Nine Heavens

Chapter 2218 joint idea

"Oh my god! Little Mengxian, no, Mengxian Zhouzhu! How did you do it? You really killed two sect lion demons!?"

Star Immortal, the vanguard of Tianzhan, with a gleaming purple heart inside Youlan's body, seeing the two grinning demon lion heads on the ground, it is really unbelievable.

Because in his opinion, even if Liu Qianlang succeeds, it will probably take a few years, but Liu Qianlang came back within ten days or so, which made him admire Liu Qianlang's resourcefulness even more.

"They are really hateful. Not only did they kill the Lord of the Demon Thunder, they even wanted to kill my representative and cut down my nebula when the Demon Thunder Sect Nebula held the World Destruction Continent Zongwei Fighting Conference ten thousand years later!"

Liu Qianlang glanced disdainfully at the frozen heads of the Demon Lion Kings on the ground, jumped off the Mengxian throne, sat upright, and said with a sneer.


The Demon Thunder Tree Demon, who was laughing and celebrating in the hall, suddenly became quiet when he heard the words, all of them looked terrified.

"Then, then what should we do! Mengxian Zhouzhu killed their two lion demon kings, how could they let it go!"

The first leader of the Leopard Demon thought that Liu Qianlang's killing caused the other party's hatred and revenge, and asked with horror in his eyes.

"Strengthen my Demon Thunder Tree Demon Realm, unite the Demon Thunder Flower Realm and the Wanling Weiling Realm!"

Liu Qianlang's face was condensed, and he said confidently in his eyes.

"Hi! My dream fairy Zhou Lord, you don't know. On the continent of ruining the universe, our magic thunder tree demon domain is not good. The magic thunder flower domain and the Wanling Wuhua domain, that is, the Wanling Weiling domain are better. Where to go.

Our three domains have been in decline for hundreds of billions of years. Among the six Zongyu gates of the palace country city of Ruizhou Continent, there is no power above the domain level in these three domains today. In the eyes of the powers above the emperor's position in the ruined continent, our three domains have long since ceased to exist.

Isn't it a joke to use our weak alliance to deal with the Demon Thunder Sect! "

The Devil Lightning Scorpion Demon King shook his crooked scorpion body and sighed.

"That was in the past, and now the Master of the Dream Fairy inherits the wish of the Master of the Demon Thunder, and everything will change. Please ask the Demon King of the Thunder and Lightning Scorpion and the Demon Lord of the Demon Thunder Tree to believe in the Lord of the Universe, and fight for the throne of the Universe Continent for ten thousand years." After that, it will be the time for the rise of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory.

You have seen, so what about the lion and demon kings who claim to be the main lion and demon family of the Demon Thunder Sect, haven't they been killed by the dream fairy Zhou Lord? This is the testimony.

Frankly speaking, the reason why the Dream Fairy Zhou Lord insisted on going to the Demon Thunder Sect to kill the Demon Lion Kings before he took office, besides the main purpose of revenge for the Demon Thunder Zhou Lord, has another meaning, that is to prove to everyone that it is the Demon Thunder God. Zong is not holy and invincible.

The Dream Fairy Zhou Lord assures you that as long as you obey my arrangement, you will never let the Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain, or even the Demon Thunder Flower Domain, and the Demon Thunder Wanling Wei Lingyu be disappointed! "

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Qianlang made an impassioned speech, and when he spoke, he raised his palm and shot out two beams of golden light and magic thunder, instantly turning the heads of the demon lion and king into mist, and then disappeared.


Seeing the demon thunder tree demon in the hall, they all gasped. Although they had limited knowledge, they could definitely see that Mengxian Zhouzhu's magic thunder technique was the standard magic formula, the golden light thunder formula!

My own Zhou Lord has such abilities, so there is nothing to be afraid of. After a short period of shock, I suddenly understood the cause of the death of Demon Thunder Zhou Lord in my heart, and then said in unison in surprise:

"But please order from Mengxian Zhou Lord!"

"Well! You demon lords are indeed very intelligent, you should have noticed that after I left the level with Xingxian Pioneer, the ability to destroy the universe suddenly increased. In fact, these are all bestowed by the Lord Demon Thunder.

To tell you the truth, you demon lords, in fact, what we have learned are the two standard magic formulas, the standard lion soul formula and the standard magic thunder formula, which are the supreme magic arts of the Destroy Eternal Continent.

According to Lord Molei, Zhou Lord, the predecessor of Demon Thunder Tree Monster Domain, obtained two scrolls of basic magic formula hundreds of billions of years ago, and then secretly sealed them in Lancang Paint Star. In the meantime, because no one can control it, it has never been unblocked.

Until we appeared, Lord Molei Zhou wanted us to try, but in order to defend us... Alas! "

E Liu Qianlang didn't want to hide this matter, and at the same time wanted to let the demon thunder tree demons present know the real cause of the death of Lord Demon Thunder, so he told the truth.

"The old Master Zhou is honorable! The Master Mengxian is also infinitely benevolent! When the three spirits and monster races of our ruined continent are about to perish, it is the blessing of the old Lord Zhou to meet the Master Zhou Mengxian. , is our luck.

Hearing the meaning of Mengxian Zhouzhu, it must be that we have a blueprint for the future of our three-spirit monster clan in our hearts. I will ask Mengxian Zhouzhu to express it clearly. "

After the first helm master of the Leopard Demon knew the real reason why Lord Molei Zhou was willing to die, he said in silence for a while.

"That's right! It's the strong self I just mentioned, the union of the three spirits and demon clans.

In ten thousand years, the Demon Thunder Sect will not come to harass us, so this Mengxian Zhou Lord arranged this way, you stay in the domain and practice some of the basic magic scrolls and spiritual skills that I taught you for a while.

You will be guided by the Pioneer of the Star Immortals, and I have gone to the Demon Thunder Flower Domain and the Wanlingwei Lingyu to lobby and unite.

Now you just need to tell me the location and situation of the two great spirit monster clan domains. "

Liu Qianlang didn't want to waste time, so he directly expressed the thoughts in front of him, and at the same time, his eyes shot out seventeen magic rainbows, and instantly implanted the two standard magic formula scrolls, the tenth level of the initial mental method and the tenth level of the domain Inside the Soul Gate of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon.

The seven leopards and eight wolves, the demon king of the thunder and lightning scorpion and the master of the black mouse searcher suddenly felt that there was an incomparably powerful magic skill and magic formula in the soul sea monster sect, and they were all grateful to Liu Qianlang, and they secretly rejoiced The new Master of the Universe is so majestic that he is willing to teach even such a supreme magic trick, and he also gave an extremely detailed explanation, so that he knows how to practice just by sensing it, leaving only his own good fortune.

Regarding the matter of imparting merit, Liu Qianlang and the Molei Tree Demon present had tacit understanding, and did not say any more. The Demon King of the Demon Thunder and Lightning Scorpion took the initiative to talk to Liu Qianlang about the situation of the two major clans of spirit demons, the Demon Thunder Flower Domain and the Demon Thunder Wanling Micro Spirit Domain.

After these things were finished, the seven leopards and eight wolves were very curious about how Liu Qianlang killed the king of the demon lion, so the demon king of the demon thunder and lightning scorpion asked:

"May I ask Mengxian Zhouzhu, how did Mengxian Zhouzhu kill them with the treacherous, cunning, domineering and domineering of the demon and thunder gods?"

"Hehe, it's not easy to kill them. I, Mengxian Zhouzhu, can take two lives with one move! However, for the temporary safety of our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Territory, I still blamed the Demon Electric Beast Clan.

This Mengxian Zhou Lord is going to Moleihuayu now, wanting to hear the detailed process, and I will tell you when I come back.

Don't be lazy yourselves, and at the same time teach the whole family of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon the two basic magic formulas, and enter the stage of great cultivation. I hope that when I come back, I can see that our Demon Thunder Tree Demon Domain has a new strength improvement!

Star Immortal Pioneer, I have rescued your three brothers, but they were abused, and their bodies were severely injured. I will temporarily include them in my body, and let them come out after a while of cultivation.

I won't let them out this time, Brother Youlanxing protects the Nebula of the Demon Thunder Tree Demon, please! "

When Liu Qianlang said these words, he had already floated up and shot out of the hall with Yin Hong Liuxia's magic sword.

"Mengxian Zhou Lord, don't worry!"

The Demon Thunder Tree Demon behind him, including the pioneers of Xingxian, collectively shot out of Mengxian Zhou Pavilion, floated in the air to see Liu Qianlang off, and all saluted and shouted.

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