunder Dragon head took it in his mouth, then turned around and laughed.



"Demon Thunder Tree Demon King, you wait, even if Lord Demon Thunder God kills me, my son and grandson will never let you go..."

The demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree soared through the clouds and flew wildly in the fog. The scene of dense dragon branches and vines in the sky gradually faded away, and the Demon King of Destroyer Electric Scorpion behind him was still clamoring.

"My God, what is the demon king of the Demon Thunder Tree? Why are his branches and leaves all real dragons, pythons and snakes? Are we in his stomach now?"

Xiao Xingxian clearly saw that he and Liu Qianlang were swallowed by a branch mad dragon of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon King just now, and the surroundings were pitch black at this moment, and said in horror.

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