Nine Heavens

Chapter 2209 The Death of the Devil

"Ha ha……"

"The twin kings of the lion and demon really flattered the master of this universe. What was the roar of the lion's soul and the golden light of the three-veined thunder just now? It was just that the master of the universe was practicing the alien magic thunder formula on a whim. How could he reach that level?" like good fortune.”

Lord Mo Lei Zhou simply argued to the end, laughing loudly.

"That's right! It seems that the Demon Thunder God's Heterogeneous Demon Thunder Jue is quite good, so today we, the Lion and Demon Kings, need to ask for advice!"



The Demon Thunder Kings raised their heads at the same time and let out a Demon Thunder Lion Roar. In an instant, the Demon Thunder Tree demon domain, the Demon Thunder Zhou Lord's palace, turned over tens of thousands of miles of flying stars, and countless Demon Thunder Tree demons fled in horror.

At the same time, a terrifying fire thunder and black lightning thunder suddenly condensed out of their hands, and the thunder ball resonated endlessly in their hands, spinning terrifyingly.

In the next second, I couldn't help but say that the two kings of Demon Thunder raised their hands at the same time, and the two thunders, one black and one red, had already struck towards Lord Demon Thunder.

Lord Molei Zhou had already expected such a result, and knew that he was not the opponent's opponent at all, so he roared:

"Shuangwang Molei, you guys are really deceiving people too much. Don't say that you have wronged the master of this universe, but secretly do evil everywhere behind King Moleixiao's back. The master of this universe should go to the Molei Sect to reason!"

As soon as these words came out, the huge pitch-black wooden stake body of Demon Thunder God quickly avoided the double thunders, and then he did not fight back at all. He fled towards the sky above Lancang Qikong like an electric shot, and at the same time, his moon-like bright eyes shot out several divine lights It flows to the mansions of the seven leopards and eight wolves, the demon thunder tree and the monster domain.


Although the Demon Thunder Lord escaped the double thunders by chance, his Palace of the Lord Zhou Lord was instantly blown to pieces by the fire, electricity and magic thunder of the Demon Thunder Kings.

"Hmph! Damn it! Chase!"

The Demon Thunder Twin Kings roared amidst the vast magic thunder flames and black lightning formed after the explosion of the double mines, and then suddenly lifted into the air, chasing after them, and at the same time continued to throw thunders, questioning the Lord of the Demon Thunder.

"Demon Thunder Kings, don't go too far. In any case, our Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain is also the domain of the Demon Thunder Sect. It's nothing more than people from the Magic Electric Domain coming to make trouble. You are the number one beast clan in the Eternal Continent. It's so disrespectful!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Because of his strength, the Lord of Demon Thunder and the King of Demon Thunder were not at the same time at all. Although he escaped to the sky above Lancang Qikong to make Lancang Qikong safe, but he was already surrounded by raging fire and black electricity, which was terrible. .

He considered that the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory would linger on the edge of the Destroyed Eternal Continent in the future, so he deliberately said this.

"Huh? What did you say, the magic electric beasts came here just now!?"

The words of Lord Molei Zhou really worked, and the two kings of Molei stopped their attack immediately when they heard it. They shook each other in the sky, looked at each other with fiery eyes and electric eyes, and asked in surprise almost at the same time.

"That's right! Just before you came, there were five people from the magic electric standard orc clan. Two of them held a scroll of gods in their hands, one of which was glowing with golden light, and the other was filled with the sound of a magic lion's roar. .

They were warning the master of the universe, and they said that if the master of the universe said that they had been to the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, they would definitely destroy the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm and turn it into nothingness.

The master of this universe naturally knew that the power of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory was weak, how could he afford to offend the people who belonged to the Demon Electric Beast Clan, so he had no choice but to agree.

But I, the Demon Thunder Eternal Lord, should die from this life. They just flew away from the sky above my Lancang paint sky, and you came here, alas! Have pity on my Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm! "

When Lord Molei Zhou said these hang-ups, there were tears in his only eyes, and no one could feel that it was fake.

On the one hand, Lord Demon Thunder knows that time is running out, how can he abandon the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm that he has worked so hard to care for, so he is really sad.

On the other hand, I was deeply worried about the future of Mo Leishu Yaoyu, which was a lot of pain, so the tears shed could be called true tears.

"Damn it, what I said is that people from the Demon Lightning Beast Clan rarely appear in the Demon Thunder Sect recently, so they came to the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm behind their backs to find the two standard magic formulas! "

"So it's them!"

The Demon Thunder Twin Kings were misled by the Demon Thunder God, and they thought that the three-veined magic lightning rainbow seen in the sky above Lancang and the sound of the Demon Thunder Lion Soul Roar heard coincided with each other.

The two looked at the blazing flames, the thunderbolt and lightning, and the Molei Zhou Lord who was about to die and wept bitterly, and they were convinced.

Then, amidst the sound of curses from the Demon Thunder Kings, the life and death of the Lord of the Demon Thunder and the Heavenly Lord of the Demon Thunder without scrutiny, roared and shot away with their standard thunder balls under their feet.

"Zhou Lord—"


After the Demon Thunder Kings left, countless Demon Thunder Tree Demons who were disturbed in the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain surrounded them from all directions, crying loudly as they saw the revered Lord Demon Thunder God dying.

"Lord Zhou!"

When the Demon Thunder God was surrounded by the boundless Demon Thunder Tree Demon, sixteen Demon Thunder Tree Demon Sky Warlords flew from above, they were the seven leopards and eight wolves and the Sotumen Black Mouse Rudder Master. .

They never showed up, not because they didn't want to help the Lord Demon Thunder, but because the Lord Demon Thunder knew that he was going to die before, and he released Zhou Lord's grand vision and streamer decree to ask them not to die.

At this moment, the seven leopards, eight wolves, and the black mouse were all trembling, their eyes shed tears, they looked helplessly and sadly at the Lord of the Demon Thunder, and then they all desperately injected the soul energy of the alien magic thunder into the Lord of the Demon Thunder.

"Hehe, what are you doing? Is it just a death? The death of the master of this universe is worth it! Don't cry, you know, the master of this universe hates crying the most!"

Mo Lei Zhou Lord also had tears in his moon eyes, and smiled in pain. Then he looked around the vast area of ​​the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory, his eyes were full of infinite nostalgia.


The seven leopards and eight wolves, Xuan Shu and all the dryads with pitch-black tree stumps within tens of thousands of miles responded in unison, but their cries stopped, and their tears were still streaming, making it even more heart-wrenching to watch.

The body of the Demon Thunder God burning in the raging fire is rapidly loosening and cracking, and pieces of flying ash have already burst out.


Seeing such a scene, all the demon thunder tree demons knew what it meant, and they cried bitterly again in an instant.


Lord Mo Lei Zhou kept coughing loudly, but tried his best to condense the last demon energy, and finally said majesticly:

"Seven leopards and eight wolves, Xuanshu listens to the order, the first thing to do is to find the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Scorpion immediately, and stop chasing the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree, because the Demon King of the Demon Thunder Tree is the Lord of this universe.

The reason why the master of this universe virtualized a Demon Thunder Tree Demon King is to control the woody electric attribute of the Demon Thunder Scorpion Demon King, because everyone knows that we are woody bodies, and he is an electric attribute. If we do not control him, we will suffer.

But there is no need to worry now, he has successfully practiced the electricity control method, and he will not harm any fellow Demon Thunder Tree Demon innocently.

second! Obey the decree of the master of this universe, and when the two cubs of the creation universe fairyland walk out of the lacquered sky, immediately seek that little dream fairy as the master of the new universe of magic thunder! He will be your new future! Remember! Remember!

This is...cough to...little...meng, fairy! "


Lord Mo Lei Zhou barely finished what he wanted to say, and finally exploded into the sky with black smoke and dust.

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